
  1. Anaphylaxis
    Exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction that in severe cases leads to vascular collapse, bronchospasm, and shock
  2. Antibody
    Immunoglobulins produced by the immune system in response to bacteria, viruses, or other antigenic substances
  3. Antigen
    Foreign substance that causes the production of a specific antibody.
  4. Antiseptics
    Substance, such as alcohol and povdone-iodine solution (Betadine), that inhibits the growth of microorganisms on living tissue
  5. Autoimmune
    Pertaining to a disturbance in the immune system in which the body reacts against its own tissue.
  6. Contaminated
    Soiled with pathogens or infected material; nonsterile
  7. Disinfectant
    Substance such as alcohol or povidone-iodine solution (Betadine) that inhibits the growth of microorganisms on inanimate sufaces or objects
  8. Germicides
    Agents that destroy pathogenic organisms
  9. Nosocomial infections
    Infections acquired during hospitalization or in a healthcare setting; often caused by Escherichia coli, hepatitis viruses, Psendomanas, and Staphyloccus microorganisms
  10. Palliative
    Relieving or alleving symptoms without curing the disease
  11. Sanitization
    The cleansing process that decreases the number of microorganisms to a safe level
  12. Disinfection
    The process of killing pathogenic organismn or rendering them inactive
  13. Sterilization
    Destruction of all microorgamisms
  14. Cell-mediated immunity
    an immune response that does not involve antibodies or complement but rather involves the activation of macrophages, natural killer cells, antigen-specific, and the release of various in response to an antigen.
  15. bacterial spore
    • a bacteria that, because of its thick outer wall, is easily able to survive in
    • hostile environments otherwise not conducive to bacterial growth and
    • reproduction
  16. Engineering control and work practices
    • *Providing puncture-resistant containers for used sharps
    • *Providing handwashing facitities
    • *Equiptment for sanitizing, decontaminating, and sterilizing
    • *Enforcing proper handwashing
    • *Enforcing proper technique for using handling needles to prevent needle stick
    • *Enforcing proper techniques to minimize the splashing of blood
  17. Cleaning spilled material
    • 1. Sprinkle congealing powder over the spill
    • 2. Scoop up spill
    • 3. Place contents in the bag
    • 4. Wipe area thoroughly with germicide
    • 5. Place all contaminated material in biohazard bag or container
Card Set
Saftey in healthcare vocabulary