Government (5&6)

  1. conversavite
    in general a person who favors a more limited and local government, less government regulation of markets, more social conformity to traditional norms and values, and tougher policies toards criminals.
  2. Elite
    an indentifiable group of persons who possess a disproportionate share of some valued resource
  3. John Q. Public
    Colloquial term for average citizen and what they want or believe
  4. Liberal
    In general a person who favors a more active federal government for regulatin business, supporting social welfare, and protecting minority rights, but who prefers less regulation of private social conduct
  5. Libertarians
    People who wish to maximize personal liberty on both economic and social issues. They prefer a small, weak government that has little control over either the economy or the perosonal lives of citizens
  6. Middle America
    A phrase coined by Joseph Kraft in 1968 newspaper column to refer to Americans who haev moved out of poverty but are not yet affluent and who cherish traditional middle class values
  7. Norm
    A standard of right or proper conduct that helps determine the range of acceptable social behavior and policy options
  8. New Class
    consits of people who pssess certain advatages conferred not by the power, resources, and growth of business but by the power, resouces, and growth of government
  9. Political Elite
    same as elite
  10. Political ideology
    A more of less consistent set of views as to the policies government ought to persue
  11. poll
    a survey of public opinion
  12. populists
    people who hold liberal views on economic matters and conservative ones on social matters. They prefore a strong central government that will reduce economic inequality, regulate businesses, and impose stricter social and criminal situations. The name and views have thier origins in an agriculturally based social movement and party of the 1880s and 1890s that sought to curb the power of influential economic interest.
  13. Random Sample
    A sample selected in such a way that any member of the population being survayed has an equal chance of being survayed
  14. Religious Traditions
    The moral teachings of religious institutions on religious, social, and economic issues
  15. Sampling error
    The difference between the results of two surveys or samples
  16. Silent Majority
    A phrase used to describe people, whatever thier economic statues, who uphold traditional values, especially against the countercultre of the 1960s
  17. Social Statues
    A measure of one's social standing obtained by combining factors such as education, income, and occupation
  18. Gender Gap
    Diffferences in the politcal views and voting behavior of men and women
  19. red-diaper babies
    a chiold of parents who were members of the United States Communist Party or were close to the party or sympathetic to its aims
  20. Blue-collar
    A member of the working calss who typically preforms manual labor and earns hourly wages
  21. white-collar
    a salaried professional or an educated worker
  22. Parisanship
    commitment to a party
  23. Activists
    An individual who actively promotes a political party, philosophy, or issue she or he cares personally about
  24. Australilan Ballot
    A document that is government printed of uniform size, and cast in secret
  25. Campaigners
    Those who both vote in elections and get involved in campaigns
  26. Communalists
    Those who join organizations and participate in politics but not in partisan campaigns
  27. Complete Activist
    Those who take part in all forms of political activity
  28. 15th Amendment
    Legislation that made it illegal to exclude potential voters on the vasis of race
  29. Grandfather Clause
    Requirement that for an individual to automatically qualify to vote, his or her grandparents had to have voted
  30. Inactive
    Those who avoid all forms of political participation
  31. Literacy tests
    Requirements that voters be able to read
  32. Motor-voter bill
    A bill that requires states to allow voter registaration by mail, when applying for a driver's license, and at some state officers that serve the diabled or poor
  33. 19th Amendment
    Legislation that extended suffrage to women
  34. Parochial Participants
    Those who avoid electiomns and civic organizations but will ocntarct officials regarding specific problems
  35. Poll Tax
    Proof of tax payment, to be produced when voting; used to disenfranchise blaacks
  36. Registered Voters
    Those citizents who have filled out the proper forms and are qualified to vote in an election
  37. 23rd Amendment
    Right to vote for president in DC
  38. 26th Amendment
    Legislation that gave eighteen-year-olds the right to vote in all US elections
  39. Voting Rights Act of 1965 and later amendments
    • 1965: Ended the use of literary tests
    • 1970: 18 year old the right to vote
  40. Voting Age population
    estimate (based on the census) of the amount of citizens who are eligible to vote after reaching a minimum age requirment
  41. White primary
    a southern expedient to keep blacks from participating in primary elections
  42. Voting specialists
    those who restrict thier political participation to voting in elections
Card Set
Government (5&6)
chapters 5 and 6 government vocabulary