RST 314

  1. Name 5 essential services
    • water delivery
    • sanitary services
    • fire protection
    • police
    • gas/electric
  2. Name 3 non essential services
    • parks
    • recreation
    • greenways
    • green infrastructure
  3. what is a greenway?
    are visual and enviromental connections that allow for routes while also preserving the wildlife around it

    connectors between transport and recreation

    natural or man made
  4. what are the benefits of greenways
    • protect natural habitats
    • enchace existing recreation opportunities and overall quality of life in an area
  5. what is green infrastructure
    • it is a strategically planned and manged network of natural land
    • it focus on the consideration of natural enviroments
  6. what does green infrastructure bring?
    • clean water
    • better soil
    • recreation opp
    • shade
    • shelter
  7. what are natural resource areas
    land used for preservation of natural resources
  8. what is the difference between conservation and preservation
    • conservation is the proper use of land to conserve it
    • preservation is protection of natural resources from future use
  9. what is restoration ecology
    renewing destroyed ecosystem through human involvement
  10. name 4 types of plant species
    • native
    • non-native
    • invasive
    • weeds
  11. name the four types of ecosystems in illinois
    • forest
    • wetland
    • prarie
    • river
  12. what is a weed?
    a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants
  13. name the 4 benefits of leisure
    • personal
    • social
    • enviromental
    • economic
  14. name the 4 economic benefits of leisure
    • employement opportunies
    • businesses
    • lower health problems
    • better work performance
  15. what is the contingent value method
    • willingness to pay
    • used when dealing with natural amenities
  16. Who was John Crompton
    • from texas a & m university
    • studied RST
    • wrote a whole lot of articles on the proximate priniciple
    • said property near parks makes them more valuable
  17. What is the most important element in leisure programming?
  18. Name some areas that can be included in the area of leisure programming
    • sports
    • arts
    • music
    • dance
    • activisim
    • work projects
  19. what are municiplalites?
    • politial unit
    • created under authority of the state
    • responsibilites vary
    • have thier own independent local government
  20. what are townships
    • subdivisions of a county
    • distinct unit of government
    • snow removal is common example
    • series of squares 36 being the most common
  21. what are counties?
    • subdivision of a state government
    • intended to serve and govern areas outside cities and towns
  22. what are rundown or bad neighborhoods caused by?
    • zoning laws
    • changes in shipping
    • shopping malls
    • suburbanization
    • morgage forclosure
  23. name some renewal efforts
    • creation of housing projects
    • slum removal

    these were replaced by the revitalization grant program
  24. what is eminent domain
    seize citizens property wih due monetary compenstaion but without owners consent
  25. name 3 benefits of revitalization
    • financial local tax revenue
    • tourism
    • clean up of old manufactoring sites
  26. what are public-private partnerships?
    they are a combination of business and taxpayer project funding = tax breaks
  27. what are the target areas of pubic-private partnerships?
    • downtowns
    • brownfields
    • neighborhoods
    • historic sites
  28. name some issues with private-public partnerships
    • zoning laws
    • social equity
    • gentrification
  29. name 3 incentives for revitalization
    • exisitng infrastructe
    • shorter travel distances
    • strength on numbers
  30. what is the role of leisure in revitalization
    • essential facors for developing and sustaining community
    • can contribute to citys overall image and vitality
  31. what is the defensive space theory?
    area is safer when people feel sense of ownership and responsibility
  32. what 2 elements are part of a successful defensible space?
    • society
    • physical elements
  33. name the three parts of the predatory crime triangle
    • 1. Likely offender (top)
    • 2. suitable target (L)
    • 3. absense of a capable guardian (R)
  34. what does CPTED stand for?
    crime prevention through enviromental design
  35. what are the 4 elements of CPTED
    • natural survillance
    • territorial reinforcement
    • natural access control
    • target hardening (locks)
Card Set
RST 314
U of I