Anatomical Aspects

  1. Sartorius
    • O: iliac crest
    • I: tibia below tuberosity
    • A: laterally rotates thigh
    • N: femoral
  2. Rectus Femois
    • O: Iliac sping
    • I: tibial tubersity
    • A: flexes thigh
    • N: femoral
  3. Vastus medialis
    • O: Linear aspera of femur
    • I: tibial tuberosity
    • A: extends leg
    • N: femoral
  4. Vastus lateralis
    • O: shaft of femur
    • I: tibial tuberosity
    • A: extends leg
    • N: femeral
  5. Vastus Intermedius
    • O: shaft of femur
    • I: tibial tuberosity
    • A: extends leg
    • N: femoral
  6. Semitendinosus
    • O: Ischial tuberosity
    • I: Poximal end of tibia
    • A: flexes leg, extends thigh
    • N: Tibial
  7. Semimembranosus
    • O: Ischial tuberosity
    • I: proximal end of tibia
    • A: flexes leg, extends thigh
    • N: Tibial
Card Set
Anatomical Aspects
structures of the knee