1. Moiety
    • -sorts people in each tribe into two sides by estate groups.
    • -helps organize ritual activities
  2. Bigman
    • - self made leader in tribal culture.
    • - position is temporary depending on ability and consent of followers.
  3. Generalized Reciprocity
    - distribution of goods and services by direct sharing
  4. Participant Observation
    - field method which the observer shares in community activities
  5. Imperia Imperium
    - an individuals personal power network
  6. How long have people been fully Human?
    - for 30,000 years
  7. Cosmology: The Dreaming
    - key element of aboriginal culture
  8. Male supremecy complex includes
    • - selective female infanticide
    • - "war"
    • - patrilocality
    • - and polygamy
  9. Shipibo-conibo kinship system
    - does not distinguish cousins from siblings
  10. Manioc
    • - most important food plant in Amazonia
    • - grows from cutting
    • - highly productive even in poor soil
    • - but its source of protein is poor
  11. Where does internal village conflict come from?
    • - shortage of game
    • - abuse of power
  12. Who would a man most likely marry in an Ashaninka Iroquois kinship?
    - someone he calls a cross-cousin
  13. Social power
    - ability of an individual to get what he/she wants
Card Set
exam 1