the purposely manipulated factor thought to produce change in the experiment. (AKA treament of interest)
illusory correlation
mistaken belief that two factors or events are related when they are not
attentitive statement about the relationship of two or more variables
humanistic psychology
the school of psychology and theoretical viewpoint that emphasize each unique person's potential for psychological growth and self-direction
early school of psychology emphasize studying purpose or function of behavior and mental experiences
experimental method
method of invesitigation used to demonstrate cause and effect relationships by purposefully manipulating one factor thought to produce change in another factor
experimental group/condition
an experiment, the group of parcipants that are exposed to all experimental conditions including independent variable
placebo effect
changes in subject behavior produced by subjects belief that change should happen
impirical evidence
evidence that is based upon objective observation, measurment, or experimentation
a psychologists with a medical degree (can perscribe medicine)
ph.d in psychology (can perscribe in some states after a special test)
the technique in which neither particpants or the researchers interacting with the participants know who got the experimental condition
dependent variable
the variable measured or observed for change
correlation study
research stratigy that allows calculation of how closely related two variables are
control group
the group that is exposed to all but the independent variable
compartive psychology
branch of psychology that studies other species
case study
study of individuals or small group of individuals
study of psychology that emphasized observable behaviors (especially about learning)
can be changed in ways that can be observed measured or varified
explanation that account for various findings and observations
emphasizes basic components of consciouss experiments
scientific method
one way of testing variables that include control and experimental groups
can be proven wrong
study of behavior and mantal process
Science that is false or fake
personality theory or form of pschotherapy emphazies role of unconcious factors in personality and behavior
positive correlation
finding two factors sysematically in same direction increasing and decreasing together
negative corelation
two factors systematically in opposite direction ones increases while other decreases
naturalistic observavtion
Observing as it naturally happens in enviroment
nerotransmitters that regulate pain perceptions
endocrine system
sytem of glandss through body that secreat hormones into bloodstream
Nerotransmiter regulates body movement thought process and reward senatations
Extend from neuron's cell body receive info from other neurons and sensory receptors