ch 65 keywords

  1. insulin producing cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
    beta cells
  2. term formerly used to describe very unstable type 1 diabetes; characterized by unexplained oscillation between hypoglycemia and diabetic ketacidosis
    brittle diabetes
  3. blood glucose level at any time of day with no regard to time of eating
    casual plasma glucose
  4. a joint that is deprived of any pain or position sense due to severe osteoarthritis or as a result of disease such as diabetic neuropathy
    charcot's joints
  5. secreting externally via a duct
  6. insulin from source outside patient
    exogenous insulin
  7. delayed gastric emptying. occurs when the vagus nerve is damaged or stops functioning normally and movement of food is slowed or stopped
  8. diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
    gestational diabetes
  9. synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources, such as amino acids and glycerol; can occur in the liver and kidneys when the carbohydrate intake is insufficient to meet the body's needs
  10. the primary assay for assessing long-term glycemic control. indicates blood glucose levels for the previous 6-8 weeks
    glycated or glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
  11. presence of glucose in the blood
  12. abnormal increase in depth and rate of respiration
  13. an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood; opposite of hyperglycemia, very high blood glucose
  14. a powerful hormone secreted by the beta cells in the islets of langerhans of the pancreas; the major fuel regulating hormone; enters the blood in response to a rise in concentration of blood glucose and is transported immediately to bind with cell surface receptors throughout the body
  15. diabetic coma; too little insulin; accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood
  16. normal metabolic products of lipid (fat) within the liver; excess concentration of ketone bodies in the urine
  17. a test of the body's ability to utilize carbohydrates, aid to the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. After ingestion of a specific amount of glucose solution, the fasting blood glucose rises promptly in a nondiabetic person, then falls to normal within an hour. in diabetes mellitus, the blood glucose rise is greater and the return to normal is prolonged
    oral glucose tolerance test
  18. synthetic drug that lowers the blood sugar level; stimulates the synthesis and release of insulin from the beta cells of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas; used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
    oral hypoglycemic agent
  19. excessive thirst
  20. excessive ingestion of food
    polyphagia (phage=to eat)
  21. excessive excretion of urine
  22. after a meal
  23. IFG and IGT are risk factors for future diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  24. itching
  25. noninflammatory degenerative disease of the retina; called diabetic retinopathy when it occurs with diabetes of long standing
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ch 65 keywords
ch 65 keywords