Poetry terms

  1. Denotation
    Dictionary definition
  2. Connotation
    A word's emotional implication, contextual associations
  3. Pun
    Play on word that uses similarity of spelling/pronunciation between two different meaning words. (or one word that has multiple meanings)
  4. Diction
    author's word choice
  5. Syntax
    Arrangement of words, complexity vs. simplicity, fragmentation vs. completeness, rhetorical questions, etc.
  6. Asyndeton
    Omission of conjunctions to create a concise, terse statement
  7. Polysyndeton
    Repeated use of conjunctions to link things together
  8. Anaphora
    Parallelism where the same word is repeated at the beginning of successive lines
  9. Repetition
    to reapeat a word, phrase, line, or stanza
  10. Refrain
    a recurring line or stanza
  11. Tone
    Attitude of speaker toward the subject/audience
  12. Metaphor
    direct comparison of two unlike objects
  13. Similie
    direct comparison of two unlike objects using like or as
  14. Conceit
    Controlling/extended metaphor (or similie) comparing two unlike objects with elaboration on the comparison
  15. Personification
    Objects/animals are given human qualities
  16. Metonymy
    One noun is replaced by another close noun (ie a castle to a woman who is royal)
  17. Synecdoche
    A part represents the whole object/idea (ie a hair to a person)
  18. Symbolism
    Concrete, tangible object is used to suggest an abstract, intangible idea
  19. Imagery
    The use of any sense description to illustrate things, makes whatever is being described concrete
  20. Allusion
    Reference to an outside fact/event/source
  21. Irony
    Contradiction between appearance/expectation and reality, a reveresal of expectation
  22. Verbal Irony
    Saying one thing and meaning another
  23. Dramatic Irony
    Discrepancy between what the character knows and what the audience knows
  24. Situational Irony
    When the reality of a situation is different from the anticipated, when something unexpected occurs
  25. Hyperbole
  26. Understatement
    minimization of significance
  27. Meiosis
  28. Litotes
    Form of understatement, involves making a point affirmative by denying its opposite (ie I will multiply them, they shall not be few)
  29. Paradox
    Contradictory statement that has an underlying truth
  30. Oxymoron
    Two word paradox, contradictory terms
  31. Apostrophe
    Adressing a person who isn't present or a personified object
  32. Euphony
    Pretty sounds together to produce a pleasing, melodious effect
  33. Cacophony
    Hard consonant sounds (inharmonious) opposite of euphony
  34. End Rhyme
    Rhyme at the end of a verse line
  35. Rhyme scheme
    Pattern of end rhymes (represented by a letter)
  36. Masculine Rhyme
    One syllable rhyme
  37. Femenine rhyme
    Two or more syllable rhyme (ie flying dying)
  38. Half rhyme/Slant Rhyme/Imperfect Rhyme
    Approximate rhyme (ie sea beaks)
  39. Internal Rhyme
    Rhyme contained within the line of a verse (ie falls on castle walls)
  40. Onomatopoeia
    Word whose sound suggests its meaning
  41. Alliteration
    Repetition of two or more initial sounds in words in same line
  42. Assonance
    Repetition of two or more matching vowel sounds within a line
  43. Consonance
    Repetition of two or more matching consonant sounds within words in a line
  44. Sibilance
    Repetition of "s" sound to produce a soft or hissing sound
  45. Line
    Unit of verse ending in a break
  46. Enjambed line
    A line without punctuation at the end
  47. End-Stopped Line
    A line with any kind of punctuation at the end of it
  48. Heroic Couplet
    Two rhyming, end-stopped lines (with a thought usually completed within)
  49. Stanza
    Group of lines
  50. Couplet
    2 lines
  51. Tercet
    3 lines
  52. Quatrain
    4 lines
  53. cinquain
    5 lines
  54. sestet
    6 lines
  55. septet
    7 lines
  56. octet/octave
    8 lines
  57. # lined stanza
    9 or more lines
  58. Meter
    pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry
  59. Foot
    the smallest unit of a poem
  60. Iambic
    u / baloon
  61. trochaic
    / u soda
  62. anapestic
    u u / contradict
  63. dactylic
    / u u maniac
  64. spondaic
    // man-made
  65. Monometer
    1 foot
  66. dimeter
    2 feet
  67. trimeter
    3 feet
  68. tetrameter
    4 feet
  69. pentameter
    5 feet
  70. hexameter
    6 feet
  71. heptameter
    7 feet
  72. octometer
    8 feet
  73. Scansion
    Analysis of the type and number of feet within a poem to determine meter
  74. Caesura
    A pause in the meter or rhythm of a line (indicated by punctuation)
  75. Blank verse
    unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter
  76. free verse
    unrhymed lines without regular rhythm or line lengths
Card Set
Poetry terms
AP English poetry terms