Melchiode Infancy

  1. Spritz
    • def of development: emergence of forms, functions, & behaviors that are result of exchange between an organism on one hand & the inner and outer environment on the other.
    • The onset progress of each of these stages of development depends on the maturation & stimulation of environment
    • S.American orphanges: not enuf nurses, phys needs met not emotional need tho, suffered personality changes, did not dev't, disease, COULD recover if parents returned w/i 3 months
  2. Attachment Theory Principle
    Emotional engagement is the necessary precursor to healthy development
  3. Winnicot
    importance of a consistent caregiver for consistency and security, & emotional bond
  4. Harlow
    • monkey love derives from close bodily contact
    • Isolation times affected ability to recover, and how treat their own young, apathy
  5. Bowlby
    • – traumatic separation can lead to emotional detachment (no contac w/ parents)
    • initial phase of protest-> passive grief/dejection-> deeper emotional detachment (no use to cry)
  6. Hard-wired responses to attach
    • 1. Primitive reflexes: rooting, grasping, Moro reflexes
    • 2. Attention to cues: orient to light in womb, recognize sounds after birth, distiguish mom's voice, vertical symmmetry
  7. First 4 phases of attachement/milestones
    • 1. Limited discrimination (birth to 2 months)
    • limited to olfaction/auditory
    • Social smile – relief of tension-> needs met, like feeding (4-6 weeks) assoc needs met with human face, smiles at everyone. after 3 mo w/o smiling=pathology
    • 2. Discrimination with limited preference (2-7 months)
    • 3. Preferred ("specific") attachment (7-12 months)
    • Stranger anxiety – protests when given to a non-caregiver. First calamity of life: abandonment (7 months)
    • 4. Secure base (12-18 months)
    • Separation anxiety – proximity to caregiver promotes a feeling of internal security (12 months)
  8. Ainsworth
    • Answorth's Strange Situation Procedure- 1yrs
    • secure, anxious-ambivalent, anxious-avoidant
  9. Tronick
    • disconnects/"misattachments" to attunement
    • thirds
    • Successful repair: positive emotions, snese of mastery,effective coping, good relating w/ ppl
    • Lack of repair:helpless, no sense of mastery, turns away fron relationships, relies of slef, poor self-regulation, experiences persistent insecurity
  10. Attachment
    • Tronick's work
    • Problems in attachment affect brain grwoth, H, NTs
    • Secure infant, self-regulate: Dopamine & opiod; synaptic growth in prefrontal limbic region
    • Insecure infanct, coorel to psycological states: prolonged cortisol levels (ie. 24hrs vs. 15min)
  11. Erickson
    • Polarity: First stage: Trust vs. Mistrust
    • sense of trust or mistrust dev't based on treatment of caregiver.
    • (Toddler)
Card Set
Melchiode Infancy
Human Development Melchiode