ANTH2700E3 L1

  1. improved vision parts...3
    • bigger optic cortex
    • stereoscopic vision
    • color (cones)
  2. part of the brain where the optic nerves partially cross...
    optic chiasm
  3. prosimian optic setup...3
    • binocular but not stereoscopic
    • nerves connected to eye on same side
    • more smell brain
  4. anthropoid optic setup...6
    • eyes on front of head
    • overlapping visual fields
    • stereoscopic vision
    • depth perception
    • optic chiasm
    • less smell brain
  5. explain depth perception...5
    • right eye sees
    • sends signal to right ride first
    • sends signal to left side second
    • image is seen twice
    • processed as depth
  6. how many olfactory sensors in a dog?
    • 250,000
    • 40,000
  7. the first wave of primates were...
  8. german term for "sensory world"
    unvelt (phonetic spelling)
  9. why color vision?...
    • diurnal radiation
    • color of edible insects
    • fruit
    • color of deas branches/foliage
  10. where are the rod cells concentratred?..
    ...another name?...
    • along the edges of the retina
    • edge receptors
    • back and center
  11. different types of cones are sensitive to...
    ...what are the three colors?...
    • different frequencies of the visable spectrum
    • blue, green, and red
  12. what is the frequency range of the visual spectrum?
    ...what kind of light is above the visual spectrum?
    • 400-700nm
    • UV light
    • infrared
  13. how big is a nanometer?
    the width of one hydrogen atom
  14. sight is a phenomena built around...
    ...hearing is built around...
    • electromagnetic energy
    • mechanical energy
  15. the moth and the bat change to eat and avoid being eaten. what two things are happening?
    • selection
    • counter selection
  16. audition process...5
    • moving air
    • amplitude
    • tympanic membrane
    • nerve ending
    • electrical energy
  17. ability to differentiate pitch...
    ...shows some...
    • frequency specific hearing
    • sexual dimorphism in humans
  18. what % of glucose does the brain comsume?
  19. phenomenon owed to displacement...
  20. how many orders of mammals are there?
  21. an organism whose internal temperature varies considerably. It is the opposite of a homeotherm; reptiles, amphibians...2
    • poikilotherm
    • behavioral thermoregulators
  22. reproductive strategy in with most of the energy in invested in offspring befor birth; numerous expendable offspring...
  23. reproductive strategy; energy is invested in abundance after birth; less offspring...
  24. young born underdeveloped; need care from parents; primates are; learning required; k-strategic amimals...
  25. early developers; horse; r-strategic; instintual...
  26. why was is good to be a mammal after the horizon event on the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary?...2
    • because the climate cooled
    • mammals are homoethermic
    • smaller was better with limited environmental calories
  27. earliset mammals...3
    • subclass Prototheria
    • egg-layers
    • platapus/ant-eater
  28. 2nd class of mammals...3
    • subclass Metatheria
    • live young
    • marsupium
  29. last class of mammals...4
    • infraclass Eutheria
    • "happy"/"true" mammals
    • live born young
    • pendulous mammi
  30. built in/wireing cues/perfect
  31. according to G.K., what happened to the great herds?
    ...according to archeology?...
    • their birthing cycles got out of sink with the seasons
    • overkill theory
  32. common tree shrew/proto-primate...3
    • Tupaia gils
    • insectivore
    • 2 brained animal
  33. primates lost how many total incisors?
    • 4
    • 8
  34. compeditive exclusion
    • Gaussion competition
    • adaptive radiation
  35. changes that preceed the arborial radiation...8
    • new reproductive strategy
    • new diet
    • better vision
    • better hearing
    • better tactile sense
    • reduced olfaction
    • new locomotor patterns
    • new dental structure
  36. community programming; choice making process; propensity for error...
  37. oceanic pre-vertebrates...
  38. 1. (of an organism, e.g., a barnacle) Fixed in one place; immobile.
  39. a flexible, rod-shaped body found in embryos of all chordates. It is composed of cells derived from the mesoderm and defines the primitive ...
  40. the last animal in a linage before a split...
    stem ancestor
  41. plastic brain...2
    • terrestrial adaptation
    • learning behavior design
  42. yam stealing baboons where?...
    Taita, Kenya
  43. self-sacrifice for survival of the group...
    • altruism
    • highly inbred populations
    • kin selection
    • inclusive fittness
  44. extended childhood
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ANTH2700E3 L1
ANTH2700E3 L1