CFI ICT 102 Test 1

  1. Claude Bernard
    Performed first cath in 1884. It was on a horse.
  2. Fick Principal
    Cardiac Output = O2 consumptions/arterial - venous O2 pressure
  3. Werner Forssman
    Performed first cath on living person (himself) in 1921.
  4. Seldinger
    Developed percutaneous approach in 1953
  5. Mason Sones (& associates)
    Developed technique for CA angiorgraphy Brachial cutdown
  6. Melvin Judkins
    Developed percutaneous femeral approach (selective angiography) in 1967
  7. Swan and Ganz
    Developed balloon tip flow guides cathether in 1970. Commonly used for right heart
  8. Photon
    Beam of a stream of particles w/short wave length and high speed
  9. Milliamps (MA)
    Elecitrical current; controls quantity
  10. Kilovoltage Peak (KVP)
    Controls quality of x-ray. Increase voltage Increase potential power
  11. RAD
    Absorbed of Xray absorbed by body
  12. REM
    Biological dose amount w/out bilogical injury
  13. 1 REM = ? RAD
    ? REM = 1 RAD
  14. How is Radiation Dose measure?
    Grey; Amount of radiation absorbed by a substance (1 Grey = 100 RADS = 100 REM)
  15. What is culmulative Dose?
    Radiation absorbed during an entire procedure, used in dosimeter reports based on montly exposure
  16. Quantom Mottle
    Image Noise (High dose decrease image);
  17. PTCA
    Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
  18. Why do we use stents?
    Stents solved problems relating to elastic recoil, dissection, and restenosis of the treated segment
  19. Gianturco and Roubin: What did they do and when did they do it?
    Developed balloon-expandable coil stent made out of stainless steel ire wrapped in a manner to form the shape of a clam shell. FDA approved in 1993
  20. Palmaz and Schatz: What did they do and when?
    Palmaz: developed balloon-expandable slotted tube stainless steel stent w/ rectangular slots that formed into diamond shaped windows upon expansion

    Schatz: Made the stent safer by adding a 1mm central articulating bridge btwn 2 rigid 7mm segments

    FDA approved in 1994
  21. What are two types of Radiation?
    Scattered and Direct
  22. How are X-Rays generated?
    Through the method of Bremsstrahlung which is the breaking of radiation.
  23. What does A.L.A.R.A stand for?
    As Low As Reasonably Achieveable
  24. Describe the X-ray Generator
    Encased in lead to avoid exposure, controls power of xray tube, heats cathode filament (flow of electrons),
  25. X-ray Tube
    Converts electrical energy to photons, Rotates at 10K RPM, Ma is controlled by filament
  26. List Stonastic Effects
    Irrepairable damage, includes cancer, takes years-decades to notice injury, leukemia after 2-5 years exposure
  27. Deterministic effects
    Skin burns, cataracts, depends on how many cells need to be killed before tissue loses viability
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CFI ICT 102 Test 1
Test 1