Nursing Final

  1. If you can here the pt's bowel souds, how long do you listen to them in each quadrant?
    1 minute
  2. What is the purpose of a nursing assessment?
    To develop a plan of care.
  3. When assessing pulse, what three characteristics are you looking for?
    Quality, rate and rythm
  4. Arangement for services by another provider
  5. A professional caregiver providing formal advice to another caregiver
  6. What two types of Contact precautions are there?
    Direct and Indirect
  7. This type of conatct precaution applies to handleing of contaminated body fluids such as blood or others body fluids from infected client
    Direct Contact Precautions
  8. This type of contact precaution involves the transfer of infection through an intermediate object such as hands, blankets, or instruments.
    Indirect Contact precautions
  9. What 4 types of pts are on conatact Precautions?
    MRSA, VRE, Clostridum Difficile (C-Diff), RSV patients
  10. This precaution focuses on diseases that expelled into the air 3 to 6 feet. It requires the nurse to wear a surgical mask within 3 feet of the client.
    Droplet precautions
  11. What 3 types of patients are on droplet precautions?
    Influenza, pertusis, and Meningococcal pneumonia pts
  12. This precaution focuses on diseases that are transmitted through the air and remain in the air for a long period. It requires a room with negative air flow and doors are always closed in theis client's room.
    Airborne precautions
  13. What two types of patients are on Airborne Precautions?
    Tuberculosis and chicken pox patients.
  14. This type of precautions is sometimes called "reversve isolation". This is for pts with no wbc count, lowered immune system ( chemo therapy clients). It requires a positve airflow room with no flowers or plants.
    Protective environment
  15. Normal WBC count
  16. What percent do neutrophils make up total wbc count?
  17. What percent do lymphocytes make up totalt WBC count?
  18. What is increased in chronic bacterial and viral infection, but drecreased in sepsis?
  19. True of or false. WBC/ neutrophils are increased in an acute infection.
  20. You are caring for a client who underwent surgery 48 hours ago. On physical assessment, you notice that the wound looks red and swollen. The clients WBCs are elevated. you should:
    1) start antibiotics
    2) notify the physician
    3) doc the findings and reassess in 2 hours
    2) notify the physician
  21. What must a client do to use a walker?
    the pt must be able to lift it with both arms
  22. What side does a pt use a cain when walking?
    The cane is used on the stronger side and is placed 6-10 inches forward
  23. Who governs hospitals using evidence baed recommendations that change every year
    Joint Commission.
  24. What 3 things are required for a nurse to use restraints?
    • 1) if less restrictive measures have been used
    • 2) the physician has given an order
    • 3) less restrictive measures have already been used
  25. What are some seizure precautions?
    padded side rails, SUCTION set up (in case the pt vomits), loosen clothing, privacy, position client safely
  26. What is any unanticipated event in the healthcare setting resulting in or serious physical/ physioloigcal injury to a pt(s) not realted to the course of the pt's natural illness.
    A Sentinel Event
Card Set
Nursing Final
Unit one review