
  1. Allegory
    A narration or description usually restricted to a single meaning becaudr its events, actions, characters, settings, and objects represent specific abstractions or ideas
  2. Allegory
    The repititon of the same consonant sounds in a sequence of words, usually at the beginning of a word or stressed syllable
  3. Allusion
    A brief reference to a person, place, thing, event, or idea in h istory or literature
  4. Ambiguity
    Allows for towo or more simultaneous interpretations of a word, phrase, action, or situation, all of which can be supported by the context of a work
  5. Apostrophe
    An address, either to someone who is abssent and therefore cannot hear the speaker or to something non human that cannot comprehend
  6. Assonance
    The repetition of internal vowel sounds in nearby words that do not end the same
  7. Ballad
    Traditionally, a song, transmitted orally from generation to generation, that tells a story and the eventually is written down
  8. Blank Verse
    Unrhymed iambic pentameter
  9. Caesura
    A pause within a line of poetry that contributes to the rhythm of the line
  10. Carpe Diem
    "Sieze the Day"
  11. Static Character
    Does not change throughout the work and the readers knowledge of that character does not grow
  12. Dynamic Character
    Undergoes some kind of change because of the action in the plot
  13. Flat Character
    Embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that can be readily described in a brief summary
  14. Stock Character
    They embody stereotypes
  15. Round Character
    more complex and often display the inconsistencies and internal conflicts found in the most real people
  16. Comedy
    A work intended to interest, involve, and amuse the reader or audience
  17. Tragedy
    A story that presents courageous individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of ailure, defeat, and even death
  18. Soliloquy
    Speech delivered while an actor is alone on the stage and it reveals the charcters' state of mind
  19. Satire
    Literary art of ridiculing a folly or vice in order to expose or correct it
  20. Conflict
    The struggle within the plot between opposing forces
  21. Connotation
    Associations and implications that go beyond the literal meaning of a word, which derive from how the word has been commonly used and the associations people make with it
  22. Consonance
    A common type of near rhyme that consists of identical constanant sounds preceded by different vowel sounds
  23. Couplet
    Two consecutive lines of poetry that usually rhyme and have the same meter
  24. Denotation
    The dictionary meaning of a word
  25. Denouement
    A french term meaning "unraveling" or "unknotting" used to describe the resolution of the plot following the climax
  26. Dialect
    A type of informational diction
  27. Dialogue
    The verbal exchanges between characters
  28. Diction
    A Writer's Choice of words, phrases, sentence structures, and figurative language, which combine to help create meaning
  29. Dramatic Monologue
    A type of lyric poes in which a character addresses a distinct but silent audience imagined to be present in th poem in such a way as to reveal a dramatic situation and, often unintenionally, some aspect of his or her temperament or personality
  30. Elegy
    A Mournful, Contemplative lyric poem written to commemorate someone who is dad, often ending in a consolation
  31. Epic
    A long narrative poes, told in a formal, elevated style, that focuses on a serious subject and chronicles heroic deeds and events important to a culture or nation
  32. Epigram
    A Brief, pointed, and witty poem that usually makes a satiric or humorous point
  33. Epiphany
    When a character suddenly experiences a deep realization about himself or herself; a truth that is grasped inan ordinary rather than a melodramatic moment
  34. Exposition
    A narrative device that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances
  35. Flashback
    A narrated scene that marks a break in the narrative in order to inform the reader or audience member about events that took place before the opening scene of a work
  36. Foil
    A character in a work whose behavior and values contrast with those of another character in order to highlight the distinctive temperament of that character
  37. Foot
    The metrical unit by which a line of poerty is measured
  38. Foreshadowing
    The introduction early in a story of verbal and dramatic hints that suggest what is to come later
  39. Free Verse
    Refers to poems, characterized by their nonconformity to established patterns of meter, rhyme, and stanza
  40. Image
    A word, phrase, or figure of speech that addresses the senses, suggesting mental pictures of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings, or actions
  41. Irony
    A Literary device that uses contradictory statements or situations to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true
  42. Lyric
    A type of brief poem that expresses personal emotions and thoughts of a single speaker
  43. Metaphor
    Figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things, without using the word like or as
  44. Synecdoche
    A kind of metaphor in which a part of something is used to signify the whole
  45. Metonymy
    A type of metaphor in which something closely associated with a subject is substituted for it
  46. Narrator
    The voice of the person telling the story
  47. First-Person Narrator
    The I in the story presents the point of view of only one character
  48. Unreliable Narrator
    Reveals an interpretation of events that is somehow different from the author's own interpretation of those events
  49. Naive Narrators
    are usually characterized by youthful innocence
  50. Omniscient Narrator
    An all-knowing narrator who is n ot a characer int he story and who can move from place to place and pass back and forth through time, slipping into and out of characters as no human being possible could in real life
  51. Editorial Omniscience Narrator
    Refers to an intrusionby the narrator in order to evaluate a character for a reader
  52. Neutral Omniscience
    narration that allows the characters actions and thoughts to speak for themselves
  53. Limited Omniscience Narration
    When an author restricts a narrator to the single perspective of either a major or minor character
  54. Ode
    A Relatively lengthy lyric poem that often expresses lofty emotions in a dignified style
  55. Oonomatopoeia
    A Term referring to the use of a word that resembles the sound it denotes
  56. Open Form
    Sometimes called free verse; does not conform to established patterns
  57. Oxymoron
    A condensed form of paradox in which two contradictory words are used together
  58. Parody
    A humorous imitation of another, usually serious, work
  59. Personification
    A form of metaphor in which human characteristics are attributed to nonhuman things
  60. Plot
    An author's selection and arrangement of incidents in a story to shape the action and give the story a particular focus
  61. Point of View
    Refers to who tells us a story and how it is told
  62. Protagonist
    The main character of the narrative; its central character who engages the reader's interest and empathy
  63. Rhyme
    The repetition of identical or similar concluding syllables in different words
  64. Eye Rhyme
    when words may look alike but do not rhyme
  65. End Rhyme
    the most common form of rhyme in poetry; the rhyme come at the end of the lines
  66. Internal Rhyme
    places at least one of the trhymed words within the line
  67. Masculine Rhyme
    describes the rhyming of single-syllable word
  68. Feminine Rhyme
    Consists of a rhymed stressed syllable followed by one or more identical unstressed syllables
  69. Near Rhyme
    The sounds are almost but not exactly alike
  70. Rhythm
    A term used to refer to the recurrence of stressed and unstressed sounds in poetry
  71. Scansion
    The process of measuring the stresses in a line of verse in order to determine the metrical pattern of the line
  72. Setting
    The physical and social context in which the action of a story occurs
  73. Simile
    A common figure of speech that makes an explicit comparison between two things by using words like or as
  74. Sonnet
    A fixed form of lyric poetry that consists of fourteen lines
  75. Italian Sonnet
    is divieded into an octave and a sestet, which may have varying rhyme schemes
  76. English Sonnet
    Organized into three quatrains and a couplet
  77. Stanza
    Refers to a grouping of lines, set off by a space, that usually has a set pattern of meter and rhyme
  78. Stream of Consciousmess Technique
    Most intense use of a central consciousness in narration; takes a reader inside a character's mind to reveal perceptions, thoughts, and feelings on a conscious or unconscious level
  79. Style
    the distinctive and unique manner in which a writer arranges words to acheive particular effects
  80. Symbol
    A person, object, image, word, or event that evokes arrange of additonal meaning beyond and useally more abstract thatn its literal significance
  81. Syntax
    The ordering of words into meaningful verbal patterns such as phrases, clauses and sentences
  82. Terza rima
    An interlocking three-line rhyme scheme
  83. Theme
    the centarl meaning or dominant idea in a literary work
  84. Tone
    the author's implicit attitude toward the reader or the people, places, and events in a work as revealed by the elements of the author's style
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