Org Psyc Exam 7 ch 13, 16

  1. leadership
  2. great person theory
  3. leadership motivation
  4. personalized power
  5. socialized power motivation
  6. authentic leaders
  7. multiple domains of intelligence
  8. cultural intelligence
  9. transformational leaders
  10. autocratic style
  11. delegation style
  12. participative style
  13. autocratic-delegation continuum model
    • autocratic
    • participative
    • delegation
  14. 2 dimensional model of subordinate participation
    • directive autocrat
    • permissive autocrat
    • directive democrat
    • permissive democrat
  15. directive autocrat
  16. permissive autocrat
  17. directive democrat
  18. permissive democrat
  19. initiating structure (production centered)
  20. consideration (person centered)
  21. grid training
  22. leader-member exchange (LMX) model
  23. contingency theories of leader effectiveness
  24. LPC contingency theory
  25. LPC
  26. leader match
  27. situational leadership theory
  28. path-goal theory
  29. leadership development
  30. assessment centers
  31. networking
  32. executive coaching
  33. action learning
  34. organizational change
  35. doomsday management
  36. first-order change
  37. second-order change
  38. unplanned changes
  39. strategic planning
  40. outsourcing
  41. offshoring
  42. competitive advantage
  43. stakeholder
  44. resistance to change
  45. structural inertia
  46. work grou inertia
  47. learning organization
  48. org development
  49. management by objectives
  50. action plan
  51. survey feedback
  52. appreciative inquiry
  53. action lab
  54. quality of work life programs
  55. work restructuring
  56. quality circles
Card Set
Org Psyc Exam 7 ch 13, 16
Org Psyc Exam 7 ch 13, 16