femur and pelvic Girdle

  1. what is the common facture site of the femur?
  2. What is the Longest and Strongest Bone?
  3. What are 2 names for the hip bones?
    ossa coxae and innominate bones
  4. The femur is the ____________ and _____________ bone in the body.
    longest and strongest
  5. The __________ _____________ is the deep depression on the head of the femur where major ligaments attach.
    fovea capitis
  6. The area between the head and greater trochanter is the _________ and is also the most common site of fracture in the femur.
  7. The greater trochanter is located ____________ and _______________ to the femoral shaft.
    superior and lateral
  8. The lesser trochanter is located ____________ and ________________ to the femoral neck and shaft.
    medially and posteriorly
  9. The neck of the femur to the shaft is approximately __________ degrees.
  10. The longitudinal plane of the femur is approximately ___________ degrees from vertical.
  11. The neck and head of the femur lies anteriorly by approximately __________ degrees in relation to the body of the femur.
  12. Pelvis Serves As?
    the bast of the trunk and forms the connection between the vertebral column and the lower limbs
  13. Pelvis consists of?
    • 2 - ossa coxae AKA innominate bones
    • sacrum
    • coccyx
  14. Differentiate between pelvic girdle and pelvis
    • Pelvic Girdle- is just the 2 hip bones ( innominate bones or ossa coxae)
    • Pelvis- is all 4 of the bones (ossa coxae, sacrum, and coccyx)
  15. 3 parts of the hip?
    • ilium
    • ishium
    • pubis
  16. Fusion of the hip bones occurs during adolescence at the _____________________.
  17. Define acetabulum?
    deep cup shaped cavity that accepts the head of the femur to form the hip bone
  18. The ______________ is located superior to the acetabulum.
  19. The _____________ is located inferior and posterior to the acetabulum
  20. The _____________ is located inferior and anterior to the acetabulum.
  21. What are the two important positioning landmarks of the ilium?
    iliac crest and ASIS
  22. Ischium is divided into the ___________ and ____________
    body and ramus
  23. Greater trochanter is approximately at the same level as the ___________________________________.
    superior border of symphysis pubis
  24. Ischial tuberosity is about _____________ inches below the symphysis pubis.
    1 1/2 - 2
  25. Iliac crest lies at _____________ vertebral level.
  26. The ____________ divides the pelvic area into the true and false pelvis.
  27. _________________ was done in the past to determine fetal head measurements to ensure the fetus would fit in the birth canal during delivery.
    cephalopelvimetry exams
  28. List 3 characteristics of female:
    • wider, more shallow, and more flared
    • obtuse angle
    • more rounder and larger
  29. List 3 characteristics of Male:
    • narrow deeper less flared
    • acute angle
    • more oval - heart shaped
  30. Describe how the proximal femur will appear in the following positions:

    Legs internally rotated 15-20 degrees:
    Legs externally rotated:
    Anatomic position (feet pointing straight up):
    Assymetric rotation:
    • internal: femoral heads and necks in profile- lesser trochanters not visible -true AP projection
    • external: femoral necks greatly foreshortened less trochanters visible in profile internally
    • anatomic: femoral necks partially forshortened lesser trochanter partially visible
    • assymetric:
  31. locate parts of the femur?
    Image Upload 2
  32. Angles of the femur?
    ˜Neck to shaft (≈125°)

    ˜Longitudinal (≈10°)

    ˜Anterior angle (≈15° to 2 0°)Image Upload 4
  33. parts of iliumImage Upload 6
    Image Upload 8
  34. The depression or pit
    located at the center of the femoral head is the
    fovea capitis

  35. Which of the bones of the pelvic girdle is the largest?
  36. Which of the following bony landmarks is located posterior to the acetabulum?
    ishial spine
  37. The “false pelvis” forms the
    birth canal in females.
    false the true pelvis does
  38. The pubic arch of the male
    pelvis forms an acute angle (<90°).
  39. What is
    the joint classification of the symphysis pubis?
    amphiarthrodial or the symphysis pubis is fused; therefor it is not an actual joint
  40. Which bony landmark should not be visible on a correctly
    positioned AP pelvis (nontrauma)?
    lesser trochanter
  41. Where is the CR centered for
    an AP pelvis projection?
    midway between ASIS and symphysis pubis
  42. To minimize distortion of
    the femoral neck for an AP bilateral “frog-leg” projection, the lower limbs
    should be abducted
    45 degrees
  43. What type of CR angle is
    required for the AP axial “outlet” projection for a male patient?
    20 to 30 cephalad
  44. How much is the affected
    side rotated for the PA axial oblique projection (Teufel method)?
    35 to 40
  45. How is the cassette aligned
    for an axiolateral (Danelius-Miller method) projection?
    parallel to femoral neck
  46. Which of the following
    projections is best suited for the patient with limited movement of both lower
    limbs to demonstrate a lateral perspective of the proximal femur?
    clements-nakayama method
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femur and pelvic Girdle