pt eval 1

  1. 4 critical life functions
    • ventilation
    • oxygenation
    • circulation
    • perfusion
  2. which is the first priority to life function
  3. what assessments would determine how well a pt is ventilating
    • rr
    • vt
    • chest movement
    • bs
    • paco2
  4. how would the RT determine if a pt has a prob with oxygenationg
    • hr
    • color
    • sensorium
    • pao2
  5. what information would help the RT determine if a pt's circulation is adequate
    • pulse
    • hr
    • strength
    • cardiac output
  6. what changes would indicate that a pt may not have adequate perfusion/not stable
    inc bp
  7. signs=
    • see
    • measure
  8. example of signs
    • color
    • pulse
    • edema
    • bp
  9. symptoms=
    pt must tell you
  10. example of symptoms
    • dsypnea
    • pain
    • nausea
    • muscle weakness
  11. 8 items that are important to examine when reviewing a pt's chart
    • occupation
    • allergies
    • prior surgery
    • vitals
    • cxr
    • smoking pack years= # of packs/day X # of packs yrs
    • signs
    • symptoms
  12. -set of instructions documenting what treatment a pt would want if he was unable to make medical decisions
    advance directive
  13. 3 types of advance directives
    • dnr
    • living will
    • durable power of attorney for health care
  14. a properly written order for RT should include what four factors
    • type of treatment
    • freq
    • med dosage/duration
    • physician signature
  15. what is the normal value for urine output
    40 ml/hr
  16. what finding might indicate that the pt's fluid intake has exceeded his urine output
    • weight gain
    • electrolyte imbalance
    • inc hemodynamic pressure
    • dec lung compliance
  17. changes in what reading can indicate hypovolemia
    fluid imbalance= decrease CVP (< 2 mmhg)
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pt eval 1
pt eval 1