Asthma has dramatically risen worldwide over the past decades, particularly in
developed countries
Not all people with asthma have
Asthma is most likely caused by
- genetics
- biologic triggers
- infections
- diet
- hormonal changes
- allergens
3 major characteristics of asthma
- airway inflammation
- airway obstruction
- hyperresponsiveness of airways
Severe persistant asthma
Days with sx, nights with sx, FEV1, PEF
- continual
- frequent
- <60%
- >30%
Moderate Persistant Asthma
Days with sx, nights with sx, FEV1, PEF
Mild persistent Asthma
Days with sx, nights with sx, FEV1, PEF
- >2x/week less than 1x/day
- >2x/month
- >80%
- 20-30%
Mild Intermittent Asthma
Days with sx, nights with sx, FEV1, PEF
- <2x/week
- <2x/month
- >80%
- <20%
Controller medications
- corticosteroids
- long acting beta agonists
- leukotriene receptor modifiers
- methylxanthines
- immunomodulators: Anti-IgE
- cromolyn and nedocrimil
Quick relief medications
- short acting beta agonists
- systemic corticosteroids
- anticholinergic agents
Inhaled Beta 2-agonist
- treatment of choice for mild asthma and acute exacerbations
- smooth muscle relaxation
- can prevent and reverse exercise induced bronchospasm
- more effective on an "as needed" basis
Beta 2-agonist onset of action and duration of action
- onset = 10-15 min
- max duration 4-6 hours
Regular use (more than ___ canister(s) per month) is assocaited with diminished control of asthma.
more than 1 canister per month
Beta 2 Agonists relieve symptoms but do not control
Side effects of Beta 2 Agonists
- action on systemic B2 receptors result in increased HR, BP and EKG.
- Tremor
- Hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia with frequent use, especially in pts on thiazides
- Hyperglycemia
Metabolism and elimination of beta 2 agonists
- metabolized by sulfotransferases
- 80-100% eliminated through renal excretion
- 20% eliminated in feces
Methylxanthine (theophylline) mechanisms of action
- decrease phosphodiesterase
- increase cAMP
- non-specific adenosine antagonist
Theophylline is a ____ drug and ____ is essential.
- low therapeutic index
- monitoring blood levels
Absorption and metabolism of theophylline
- rapidly absorbed
- distributed into fat free tissues
- metabolized by the liver
- short T1/2
Conditions effecting Theophylline metabolism
- fever
- hepatic insufficiency
- alcohol
- neonates and adults >60 have decreased clearance
- smokers and hyperthyroidism increased clearance
Drugs that decrease clearance of theophylline
- ticlopidine
- erythromycin
- disulfiram
Drugs that increase clearance of theophylline
- rifampin
- phenytoin
- phenobarbital
Decreases absorption of theophylline
Theophylline level >20mcg/ml will cause
- vomiting
- arrhythmia
- intractable seizures
Cell types inhibited by inhaled corticosteroids
- mast cells
- eosinophils
- basophils
- neutrophils
- macrophages
Preferred drug of treatment for persistent asthma
inhaled corticosteroids
Mechanism of action for inhaled corticosteroids
act locally in the lungs to inhibit cytokine production
absorption and metabolism of inhaled corticosteroids
- incomplete absorption
- metabolized in the gut and liver
ADEs with inhaled corticosteroids
- hoarsness
- thrush
- thinning of skin and increased bruising
- growth velocity slowed
- cataracts
- osteopenia in post menopausal pregnancy
Leukotriene pathway
- Arachidonic acid + 5-Lipoxygenase activating protein => Leukotriene A4.
- LA4 + LC4 synthase => LC4
- LC4 exits the cell and binds CysLT1 receptor
Binding CysLT1 receptor results in
- smooth muscle constriciton
- eosinophil migration
- edema
Cys LT1 blockers
- montelukast
- pranlukast
- zafirlukast
5-Lipoxygenase inhibitor
Leukotrine receptor antagonists (monteleukast and zafirlukast)
- no known drug interactions
- tablets
- safe
- once or twice daily dosing
- not as predictable as inhaled corticosteroids
Lipoxygenase inhibitor (ziluetin)
- metablized by CYP2C9
- Dosed 2-4x/day
- drug drug interactions with warfarin, macrolides and theophylline
- anti-IgE
- only works in patients allergic to pollen or other seasonal identified causes