- a. Spine of the scapula
- b. Medial border
- c. Inferior angle
- d. Superior angle
- e. Lateral border
- f. Infraglenoid tubercle
- a. Infraspinous fossa
- b. Supraspinous fossa
- c. Subscapular fossa
- a. Acromion
- b. Clavicle
- c. Acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints
- d. Coracoid process
- e. Deltoid tuberosity
- a. Greater tubercle
- b. Intertubercular groove
- c. Lesser tubercle
Shoulder Complex
Made up of three bones: the clavicle, scapula, and humerus
- Collarbone
- Superficial and runs horizontally along the top of the chest at the base of the neck
Triangular-shaped bone of the upper back
Spine of the Scapula
It is a superficial ridge located just off the top of the shoulder. It runs an oblique angle to the body, panning from the acromion to the medial border. It is an attachment site for the posterior deltoid and middle and lower fibers of the trapezius.
Medial Border
It is the long edge of the scapula that runs parallel to the vertebral column. It can measure five to seven inches in length, depending on the body type. It is an attachment site for the rhomboids and serratus anterior and is deep to the trapezius.
Inferior Angle
There are two angles of the scapula, one on either end of the medial border. This one is superficial and located at the medial border's lower end.
Superior Angle
It is located at the superior end of the medial border. It serves as the inferior attachment site for the levator scapula muscle. Because the angle is located deep to the trapezius muscles, it may not be as easy to isolate as the inferior angle.
Lateral Border
It extends superiorly and laterally from the inferior angle toward the axilla or "armpit." It is an attachment site for the teres major and teres minor muscles and, due to the thickness of these tissues, may not be as clearly defined as the medial border.
Infraglenoid Tubercle
It is located at the most superior aspect of the lateral border. It is not a distinguishable point, but a small spot which serves as an attachment site for the long head of the triceps brachii. It lies deep to the teres minor and deltoid muscles.
Infraspinous Fossa
It is the triangular area inferior to the spine of the scapula; it is filled with the infraspinatus muscle.
Supraspinous Fossa
It is located superior to the spine of the scapula. It is small in size, yet quite deep. Because the supraspinatus muscle attaches to and lies in this basin, it is difficult to access directly.
Subscapular Fossa
It is located on the scapula's anterior surface, next to the rib cage. It is the attachment site for the subscapularis and the location of the serratus anterior muscle.
It is the lateral aspect of the spine of the scapula and is located at the top of the shoulder. It has a flat surface and articulates with the clavicle's lateral end. It serves as an attachment site for the trapezius and deltoid muscles.
It lies horizontally across the upper chest and has a gentle "S" shape. It is an attachment site for a number of muscles. Bother ends of it are superficial and accessible. The lateral end is relatively flat and often rises slightly higher than the acromion. The medial end is round and articulates with the sternum.
Acromioclavicular (A/C) Joint
It is the small articulation between the acromion of the scapula and the acromial end of the clavicle. The anterior and superior surfaces of this thin crevice can be palpated directly.
Sternoclavicular (S/C) Joint
It is the articulation between the sternal end of the clavicle and the sternum. It is wedge-shaped and contains a small, impalpable fibrous disk.
Coracoid Process
It is the beak-like projection found inferior to the shaft of the clavicle on the scapula.
Deltoid Tuberosity
It is located on the lateral side of the mid-humeral shaft. It is a small, low bump that serves as an attachment site for the converging fibers of the deltoid muscles.
Greater Tubercle
It is located inferior and lateral to the acromion. It is shaped more like a low mound than a pointy hill. It is the attachment site for three of the four rotator cuff muscles - supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor.
Lesser Tubercle
It is an attachment site for the fourth rotator cuff muscle - subscapularis.
Intertubercular Groove
It is situated between the greater and lesser tubercles, and is roughly a pencil's width in diameter. Within it lies the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii.