Ch 25

  1. What are the 3 effects of infectious endocarditis?
    • - Bacteria can initiate infectious endocarditis
    • - And stimulate the immune system
    • - The mature vegetation formed during the infection can detach from an infected heart valve and become an embolus that can then lodge in some distal organ.
  2. what are the 2 most common causes of infectious endocarditis?
    Strep viridans and staph aureus
  3. What are the different types of plague?
    • Sylvatic: seen in wild rodents and the primary reservoir of the organism
    • Urban: see in cities, more infectious form because there are more potential hosts in the city than in the wild.
  4. Symptoms of tularemia: transmission through arthropod bite
    • swollen lymph glands
    • flu-like symptoms
    • skin ulceration
  5. inhalation tularemia symptoms:
    • respiratory disease
    • swollen lymph nodes
    • coughing
    • pain under the breastbone
  6. What decides how tularemia will be present?
    The inoculation site, the transmission,how far into the body the pathogen is spread
  7. Brucella is also known as?
    Undulant fever b/c the pt in some cases dvelops a cycling pattern of symptoms called undulant fever
  8. How are CMV infections specifically diagnosed?
    • CMV can be isolated from saliva, cervical secretions, seme, urine, and wbcs for years after the initial infection
    • But difinitive diagnosis can be made by inclusion bodies
  9. How are arbovirus infections spread?
    Mosquitos, sometimes mosquitos can pass the virus down a generation
  10. Chagas disease is also known as?
    Trypanomsomiasis (sleeping sickness)
  11. What are the 2 life forms of the trypsonomas cruzi?
    • Amistogotes: a large number created which cause the host cll to rupture
    • Trypomastigote: Circle in blood to invade other host cells
  12. Plague
    • Causitive agent: Yersinia pesits
    • Mode of transmission: vector, bite of a rat flea (xenopsylla cheopis)
  13. Tularemia
    • Causitive agent: Francisella tularnesis
    • Transmission: Inhalation, tick-bite, ingestion of conta,minated meat or water, directly by contact with an abrasion or cut while skinning an infected animal
  14. Brucellosis
    • Causitive agent: various bacteria of the genus brucella
    • Transmission: by occupational contact or by ingesting contaminated animal products
  15. Lyme disease
    • Causitive agent: the spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi
    • Transmission: through the Ixodes tick
  16. Mononucleusis
    • Causitive agent: Human herpesvirus 4
    • Transmission: Transmitted only after repeated contact with infected individuals
  17. Ebola/marburg
    • Causitive agent: filoviruses
    • Transmission: person to person
  18. Chagas
    • Causitve agent: the parasite trypanosoma cruzi
    • Transmission: vector, the reduvid, a larged winged insect that feeds on sleeping hosts
  19. Elephantitis
    • Causitive agent: Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia, both threadlike worms that lay coiled up in the lymphatic vessels of a human host for decades
    • Transmission: Mosquito
  20. Endocarditis involves
    • Colonization of the heart by bacteria
    • Deposition of excessive amounts of platelets at the site
    • Depositin of fibirn at the site
    • Formatiion of mature vegetation
  21. Organisms of the genus Grancisella cause
  22. The most contagious form of plague is
    The pneumonic form
Card Set
Ch 25
IV infections