Insulin and antidiabetics.txt
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What is the action of insulin
Decrease blood glucose
What do sulonylureas and glitinides do?
Increase insulin release abd increase insulin responsiveness
What do Biguanides do?
Potentiate insulin actions by dec hepatic gluconeo and inc uptake and glycolysis
What do thiazolidenones do?
Inc insulin sensitivity by incr insulin receptore and glucose receptors
What do glucosidase inhibitors do?
Decr intestinal ch2o absorption
What do in Incretins do?
Incr amylin and insulin release from beta cells
What does dpp4 do and what inhibits it
Breaks down incretins and inhibited by sigaliptin
What is an example of an glp1r agonists ( Incretin agonist)
Two examples of sulfonylureas
Tolbutamide and chloropropamide
Examples of glitinides
End with glinide....repaglinide and nateglinide
What are the adverse effects of sulfonylureas and glitinides?
Hypoglucemia and nausea avomitting rash headach
Side effects of Biguanides
Lactice acidosis gi discomfort
Examples of t
End in - litazones
Side effects of thiazolidediones
Hepatotoxicity weight gain
What is an amylin analog
Pramlintide side effects nqusea vomitting diarhea
What drugs produce hypoglycemia
Ethanol(decr gluconeo) beta adrenergic (dec gluconeo and glycogenolysis)antagonists and salicylates( inc insulin release)
What are drugs that produce hyperglycemia
Epinephrine glucocorticoids qbd orql contraceptives( counter insulin) clonidine ca channel blockers and thiazide diuretics( decr insulin through beta cells)
What are the hyperglycemic agents
Glucose and glucagon
What does mellitus mean
Lack of insulin or its action
What does insipidus mean
Lack of adh or its action
Is insulin anabolic or catabolic
Glucagon anabolic or catabolic
How is insulin administered
Iv sc and im 100 u most pt 40 u kids
What PTs present as type I diabetics
Lack activr insulin onset less than 40 thin autoimmune
Type ii PTs
Decresased response to insulin onset old obese
Diet therapy type I
Composition and timing constant
Type ii diet control
Weight reduction
Exercise effects on diabetics
Incr insulin dependent glucose uptake
Drug therapy
Type i- insulin required type ii- weight reduction antidiabetic agents
Natural insulin preps short? Inter? Long?
Short-semilente cloudy, inter- lente- cloudy, long pzi proramine added
What can be added to change absorption rates
Addition of additional components, buffera used to dissolv or suspend insulin, changing aa sequence
Semisynthetic rapid, short, inter/long
Rapid-lispro aspart, short-none interlong- glsrgine drtermir
Adverse rxns to insulin therapy
Hypoglycemia Allergic rxns lipoatrophy lipohypertrophy(at site of injection)
Factors that affect insulin
Exercise diet stress other drugs
What are the regimens
Am dose and pm dose of combined rapie and inter or single am dow of inter/long plus short acting multiple doses or premixed formulations
Card Set
Insulin and antidiabetics.txt
pharmacology of insulin and antidiabetics