exocrine gland
gland that secretes to the surface or outward through a duct.
endocrine gland
- ductless gland that secrets hormones internally
- usually right into blood stream and circulation
target cell
cells that have a receptor for a particular hormone. When a hormone binds to the receptor of a target cell it promotes a response from the cell
water souble hormones
- cannot pass directly through the membrane
- needs plasma membrane to have a receptor
- protien hormones
lipid soluble hormone
- can pass directly through the membrane to act on receptors that are inside of the cell (inracellular receptors)
- steriod and fatty acid hormones.
nuclear receptors
lipid hormones
second messanger
- intracellular mediator
- produced with in a cell and binds to a receptors or enzymes and regulates their activities
- causes a cascade effect
- causes changes inside of the cell
steriod receptors
- located in cytoplasm or in the nucleus of the cell
- intracellular receptor
- when a hormone binds to the receptor, the hormone-receptor complex binds to DNA and stimulates synthesis of specific protiens that are resposible for producing the cells response
carrier protiens
- bind to plasma-protiens.
- acts as a resivors for the hormones
- lipid soluble (steriod and thyroid) hormones
the length of the time for a hormone's blood level to be decreased by half
What does hormone receptors having a high affintiy for hormone binding cause?
- its means that a hormone will result in a significant amount of receptors with hormones bond to them
- the presence or absence of a specific receptor molecules determine which cells will or will not respond to each hormone
- endocrine gland that regulates the secretory activity of the pituitary gland
- hormones: antidiuretic (ADH) and Oxytocin (OT)
antidiurectic hormone (ADH)
- prevents large outputs of urine
- post pituitary
oxytocin (OT)
- causes contraction of smooth muscle cells fo the uterus and milk ejection
- posterior pituitary
growth hormone (GHRH)
increased growth hormone secretion
growth hormone (GHIH)
decreases growth of hormone secretion
increased thyriod stimulatory hormone secretion
corticotropin (CRH)
increased adrencorticotropic hormone secretion
gonagotropin (GnRH)
- increased secretion of luteinizing hormone
- follicle stiumlating hormone
prolactin inhibiting hormone (PIH)
decreased prolactin secretion
prolactin releasing hormone (PRH)
increased prolactin secretion
anterior pituitary gland
- regulates body functions
- tropic hormones
- hormones: growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone
growth hormone (GH)
- anterior pituitary gland
- increases growth in tissues
- increased amino acid uptake and protien synthesis
- increased breakdown of lipids and release of fatty acids from cells
- increased glycogen synthesis
- increased blood gluclose level
- increased somatomedin protien
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
- anterior pituitary gland
- increased thyroid hormone secretion
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- anterior pituitary gland
- increased glucocoticoid hormone secretion
melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
- anterior pituitary gland
- increased melanin production in melanocytes to make skin darker in color
luteinizing hormone (LH)
- anterior pituitary gland
- ovulation and progesterone production in ovaries
- testosterone synthesis and support for sperm cell production in testies
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- anterior pituitary gland
- follicle maturation and estrogen secretion in ovaries
- support for sperm cell production in the testies
milk production in the lactating women. increased response of follicle to LH and FSH
thyroid gland
- major metabolic hormone of the body
- affects almost all cells in the body
- found on the anterior to the thyroid cartilage and superior to the trachea
- hormones: T3,T4, and calcitonin
thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)
- thyriod follicles increased metablic rate
- essential for normal process of growth and maturation
- parafollicular cells
- decreases rate of breakdown of bone by osteoclasts
- prevention of a large increase in blood calcium levels
parathyroid gland
- 2 pair of 2 oval masses on the posteior side of the thyriod gland
- important in controlling blood calcium
parathyroid hormone
- increased rate of breakdone of bone by osteoclasts
- increase reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys
- increase absorption of calcium from the small intestine
- located inferior to the thyroid gland and posterior to the sternum development of the immune system
- only active in infants and adolescences
development and function of the immune system
adrenal galnd
superior to the kidney
- released from the adrenal medulla
- increased cardiac output
- increased blood flow to skeletal muscles
- increased blood flow to the heart
- vasoconstriction of blood vessels
- increased release of gluclose and fatty acids into the blood
- preperation of physical activity
glucocorticoids (corisol)
- released from the adrenal cortex
- increased protien and fat breakdown
- increased gluclose production
- inhibition of immune response
- decreased inflammation
mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
- released by the adrenal cortex
- increased sodium reabsorption
- increased potassium and hyrdogen excreation
- enhancedwater reabsorption
- released by the adrenal cortex
- females: development of secondary sex characteristics (pubic and axillary hair)
- increases uptake and use of gluclose and amino acids
- released by the pancreas
- released by the pancreas
- increases the breakdown of glyclogen
- release of gluclose into the circulatory system
- release testosterone:
- aids in spermogenesis
- development of genitalia
- maintenance of functional development organs
- secondary sex characteristics
- sexual behavior
releases estrogens and progesterone
- uterine and mammary glands development and function
- maturation of genitalia
- secondary sex charactersitics
- sexual behavior and menstrual cycle
- uterine and mammary glands development and function
- maturation of genitalia
- secondary sex charactersitics
- and menstrual cycle
Pineal Body
releases melatonin
- inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion, inhibiting reproduction
- peaks at night
Disorders of the thyriod
graves disease: overactive thyriod
type 1 diabetes
islets dont make enough insulin
type 2 diabetes
receptors are faulty
double gland
- pancreas becauase it has two parts
- exocrine: acinar cells produce digestive pancreatic enzymes
- endocrine: regulates blood sugar
pituitary gland
- in sella turcia
- shaped like a stalk and is connected to the hypothalamus
- postieror pituitary: releases hormones that are made in the hypothalamus and stored in the postieror pituitary gland
- anterior pituitary: hypothalamus releases hormones that infulence the anterior pituitary gland secretions
- formation and development of blood cells from myeloid tissue
- occurs in fetus
- red bone marrow
- stem cells
- differeniate and give rise to different cell lines
formed elements
- red blood cells (erythrocytes)
- white blood cells (leukocytes)
- platelets (thrombocytes)
- the process in which new red blood cells are produced.
- 4 days for one cell to be produced
steps for red blood cell formation
- 1. proerythroblast
- 2.erthroblast
- 3. reticulocyte (no nucleus)
- 4. mature red blood cells
kindey and red blood cell formation
- when oxygen in decreased the kidneys release erythropoietin into ciruclation
- this then stimulates red blood cell production in red bone marrow which will then increase blood oxygen levels
- 92% water
- 7% plasma protiens (albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen)
- 1% ions (neutreints and gases)
90% of plasma protiens are made in the liver
- 45% formed elements
- 55% plasma
- connective tissue
- plasma protien
- osmotic pressure of blood
- transport fatty acids and steriods to thyroid hormone
- transport molecules can bind to hormones
- plasma protiens
- antibodies = immunoglobins
- clotting factors
- transport protien can bind to hormones
- plasma protien
- clotting factor
- conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
red blood cells
- transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
- erythrocyte
- hemoglobin red in pigment
- rapid gas exchange
white blood cells
- involved in immunity
- leukocyte
- defend against pathogens remove toxins and waste
- connective and lymphiod tissue
- increase white infection, inflammation, alergies, and disease
- decrease diease (leukmia)
red blood cells
- white blood cells
- lack hemoglobin
- 5 kinds
- 1. neutrophils: bacterial
- 2. eosinophils: allergens
- 3. basophils: damaged tissue
- 4. monocytes: engulf
- 5.lympocytes: body defense
- white blood cell
- granulocyte
- most common type of wbc
- phagocytize foreign substances
- secrete lysozymes (enzymes) that destroy bacterias
- white blood cell
- granulocyte
- least common wbc
- releases histamine and other chemicals to promote inflammation
- releases heparin which prevents the formation of clots
- white blood cell
- granulocyte
- releases chemicals that reduce inflammation
- elevated in people who have allergies
- white blood cell
- agranulocyte
- smallest wbc
- originates in red bone marrow and goes to lymphatic tissue
- T and B cells
- white blood cell
- agranulocyte
- largest wbc
- become macrophage when they leave the blood and phagocytize bacteria, dead cells, and cell fragments
- large cytoplasmic granules
- neutrophils
- basophils
- eosinophils
- need a microscope to see granules
- lymphocytes
- monocytes
how do leukocytes move?
the cell projects a cytoplasmic extension that attaches to the object then the rest of the cell's cytoplasm flows into the extension
- small cellular pieces from the breakdown of megakaryocytes in red blood marrow
- accumulation of platelets can seal up small break in blood vessels by sticking to the exposed collagen
- when cell is severely damage it results in blood clotting
blood clot
made up of fibrin which traps blood cells, platelets and fluid.
clotting cascade
- once clotting begins it continues until the end
- each step is triggered by the previous one
- stopping of bleeding
- 30-60 mins
- 1. vascular phase: spasm endothelial cells contract and become sticky
- 2. platelet phase: platelets adhere and form a plug
- 3. coagulation phase: blood clotting cascade of chain reactions
when blood clot eventually dissolves
ABO blood groups
- antigens on the surface of red blood cells
- catagorized into blood groups
Type AB blood
- A and B antigens (Ab)
- universal acceptor becasue it has no antibodies
Type O
- has NO A or B antigens
- universal donor because it does not have antigens and there are not attack from the recipient's antibodies
3 layers that make up the heart wall
- 1. outer epicardium: visceral pericardium outer most layer
- 2. myocardium: straighted cardiac muscle
- 3. endocardium: endothelialceells that line the chambers
pericardial cavity
- between the parietal and the visceral pericardium
- fill with paricardial (serous) fluid that decrease friction as the heart moves
- surrounds the heart
paricardial sac
- pericardium
- makes up the pericardial cavity
- 3 layers.
- 1. fibrous pericardium: connective tissues that anchors the heart to the heart wall to diaphram
- 2. parietal pericardium: lines fibrous pericardium and is against the cavity wall
- 3. visceral layer:covers the surface of the heart
coronary arteries
- 1st branches off of the aorta
- blood supply to the heart
myocardial infarction
- blockage of coranary arteries
- heart attack
- recieving chamber
- where blood enters the heart
- contract moving blood through the ventricles
bundles of muscle in the atria
- discharging chambers
- contract moving blood to the lungs
right ventricle
- pumps deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary trunk
- to the lung
left ventricle
- pumps oxygenated blood into the aorta
- thicker wall because it needs more force and strength to pump the blood to the rest of the body
trabeculae carnea
- papillary muscles in the AV valves
- ridges of muscle in the ventricles
left atrium
- on the back of the heart
- where oxygenated blood enters and goes to the left ventricle
right atrium
deoxygenated blood enters and goes to the left ventricle
tricuspid valve
- atrioventricular valve
- betweem right atrium and the right ventricle
- 3 cusps
bicuspid valves
- atrioventricular valve
- between the left atrium and the left ventricle
- 2 cusps
semilunar valves
- located at the base of the large blood vessels carrying blood away from the ventricle
- aortic semilunar valve: in aorta
- pulmonary semilunar valve: in pulmonary trunk
chordae tendineae
- anchors cusps of the AV valves to the papillary muscles
- tightens before ventricles contract
- great vessel
- from left ventricle
- blood goes to the systemic circuit
pulmonary trunk
- from the right ventricle
- seperates into the right and left pulmonary arteries
- carries deoxigenated blood to the lungs
pulmonary viens
carry oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart
pulmonary artiers and viens
- arteries: carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart
- viens: carries oxygenated blood to the heart
superior and inferior vena cava
bring deoxygenated blood from the body to the heart
path of blood
- deoxyginated: right atrium to the superior and inferior vena cava, to the coronary sinur through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle to the pulmonary trunk through the pumonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary arteries to the lungs
- oxygenated: pulmonary viens bring back oxygenated blood to the left atrium through the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle throught the aortic semilunar valve through the aorta to the coronary viens to the rest of the body
function synctium
- act as one unit
- in sync
- gap junctions within the intercalated discs form electrical synapse by allowing ions to pass from cell to cell transmitting current along the heart
cardiac muscle
- straited
- centrally located nucleus
- contract by sliding filaments
intercalated discs
connect the cardiac muscle cells
- stimulates itself to contract at regular intervals
- spontaneously depolarize
- depolarization spreads across the gap junctions from cell to cell
SA node
- sinoatrial node
- pacemaker
- upper right atrium
- has the fastest depolarization rat and sets the pace for the entire heart
- initates depolarization across atria
AV node
- atrioventricular node
- lower right atrium
- delayes impulse which allows atria to contract before the ventricles
- directs impulse towards the ventricles through the bundle of his
Bundle of His
- only connection between the atria and then ventricles
- interventricular septum
- causes ventricles to contract
skeletal action potential
2 milliseconds
cardiac action potentail
300 milliseconds
plateau phase
- causes elongated action potentials
- causes long refractory periods
- prevents tetnus
- when potassium leaves the cells it cancles out the calcium (new) which prolongs the refractory period
sympathetic nervous system
- causes an increase in heart rate
- increases strength of the contraction
parasympathetic nervous system
- decrease heart rate
- decreases strenght of contractions
- in carotid artery and aorta
- sense blood pressure changes
- influences the autonomic control of blood pressure
- sensors send infor
P wave
- atrail depolarization
- precedes atrail contraction
QRS complex
- ventricular depolarization
- precedes ventricular contraction
T wave
- ventricular repolarization
- preceeds ventricular relaxation
pressure changes
produced in chambers as a result of contraction are resposible for the blood movement
relaxtion of the chambers
atrial systol
contraction of the atrium
ventricular systol
contraction of the ventricles
Cardiac Cycle
- atrial filling: blood flows into the atria during relaxation 70% flows passively into the ventricles
- atrial systol: SA node depolarizes, p wave, atria contract and the other 30% of blood flows into the ventricles
- ventricle filling: AV valve open
- ventriclur systol: AV valves close and 1st sound av node to the purkinje fibers, QRS complex and the ventricle contract the blood initially stays in the chamber then pressure builds and forces the semilunar valves to open blood is ejected into the aorta or into the pulmonary trunk
- ventricle distole: ventricle relaxes and the pressure decreases and the semilunar valves close 2nd sounds
cardiac output
- amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute
- stroke volume x heart rate
stroke volume
- amount of blood released by the ventricle during each contraction
- mL/beat
heart rate
- how many times the heart contracts per minutes
- beats/min
- avg 75 beats/min
smallest branches of the arteries
- smalles blood vessel
- lovation of gas exchange between blood and interstitual fluid
collect blood from the capillaries
layers of arteries and veins
- tunica external: connective tissue covering outermost layer
- tunica media: thickest made of smooth muscle and is elastic
- tunica intima: endothelial linging simple sqaumous inter elastic membrane
simple sqaumous epithelium
facilitates the exchange of gases, nutrients, and water products
hydrostolic pressure
- the pressure exerted by a fluid
- forces water and small solutes out of the capillary wall
- meandering network of lymphatic vessels
- lymphocyte cell
destroy foreign invaders
a diease producing agent
the ability to resist infection or disease
cellular immunity
T lymphocyte coming in contact with the target cell it is attacking (t cells)
humoral immunity
- blood immunity
- b cells changing into plasma cell
- plasma cell makes and secretes protien antibodies in the blood stream
- the antibodies attack the target cells
adaptive immunity
antigens and t cells cause the b cells to dived and become plasma cells and memory b cells
- formes in bone marrow and mature in the thymus
- adaptive immunity
- recognize abnormal cells
- 1. cytotoxic Tcells: destroys by apoptosis, cytokines
- 2. helper Tcells: regulate B cells and cytoxic cells
- 3. memory Tcels remember antigen and hangs around to wait for the next attack
lymphoid node
distributed across lymphatic vessels and filter lymph removing bateria and other materials
lymphatic nodules
denser arrangements of lymphatic tissue in spleen and lymphnodes
- superior corner of the abdominal cavity
- smooth muscle
- destory defective red blood cells and detects and responds to forign substances
large phagocytic cells
G protiens
bind with receptors and the inner surface of the plasma membrane. the cell and receptor change shape and bind
released to local/neighbor
acts on cell that produced it
hormones controlled by
- blood levels of chemicals
- other hormones
- nervous system
tropic hormones
regulate secretion of hormones from other endocrine glands
hormone binding causes
- change in membrane permeability
- activate or deactive enzymes
- cause secretion
- cause mitosis
up regulation
an increase in the number of receptors on the surface of a target cell to make it more sensitive to a hormone or other organ
down regulation
- decrease in the number of receptors on a target cell make it less sensitve
- medications
necessary for the synthesis of T3 and T4
- stimulates gylclogen formation which inhances gluclose and fatty acide transport into cells
- storage of energy
gluclose levels fall
alpha islets cells release glucogen
stimulates glyclogen breakdown and the release of gluclose by the liver
fuctions of the blood
- transports gasses, nutrients, and waste products
- transport processed molecules
- transport regulartory molecules (hormones)
- regulation of osmosis
- regulation of PH and buffers
- maitence of body temp
- protection again foreign substances
- protien that carries oxygen
- low oxygen: hemoglobin releases oxygen at tissues and picks up carbon dioxide
- high oxygen: hemoglobin binds to oxygen at lungs and releases the carbon dioxide
blood antigens
molecules on the surface of red blood cells
properties of arteries
- elastic: allows arteries to absorb pressure waves that come with each heart beat
- contractile: smooth muscle decreases diameter and increase pressure
- sympathetic: ANS cause vasoconstriction
circle of willis
- grouping of arteries near the base of the brain
- supplies all of the blood to the brain
properites of viens
- tunica interna is thinners
- tunica media is made out of less smooth muscle
- lower pressure
- valves or folds in tunica media
- formed and matured in bone marrow
- release to lymphiod tissues
- adaptive immunity