Anatomical Aspects

  1. Psoas Major
    • O: Transverse process of lumbar vertabrae
    • I: lesser trochanter
    • A: flexes hip
    • N: lumbar plexus
  2. Iliacus
    • O: iliac fossa
    • I: lesser trochanter
    • A: flexes hip
    • N: femoral
  3. Piriformis
    • O: pelvic surface of sacrum
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: laterally rotates thigh
    • N: piriformis
  4. Obturator Externus
    • O: outer surface of romi
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: laterally rotates thigh
    • N: obturator nerve
  5. Obturator Internus
    • O: obturator membrane
    • I: greater trochanter of femur
    • A: laterally rotates thigh
    • N: 5th lumbar, 1st and 2nd sacral
  6. Gemellus Superior
    • O: Dorsal surface of ischial spine
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: laterally rotates thigh
    • N: 5th lumbar. 1st and 2nd sacral
  7. Gluteus maximus
    • O: posterior surface of ilium and sacrum
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: Abduction and extension
    • N: inferior gluteal
  8. Glutius medius
    • O: outer surface of ilium
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: abduct, internal rotation
    • N: superior gluteal
  9. Tensor Fascia Latae
    • O: anterior iliac crest
    • I: greater trochanter
    • A: abduct, internal rotation
    • N: superior gluteal
  10. Gracilis
    • O: Ramus and body of pubis
    • I: medial surface of tibia
    • A: adducys thigh
    • N: obturator
  11. Pectineus
    • O: ramus of pubis
    • I: lesser trochanter
    • A: flexes femur of hip
    • N: obturator
  12. Adductor Brevis
    • O: inferior ramus
    • I: linear aspera of femur
    • A: adducts thigh
    • N: obturator
  13. Adductor Longus
    • O: body of pubis
    • I: linear aspera of femur
    • A: adductors and flexes thigh
    • N: obturator
  14. Adductor Magnus
    • O: inferior ramus of pubis
    • I: tubercle of femur
    • A: adducts and extends thigh
    • N: obturator
Card Set
Anatomical Aspects
Structures of the Hip