gi medication

  1. what are the three type of GI meds
    antichoinergics, antispasmodics, antidiarrheals
  2. what are the causes of acute diarrhea
    • bacteria
    • viral
    • drug induced
    • hyperthyroidism
    • nutritional
    • protozoal
  3. what are the causes of chronic diarrhea
    • tumor
    • diabete
    • addison's disease
    • irritable bowel syndrom
  4. Pepto- Bismol
    anitdiarrheal absorbant
  5. anitcholinergics side effects for antidiarrheal
    • urinary retention, hesitancy, impotence
    • headace, dizziness, confusion, anziety, drowsiness
    • dry skin, rash flushing
    • blurred vision, photophobia, increased intraocular pressure
  6. side effects for opiates antidiarrheal meds
    • drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, lethargy
    • nausea, vomitng anorexia, constipation
    • respiratory depression
    • brachycardia, palpitations, hypotension, urinary rentention, flushing, rash, urticaria
  7. absorbents decrease the absorption of what?
    digoxin, clidamycin, quinidine, and hypoglycemic agents
  8. adsorbents cause what wheen given with anticoagulant?
  9. what decrease the effects of anticholinergic antidiarrheal agents?
  10. why should you not give pepto bismol to childuren under age 16 or teenagers with chicken pox
    the risk of Reyes disease
  11. anitcholinergix should not be administered to who?
    patients with a history of glaucoma, BPH, urinary retension, recent bladder surgery, cardiac problems, or myasthenia gravis
  12. when should you assess fluid boulume status, intake and output, and mucous membranes
    before, during, and after initiation of treatment
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gi medication