retention ex ch8,9

  1. a two chamber legislater is called
    a.unicameral,*b*bicameral, c.dual federalism,d.overlapping jurisdiction
  2. a united states representative serves for a
    a.1 year term, *b*2 year term,c.four year term, d.six year term
  3. how many united states representatives are elected every two years
    a.1/2, b.2/3, c.3/4, *d* all of them
  4. how long is a senate term
    a.1yr, b.2yr, c.4yr, *d*6yr
  5. which house of congress is more responsive to interest groups
    *a*house of representatives, b.senate, of commons, of lords
  6. congres's composition is mostly
    • a.proportional to the population
    • b.non-white males
    • *c*white males
    • d.women and minorities
  7. why doent congress reflect the general population
    • a.minorities &women are less interested in politics
    • creating must be done by lawyers
    • c.most people will not accept pac money
    • *d*to be successful in congress it helps to be wel financed and well educated
  8. why wouldnt a congress person go against the wishes of his/her district
    • a.he/she would be fearful of losing their congressional seat
    • b.he/she probly thinks the same way as their constituents
    • *c* both a and b
  9. which of the following affects who gets elected and what they do once in office
    • a.who decides to run
    • b.incumbancy advantage
    • c.the way congesional districy lines are drawn
    • *d* all of the above
  10. which of the following is not true
    • a.P.A.C are often extensions of interest groups
    • b.P.A.C are controversial because they rarely support challengers in elections
    • *c*P.A.C are controversial because they are legal
  11. the incumbent is the person
    • *a*attempting to overtake the person already in office
    • b.holding the political office for which he is running
    • c.who formerly held political office for many terms
  12. when a legislator is prevented from running for re election it is done through
    • a.apportionment
    • *c*term limits
    • d.redistricting
  13. redistricting occures:
    • a.when ever there is a congressional election
    • b.when parties are affraid of losing power
    • response to state legislature procedure
    • *d*every 10 years after the sensus
  14. patronage ensures that
    • *a*politicians have loyal people working under them
    • b.qualified people get jobs in the buraucracy
    • c.testing is always done prior to hire
  15. projects that benifit a congresspersons district and help them get re-elected are called
    • a.patronage
    • *b*pork barrell
    • c.campaigns
    • d.gerrymandering
  16. what position has the most power in the house of representavies
    • a.majority leader
    • b.president pro tempor
    • *c*speaker of the house
    • whip
  17. what position has the power in the senate
    • *a*majority leader
    • b.president pro tempor
    • c.speaker of the house
    • whip
  18. permanent committes that focus on a particular policy area called
    • a.confrence committes
    • b.special commities
    • *c*standing commities
    • d.joint commities
  19. a temporary committie that deals with special problems that fall outside of the jurisdiction of existing committies is called
    • a.confrence committie
    • *b*select committie
    • c.standing commitie
    • d.joint committie
  20. which permanent committie is formed by members from both houses of congress
    • a.confrence committie
    • b.special committie
    • c.standing committie
    • *d*joint committie
  21. which committie is temporarly convened to work out the differences between the senate and house versions of a bill
    • *a*confrence committie
    • b.special committie
    • c.standing committie
    • d.joint committie
  22. a congress persons staff is important because they
    • a.develop policy ideas
    • b.draft legislation
    • c.negotiate with lobbyists
    • *d*all the above
  23. what committie determines the length of debate on a bill in the house
    • a.steering committie
    • b.ways and means committie
    • *c*rules committie
    • committie
  24. when a senator holds the floor by continually speaking to prevent a vote on a bill, he or she is acrrying out a
    • a.cloture
    • b.rider
    • c.poen rule
    • *d*filibuster
  25. what is the procedure that ends a filibuster in the senate
    • *a*cloture
    • b.rider
    • rule
    • d.closed rule
  26. a president may prevent a bill from becoming a law by utilizing
    • a.filibuster
    • b.power of the purse
    • *c*veto power
    • discretion
  27. a presidential veto may be overridden by
    • third vote in congress
    • half vote in congress
    • *c*two thirds vote in congress
    • d.three fourths vote
  28. a roll call vote means that
    • a. a bill is reported out of committie
    • *b*each legislators vote is recorded by the clerk
    • c.a vote is split along party lines
    • d. a bill may be debated on the floor
  29. which sector tends to have the most influence at the committie stage
    • a.constituents
    • b.the majority
    • c.other legislators
    • *d*interests groups
  30. article 2 of the constitution establishes what about the presidency
    • a.salary
    • many terms he/she can serve
    • *c*expressed powers
    • d.delegated powers
  31. powers claimed by a president that are not expressed in the constitution but are inferred from it are called
    • a.enumerated powers
    • b.delegated powers
    • *c*inherant powers
    • d.disputable powers
  32. what is the term for the power of the president to command the national military and state national guard
    • *a*commander in cheif
    • b.joint cheifs of staff
    • c.ecclesiastical authority
    • d.secretary general
  33. what is an agreement made between the president and another country that has the force of a treaty but does not require the senates "advice and consent"
    • a.negotiation
    • b.executive privledge
    • *c*executive agreement
    • d.forreign policy
  34. the war powers resolution was passed over which presidents veto
    • a.truman
    • b.eisenhower
    • c.johnson
    • *d*nixon
  35. which is not a role of the president
    • a.cheif diplomat
    • *b*cheif magistrate
    • c.cheif of the state
    • d.cheif jurist
  36. what is the name of the speech that the president must give congress from time to time
    • *a*state of the union
    • b.inaugural adress
    • c.fireside chat
    • d.adressing the nation
  37. the veto power of the president is classified as what type of power
    • a.executive
    • b.inherant
    • *c*legislative
    • d.delegated
  38. the power of an executive to veto specific provisions of an appropriations bill is called the
    • *a*line item veto
    • b.pocket veto
    • c.executive initiative
    • d.executive privelidge
  39. what term refers to the presidents ability to bring a policy agenda before congress
    • a.state of the union adress
    • *b*legislative initiative
    • c.executive agreement
    • shit
  40. when the president makes rules directly without congressional approval he or she is using
    • *a*an executive order
    • b.executive privelidge
    • c.executive function
    • d.a legislative initiative
  41. the president appoints the heads of major departments for a group called the
    • a.joint cheifs of staff
    • *b*cabinet
    • c.executive branch
    • d.political advisors
  42. the presidential foreign policy council composed of many of the presidents closest advisors and the inner cabinet is called
    • *a*national security counsil
    • b.board of advisors
    • of managment and budget
  43. the permanent agencies that perform the defined managment tasks for the president are within the
    • *a*executive office of the president
    • b.presidential advisory council
    • c.executive branch
    • d.govermental beuraucracy
  44. the agency that prepairs the national budgetand provides oversight for presidential program finances is the
    • a.council of economic advisors
    • *b*office of managment and budget
    • c.dept of the treasury
    • d.dept of the state
  45. what is an enumerated function of the vice president
    • a.visiting other countries for diplomatic missions
    • b.when of govt when president is over seas
    • *c*presiding over the senate and casting tie breaking votes
  46. when does the vice president take over ruling the country
    • a.if president is out of the country
    • b.if president is in the hospital
    • *c*if the president dies
  47. what is the equivilent of the u.s presidentcy in great brittan
    • minister
    • bqueen/king
    • *c*both a/b
    • d.president
  48. what is the claim by a victorious candidate that the electorate has given him or her special authority to carry out campaign promises
    • a.election
    • *b*mandate
    • c.incumbancy
    • d.presidential power
  49. why did nixon, ford, reagan, and bush have such "low batting average" with congress
    • a.they were bad presidents
    • b.republicans dont influence congress
    • c.presidential power has been declining
    • *d*opposing political party conrolled congress
  50. what is an attempt to be above partisan bickering in congress
    • a.presidential mandate
    • b.bicameralism
    • *c*bipartisanship
    • d.divided goverment
  51. why does the media focus a great deal on the president
    • a.he represents out democratic values
    • b.president pays for coverage
    • *c*news is money, and president is easy news
  52. who geatly expanded the power of the president by reaching out to the people for support
    • a.wilson
    • *b*fdr
    • c.coolidge
    • d.carter
  53. what is the general trend of presidential approval ratings
    • a.tendency to increase over time
    • *b*tendency to decline overtime
    • c.varies greatly depending on who is in office
  54. what is the generally favorable reaction of the public to presidential actions taken in foreign policy crisis
    • a.incumbancy
    • *b*rallying effect
    • c.presidential power
    • d.diplomatic presidency
Card Set
retention ex ch8,9
retention exercise chapter 8,9 (congress)