
  1. pharmacology
    study of drugs (uses,preparation, routes,laws)
  2. Pharmacodunamics
    Study of the bodys response to a drug
  3. Pharmacokinetics
    the absortion, distribution,metabolishm and excretion of drugs
  4. anatomy
    the study of the structure of body parts
  5. physiology
    the science that deals with the functions of cells tissues and organs of living organisms
  6. pathology
    study of the disease process including changes in structure and function of the body
  7. psychology
    study of the normal and abnormal process of the mind
  8. drug
    chemical substance used in the diagnosis treatment cure or prevention of a disease
  9. therapeutic effect
    desired or predicted physiological response caused by a drug
  10. side effects
    desirable or undesirable effects of a drug apart from the primary purpose for giving that drug
  11. 4 sources of drugs
    • plants
    • animals
    • minerals
    • chemicals
  12. 4 ways drugs are used to diseases
    • prevention- vaccines
    • treatment- pain reliever
    • diapgnosis- druges used to diagnos and mng problem
    • cure- antibiotics
  13. contraceptives
    to prevent pregnancy
  14. drugs that are used to maintain health
    vitamins and minerals help keep the body strong
  15. palliative drugs
    to improve the quality of life but not cure or treat the disease
  16. drug standards state
    standarized strength quality purity
  17. chemical name
    describes the chemical structure of a compound
  18. generic name
    official non proprietary name assigned to a drug by the manufacturer
  19. official name
    generally the same as the generic name of a drug
  20. brand name
    trademarked name licensed to use by only that company
  21. pure food and drug act 1906
    only drugs listed in the may be prescribed and sold because they meet standards
  22. food drug and cosmetic act 1938
    it slepps out additional regulations with purity strength effectiveness safty labeling and packaging of drugs
  23. controlled substance
    this law strictly regulates the manufactoring and distrubution of controlled substances
  24. controlled substance
    potentially dangerous or habit forming drugs. strictly regulated by law
  25. over the counter (otc)
    can we bought without a prescription
  26. prescription drugs
    needs a doctor prescription to be able to get
  27. Endocrine flands
    • Endocrine glands are structures that produce and secrete chemicals called hormones into the blood stream.
    • hypothalmus,pituitary,thyroid, parathyroid,pineal.thymus,adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, testes
  28. Hormones
    • regulate many body functions
    • metabolism,growth,development, reproduction, homeostasis, energy, immunity
  29. hypothalamus
    portion of the pituitary gland linked to the brain. controlls body functions, temp, sleep, appetite
  30. pituitary gland
    • gland a the base of the brain, aka master gland
    • stimulates other glands to produce their hormone
  31. somatotropin
    • the growth hormone
    • secreted by the pituitary gland
  32. follicle stimulating hormone
    • regulates development of sex
    • secreted by ovaries and testes
  33. luteinizing hormone
    stimulates ovulation
  34. antidiuretic hormone
    regulates reabsorption of water in kidney tubules
  35. hormones of the thyroid gland
    thyroxine and triiodothyronine
    • they control metabolism
    • to much= hyperthyroidism
    • to little= hypothyroidism
  36. parathyroid hormone
    • small glands behind the thyroid
    • maintain normal calcium levels
  37. from the adrenal cortex:

    regulate the metabolism of carbs and fats have an anti inflammatory
  38. Mineralocorticoids
    maintain normal blood volume and promote sodium and water retention and urinary excretion of potassium
  39. adrenal medulla
    epinephrine and norepinephrine
    they help the body meet stressful situations increace BP HR and release extra sugar
  40. Pancreas
    naturally occuring hormone secreted nu the beta cells in the islets of langerhans in the pancreas in response to increased blood glucose levels
  41. Glucagon
    hormone secreted by the pancreas that raises the level of blood sugar
  42. hormone of the gonads
  43. Diabetes mellitus
    • most common pancreatic disorder
    • characterized by an inability to use carbs
  44. exubrea
    insulin that can be inhaled
Card Set
pharmacology and endocrine