1. 119.The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Stomach
    b. Liver
    c. Ascending colon
    d. Gall bladder
    D Gall bladder

  2. 120. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Spinal column
    b. Kidney
    c. Gall bladder
    d. Psoas muscle
    D Psoas muscle

  3. 121. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Glenoid process
    b. Corocoid process
    c. Superior glenoid labrum
    d. Inferior glenoid labrum
    A Glenoid process

  4. 122. The arrow labeled “c” is pointing to is the
    a. Inferior spinatous muscle
    b. Supraspinatous muscle
    c. Teres Major muscle
    d. Deltoid Muscle
    D Deltoid Muscle

  5. 123. The structure that the arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Glenoid process
    b. Corocoid process
    c. Superior glenoid labrum
    d. Inferior glenoid labrum
    D Inferior glenoid labrum

  6. 124. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Spine
    b. Esophagus
    c. Trachea
    d. Spinal cord
    B Esophagus

  7. 125. The structure that the arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Spine
    b. Esophagus
    c. Trachea
    d. Spinal cord
    C Trachea

  8. 126. The arrow labeled “8” is pointing to is the
    a. Lateral miniscus
    b. Fibula
    c. Episipheal plate
    d Distal femur
    C Episipheal plate

  9. 127. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the

    a. Posterior longitudinal ligament

    b. Cauda equina

    c. Ligament flavum

    d. Conus

    D Conus

  10. 128. The arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Posterior longitudinal ligament
    b. Cauda equina
    c. Ligament flavum
    d. Conus
  11. B Cauda equina

  12. 129. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Subarachnoid space
    b. Cauda equana
    c. Thecal sec
    d. Conus
    A Subarachnoid space

  13. 130. The arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Thecal sac
    b. Cauda equana
    c. Lamina
    d. Psoas muscle
    B Psoas muscle

  14. 131. The arrow labeled “C” is pointing to is the
    a. Thecal sac
    b. Cauda equana
    c. Lamina
    d. Conus
    C Lamina

  15. 132.The arrow labeled “D” is pointing to is the
    a. Thecal sac
    b. Spinous process
    c. Lamina
    d. Conus
    B Spinous process

  16. 133. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Mandibular condyle
    b. Articular disc
    c. Carotid artery
    d. Lamina
    B Articular disc

  17. 134. The arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Mandibular condyle
    b. Mandibular fossa
    c. Carotid artery
    d. Lamina
    A Mandibular condyle

  18. 135. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Thalmus
    b. Basal Ganglia
    c. Genu of the corpus collosum
    d. Head of the caudate nucleus
    D Head of the caudate nucleus

  19. 136. The structure labeled “A” is composed of
    a. Grey matter
    b. White matter
    c. Both a and b
    d. None of the above
    A Grey matter

  20. 137. The structure that the arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Thalmus
    b. Basal Ganglia
    c. Lateral Ventricle
    d. Head of the caudate nucleus
    A Thalmus

  21. 138. The arrow labeled “2” is pointing to is the
    a. Anterior cerebral artery
    b. Posterior cerebral artery
    c. Right middle cerebral artery
    d. Left middle cerebral artery
    C Right middle cerebral artery

  22. 139. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Common iliac artery
    b. Femoral artery
    c. Right external iliac artery
    d. Right internal iliac artery
    C Right external iliac artery

  23. 140. The structure that the arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Common iliac artery
    b. Femoral artery
    c. Right external iliac artery
    d. Left internal iliac artery
  24. D Left internal iliac artery

  25. 141 The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Grey Matter
    b. White Matter
    c. Thalmus
    d. Choroid plexus
    A Grey Matter

  26. 142. The arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Grey Matter
    b. White Matter
    c. Thalmus
    d. Choroid plexus
    B White Matter

  27. 143. This image was likely acquired in the
    a. Axial plane
    b. Coronal plane
    c. Sagittal plane
    d. Oblique plane
    A Axial plane

  28. 144. This image was most likely acquired with a
    a. Short TR and a short TE
    b. Short TR and a long TE
    c. Long TR and a long TE
    d. Long TR and a short TE
    D Long TR and a short TE

  29. 145. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. The lateral meniscus
    b. The medial meniscus
    c. The posterior cruciate ligament
    d. The anterior cruciate ligament
    C The posterior cruciate ligament

  30. 146. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Uterus
    b. Pubic Symphysis
    c. Bladder
    d. Rectum
    A Uterus

  31. 147. The arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Uterus
    b. Pubic Symphysis
    c. Bladder
    d. Rectum
    B Pubic Symphysis

  32. 148. The arrow labeled “C” is pointing to is the
    a. Uterus
    b. Pubic Symphysis
    c. Bladder
    d. Rectum
    C Bladder

  33. 149. The structure labeled as “D” is pointing to is the
    a. Body of the uterus
    b. Vagina
    c. Prostate gland
    d. Cervix of the uterus
    D Cervix of the uterus

  34. 150. The structure labeled as “E” is pointing to is the
    a. Myometrium
    b. Vagina
    c. Uterine cavity/Endometrium
    d. Cervix of the uterus
    C Uterine cavity/Endometrium

  35. 151. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Superior labrum
    b. Inferior labrum
    c. Posterior labrum
    d. Anterior labrum
    C Posterior labrum

  36. 152. The arrow labeled “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Superior labrum
    b. Inferior labrum
    c. Posterior labrum
    d. Anterior labrum
    D Anterior labrum
  37. 153-160 Name A through H
    • A Triangular fibrocartilage complex, B
    • Lunate bone, C Triquetral bone, D
    • Hammate bone, E Capitate bone, F
    • Trapezoid, G Trapezium, H Scaphoid

  38. 161. The structure that the arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Choroid pleuxus
    b. Anterior horn of the lateral ventricle
    c. Cerebral Aqueduct
    d. Aqueduct of Sylvius
    A Choroid pleuxus

  39. 162. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Parietal lobe
    b. Cerebellum
    c. Sylvian fissure
    d. Falx Cerebri
    C Sylvian fissure

  40. 163. The arrow labeled “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Ethmoid sinuses
    b. Maxillary sinuses
    c. Frontal Sinuses
    d. Naso-pharynx
    B Maxillary sinuses

  41. 164. The structure that “A” is pointing to is the
    a. Cerebral Aqueduct
    b. Thalmus
    c. Pons
    d. Mid brain
    A Cerebral Aqueduct

  42. 165. The structure that “B” is pointing to is the
    a. Pons
    b. Midbrain
    c. Thalmus
    d. Corpus collusum
    D Corpus collusum
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