World Geography

  1. What 4 areas make up the culture region of Latin America?
    • 1. Mexico
    • 2. Central America
    • 3. The Caribbean
    • 4. South America
  2. Why is Latin America Called "Latin America"?
    • Most of the area was conquered and colonized by Spain & Portugal.
    • The languages that these people speak are based on the Latin.
  3. Where did the Maya live and develop their civilization?
    In and around the Yucantan Peninsula
  4. What were some of the intellectual innovations of the ancient Maya?
    • 1. Created many sculptures, paintings and carvings of stone, jade and turquoise.
    • 2. Expert builders who built huge pyramids.
    • 3. Developed a system of mathematics that may feel was superior to that developed by the Europeans.
    • 4. Had an advance understanding of astronomy.
    • 5. Developed several calendars; including a 365 day calendar based on the movements of the sun.
    • 6. Developed a complex heiroglyphic writting system
  5. What is a "Social hierarchy"?
    • It is a system of social calsses, in which people belong to the upper classes enjoy more power & wealth than people of lower classes.
    • Both the Maya and the Aztec had a strict system of social classes.
  6. How did the Inca adapt their farming methods of the Andes Moountains?
    They built stones terraces and constructed irrigation canals.
  7. What term describes the exchange of animals, plants, disease, ideas & culture between European countries & their colonies in North & South America?
    Columbian Exchange
  8. Peninsulares?
    A person who was born in Spain but who lived in Mexico after the Spanish took control, the rulng class of New Spain (Spanish Born Nobility).
  9. Encomienda?
    A System that the rulers of Spain established in Mexico, under which Spanish men recieved a Native American village to oversee and gain tribute (payment) from.
  10. What religionwas introduced to Latin America by the Spanish?
    Christianity (Roman Catholic)
  11. What are the main phases of Spanish activit in Latin America?
    • Exploration,
    • Conquuest,
    • Colonization &
    • Immigration
  12. What form of goverment does Mexico currently have?
  13. In Mexico, much of the farmland is used for subsistence agriculture. What does this mean?
    People grow food mainly to feed their household rather than to sell
  14. Historically, what are the main cultural influences on Mexico and Central America?
    Native America, Spanish and Catholic influences
  15. What is an "Economic Indicator"?
    This a measure / statistic that shows how a counrtries enconomy is doing (Ex: Litercay Rate, GDP, GDP Per Capita, Life Expectancy...ect)
  16. What is "GDP"?
    Gross Domestic Product, the totality of a countries goods and services over a period of time (How much $$$ is country makes in a year).
  17. *Business decisions are based on supply and demand.
    *High quality of goods due to competition.
    *Variety of goods and services.
    *People have economic freedom with limited government interference.

    What economic system is being described?
    Free Enterprise / Market Economy.
  18. * Communist dictatorship.
    * Central government regulates what goods will be produced and sold.
    * Government strictly censors all books, newspapers, radio and television.
    * Citizens lack many basic human rights.

    What Latin American country is being described?
  19. How did the United States respond to communism in Cuba?
    We cut off all trade with them; this is still hurting Cuba's economy
  20. * Central government regulates what goods will be produced and sold.
    * Workers work to support national government.
    * No competition in business
    * No private property
    * No rich or poor, ideally, everyone is equa.

    What economic system is being described?
    Communism / Command Economy
  21. Explain the functions and give examples of all 4 economic industries:
    • 1. Primary - Prepare & process Raw Materials (farming, logging, fishing, mining, oil drilling...ect.)
    • 2. Secondary - Turns raw materials into products that consumers want to buy (manufacturing).
    • 3. Tertiary - Sales and transportation of products (Walmart, Target, Trucking Companies...ect.)
    • 4. Quaternary - Advertising (commercials, Billboards...ect).
  22. * Logging in Brazil
    * Oil drilling in Venezuela
    * Emerald mining in Colombia
    * Agriculture in Peru

    What is the BEST title for this list?
    Primary industries in South America
  23. What are the duties of citizen in a democracy?
    Obey laws, pay taxes, jury duty, volunteer, cast an informed vote, serve in the military is called apon and go to school if under age 18.
  24. Synthetic?
    Not real or genuine; artificial
  25. What is the meaning of the term "Culture"?
    A group's shared beliefs and behaviors
  26. What are some example of "culture traits"?
    Religion, language, clothing, good, style of shelter...ect
  27. In research, what is the difference between primary and secondary sources?
    Primary Sources - from a historical time period / a first hand account of what happened (Example. a solders letter during the Civil War).

    Secondary Sources - Something designed to teach about a historical event / a second hand account of what happened (Example: your text-book)
  28. What is the meaning of the term "Scarcity"?
    The conflict between unlimited desire and limited resources. Remember, when supply of an item is scarce (low) and demand for an item is high, price go up (increase).
  29. What is the meaning of the term "Agriculture"?
    Farming and ranching. Agriculture is an example of a primary economic industry.
  30. What type of cultures tend to engage in the most cultural borrowing?
    Cultures with many immigrants.
Card Set
World Geography
World Geography