always true, no matter the context
always false
impossible to assign a truth value
Truth conditions
- if you know a sentence's meaning, then you know the conditions under which it would be true.
- If conditions hold- the sentence is synthetically true
- Declarative utterances have straightfoward truth conditions. Interrogative and imperative utteraces don't have truth values in the same sense
things entailed by the sentence- straightforward inferences. If two sentences entail each other, they are synonymous, or paraphrases of each other.
inferences that are assumed to be true, rather than directly asserted
Co-operative principle-philosopher Paul Grice -
- Relevance- be relevant to the conversation at hand
- Quality - do not lie, do not make unsupported claims
- Quantity - say neither more nor less than the discourse requires
- Clarity/Manner- be brief and orderly, avoid ambiguity and obscurity
triggered when a speaker flouts one or more of these maxims
performative speech act
Action completed solely by speaking- I promise, I apologize, I admit, I command
- deals with the production of speech sounds by humans
- acoustic=physical properties of sounds auditory=perception of sounds articulatory=how vocal tract produces sounds
the grammar of phonetic patterns
high front – i beet, I bit
- high back - ʊ boot
- mid front – e bait, ɛ bet
- mid central - ə Rosa, ʌ butt
- mid back – o boat ʊ put
- low front –æ bat
- low back - ɔ bore a bomb
- an abstract concept; a meaningful and distinct phone observable to a native speaker
- -produces minimal pairs
the sounds of languages
phoneme inventory
inventory of meaningful and distinct sounds in a language
rules for how sounds can be combined -syllable structure- onset=initial cluster, followed by rhyme=nucleus(v) and coda(c)
phonological rules
rules of pronunciation, eg distinction between [e] and [ej]- rule is insert a front glid after a front tense vowel (bait, lake)
What causes accents?
It's difficult for speakers to turn off their subconcious first language phoneme inventory - aspiration, dipthongization