The condition of carrying a developing embryo in the uterus
concerning the period after 28th week of pregnancy through 28th day following birth
happening after birth
The condition of having carried pregnancy to a point of viability
born recently, birth to 1 year
child 1 to 5 years of age
School Age
child 6 years or older
beginning of puberty to maturity
palpatory technique used to detect or examine a floating object in the body
never having born a child
- a woman who is pregnant for the first time or who
- has borne just one child
a woman who is bearing her second child or has borne two or more children
Hegar Sign
Softening of the lower uterine segment just above the cervix seen as a probable sign of pregnancy
Piscaceks Sign
The irregular shape of the uterus due to the implantation of the ovum.
Chadwick's Sign
is a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina and vulva caused by venous congestion. It can be observed as early as 6-8 weeks after conception, and is often used as an early sign of pregnancy
Goodell Sign
The softening of the cervix.
Braxton Hicks
intermittent painless uterine contractions that may occur every 10 to 20 minutes that occur after the third month of pregnancy. These contractions do not represent true labor pains but are often so interperuted.
pigment skin discoloration usually yellowish-brown patches or spots
thin yellowish breast fluid than may be secreted from the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but is most noted in the first 2-3 days after birth but before the onset of true lactation. Contain proteins,antibodies lymphocyctes for immune fuction
first movements felt in utero. Usually 18-20th week of pregnancy
dilation of the cervix
The sensation of the baby “dropping” as the baby descends into the pelvic cavity.
sebaceous deposit covering the fetus for protection during intra uterine life
first feces of newborn infant-greenish black in color and tarry.
period of 42days after childbirth and explusion of the placenta and membranes.
- discharge of blood,mucus from the uterus during the puerperal period.
- (1) First red- first 6 days- lochia rubra (aka lochia cruenta)– blood tinged
- (2) Second Yellow- next 3-4 days lochia serosa-
- (3) Third White – lochia alba
Linea Nigra
When the linea alba, a tendinous line that extends midline from the symphysis pubis to the xiphoid, darkens with the progression of the fundus up through the abdomen.
Stria Gravidarum
(Stretch marks) A change in connective tissue, pinkish-purplish streaks that are depressions in the skin caused by the stretching of the collagen in skin.
Mucus Plug
A collection of thick mucus that blocks the cervical canal during pregnancy. Also called operculum
Nagele's Rule
A method of determining the estimated date of birth (EDB): after obtaining the first day of the last menstrual period, subtract 3 months and add 7 days.
McDonald's Rule
measuring of Fundal Height to determine gestation
Newborns & Mothers Health Protection Act
Legislation which states that women who has given birth vaginally cannot be forcibly discharged within 48 hours of the time of birth for insurance reasons. Cesarean birth mothers is covered by her insurance until 96 hours following the time of birth.
A woman who has never been pregnant
Decreased amount of amniotic fluid
Relationship of the presenting fetal part to an imaginary line drawn between the pelvic ischial spines
Vernix caseosa
A protective, cheeselike, whitish substance made up of sebum and desquamated epithelial cells that is present on the fetal skin.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Implantation of the fertilized ovum outside the uterine cavity; common sites are the abdomen, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Also called oocyesis
Incision of the perineum to facilitate birth and to avoid laceration of the perineum.
Fetal Lie
Relationship of the cephalocaudal axis (spinal column) of the fetus to the cephalocaudal axis (spinal column) of the woman. The fetus may be in a longitudinal or transverse lie.
A bluish appearance of hands and feet seen in the newborn for first few hours after delivery.
The artificial rupturing of the amniotic sac surrounding the baby.
Amniotic Fluid
Water-like fluid that surrounds the baby in the mothers uterus.
Amniotic Sac (bag of worms)
The thin membrane that encloses the developing fetus and contains the amniotic fluid. It prevents bacteria from reaching the baby.
Apgar Score
A rating or score given to the newborn at 1 & 5 minutes of age. Score based on 5 categories; color, cry, muscle tone, respiration and reflexes. A possible or 0-2 points for each or a maximum score of 10.
Back Labor
25% of labors – The position of the baby’s head is such that the back of the head is directed to the mothers back or turned toward her sacrum. Extreme back discomfort can be felt by the laboring mother
Epidural Anesthesia
Regional anesthesia administered through the patients’ back by a thin flexible tube placed in the epidural space. It numbs the lower part of the body.
The period of time a baby is carried in the uterus. It is usually described in weeks, and 40 weeks is full term.
The use of medications or Amniotomy (rupture of membranes) to stimulate labor contractions.
The process of the uterus returning to its normal size after delivery
Fine hair that covers the baby’s body and is evident at birth.
The sensation of the baby “dropping” as the baby descends into the pelvic cavity.
White spots on the baby’s nose and cheeks that disappear over time.
A greenish material that collects in the bowels of the developing baby that is normally expelled after delivery. It can stain amniotic fluid if expelled before delivery.
The shaping of the fetal head during labor to adjust to the size and shape of the birth canal.
Mucous Plug
A thick mucous plug that develops in the cervix early in pregnancy due to hormone shifts. It protects the pregnant uterus from bacteria present in the vagina
A hormone in the woman’s body that contributes to the start of labor and later stimulates “let down” response.
A synthetic Oxytocin used to induce or enhance labor. It is also given after delivery of the placenta to contract the uterus.
The circular, flat organ in the pregnant uterus that serves as the exchange station for nutrients and oxygen. It is delivered after the baby and is often referred to as the “afterbirth”.
Postpartum Depression
A condition that can occur in up to 10% of women who recently delivered babies. It most likely results from changing physiology, particular hormones and other changes such as self-image lifestyle, stress and fatigue. It is a treatable condition.
Post-term Pregnancy
A pregnancy more than 42 weeks gestation. (40 wks. Is full term)
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
A condition known only to pregnancy marked by high blood pressure. It is commonly seen developing in the last trimester and most frequently in mothers having their first baby. It is also known as preeclampsia or toxemia.
Premature (preterm) Infant
An infant born before 37 weeks gestation.
Round Ligament Pain
Pain in one or both groin regions from stretching or spasms of the round ligaments.
A pink or blood tinged mucous discharge from the vagina that can occur sometime before or during labor.
Umbilical Cord
Structure that contain blood vessels that connect the baby to the placentas
Vaginal birth after ceasarean
A greasy white material that coats the baby at birth.