Unit 3 test

  1. injury or disease will cause enzymes of this organ to be released into the bloodstream and leves of these will be elevated.
  2. Diagonses and identifies teh type and current status of hepatitis.
    Screening Test
  3. There are __ stool specimens to be ordered for O&P.
  4. this test is indicated in pts who have had diarrhea for >5 days, such as after antibiotic therapy
  5. requires insertion of nasogastrig tube to test acidity of stomach
    gastric annalysis
  6. Liquid barium is given by enema in this test
    Lower GI series
  7. requires the administration of telepaque dye tablets as a preparation
    oral cholecystogram
  8. these 2 tests provide direct visualization fo a section of the GI tract using a flexible fiberoptic scope
    colonoscopy / endoscopy
  9. this medication is frequently ordered as a post-test laxative
    milk of mag
  10. stools are typically this color after diagnositc test in which barium is used as a contrast medium
  11. pts must be checked for what before dyes containing iodine are given
  12. cellophane tape test or swab is used to detect this problem.
    Pin worms
  13. white patches on tongue and mouth
  14. temporary inflammation of lining of stomach
  15. ulcerations of mucoous membranes of GI tract
    peptic ulcer disease
  16. oral rehydration is the best treatment
  17. S&S include projectile vomiting & olive shaped mass
    pyloric stenosis
  18. condition in which lactase enzyme is lacking
    lactose intolerance
  19. most common facial deformities
    cleft lip & palate
  20. develops after major stress on the body
    stress ulcers
  21. tortuous veins which can erupt blood
    esophageal varices
  22. characterized by heartburn
  23. pain occurs 1-2 hours pc & is associated with food
    gastric ulcers
  24. pain occurs 2-4 hours pc and at night
    duodenal ulcers
  25. chronic degenerative disease of the liver
  26. abscess formation in the liver
    liver abcesses
  27. inflammation of GB caused by obstruction
  28. term for stones in common bile duct
  29. term for stones in GB
  30. brain damage caused by liver disease
    hepatic encephalopathy
  31. inflammation results in increased serum amylase
  32. inflammation of liver DT virus/toxic substances
  33. early postop ambulation may prevent this
    paralytic ileus
  34. pica is a manifestation of this problem
    lead poisoning
  35. fibrous bands of connective tissue
  36. serious inflammation of peritoneum
  37. varicosities or dilated veins caused by pressure
  38. inflammation results in RLQ pain
  39. proxysmal ABD pain/cramping in infants
  40. telescoping of bowel within itself
  41. chronic inflammation disease of bowel
    inflammatory bowel syndrome
  42. abnormal segments alternated with healthy bowel
    crohn's disease
  43. spastic colon
    irritable bowel syndrome
  44. twisting of bowel
  45. ulcerations spreading upward through colon
    ulcerative colitis
  46. protrusion of organ/structures dt weakness
  47. inflammation of diverticula
  48. multiple noninflammed diverticula
  49. outpouching os smooth muscle of colon
  50. most common helminthic infection in US
    enterobiasis ( Pin worms)
  51. highly contagious virus that infects intestins
  52. surgical treatment for mechanical bowel obstruction
    abdominal perineal resection
  53. most common treatment for cholelithiasis
    laproscopic cholecystectomy
  54. most invasive treatment for cholelithiasis
    open cholectystectomy
  55. temperarry method to remove fluid due to ascites
  56. types of tubes used to treat esophageal varicies
    sengstaken-blakemore / minnesota
  57. types of therapy used to remove lead
  58. preferred tx of hernias
  59. Do not provide thse types of treatments/medications prior to diagnosis for those pts with possible appendicitis
    Narcotics / laxatives / cathartics / enemas / heat applications
  60. the ABD assessment is best done in what possiton?
    legs flexxed and arms at side
  61. Most rapid acting and powerful of laxatives
    Saline Laxative (MOM)
  62. Irritates intestinal mucosa to increase motility
  63. synthetic opiate used for diarrhea
    lomotil / immodium
  64. antiinflammatory used for ulcerative colitis / crohn's disease
  65. Used to treat Candiasis
    nystatin / Mycostatin
  66. H2 histamine blocker decreases acid secretion
  67. proton pump inhibitor supressing acid secreation
  68. promotes gastric emptying
  69. drug of choice for pin worms
  70. drug of choice after GB surgery
  71. decreases ammonia in liver disease
  72. best prevention for those at risk for Hepatitis B
    Hep. B vaccine
  73. ideal dosing for antacids is?
    1 & 3 hours PC & HS
  74. Mucosal healing / protective drug
    Sucralfate / Carafate
  75. Antacids nutralize hydrochloric acid & do or do not coat ulcer
    Do Not
  76. Tx of cleft palate
    4months - 6 years (usually 1-2 years *before speech)
  77. Tx fo cleft lip
    immediate or in 1-2 months *helps parents cope*
  78. Achalasia
    inability of cardiac sphincter to relax
  79. DX of peritonitis
    • high WBC; CBC; Chem profile; flat plate of abd
    • S&S sever abd pain peristalsis ceases;
  80. Tx of Crohn's disease
    B12 & iron; push fluids;
  81. Intussuception
    palpable sausage shapped mass in RUQ; "grape jelly" like stools
  82. Cirrhosis DX
    increased liver ensymes; increased ammonia; serum albumin; prolonged PT/INR/PTT
  83. Liver biopsy
    Pt hold breath
  84. Serum protein
    liver fx assessment (decreased w/ liver disease)
  85. blood ammonia
    risen with liver dysfunction
  86. Liver function test (LFT)
    • Increased: AST; ALT; LDH; alkaline phosphatase; gamma GT 3
    • **sign of liver injury**
  87. Tx of cirrhosis
    diet; Vit K; I&O Na restriciotns diuretics; albumin transfusions
  88. S&S of hepatic encephalopathy
    disorientation; asterixis; twitching of extremities; stupor
  89. Tx for Hepatic encephalopathy
    neomycin (inhibits protein synthesis)
  90. S&S of pancreatitis
    low grade fever; jaundice; sever abd pain radiating to back; pain may be relieved by sitting forward/fetal position; pain aggrivated by laying down/eating
  91. DX of pancreatitis
    increased: serum amylase; WBC; HCT; blood sugar
  92. serum amylase
    early (rises w/ damage to pancrease)
  93. serum lipase
    evaluate pancreatic disease; remains elevated longer
Card Set
Unit 3 test
Nursing GI