Court Cases

  1. Baker v Carr
    established the principle of "one person, one vote" in drawing up state house districts
  2. Barron v Baltimore
    established Bill of Rights restrains only the national govt
  3. Bob Jones University
    the IRS could, without Congress' approval, revoke tax exemption status of organizations contrary to established public policy
  4. Brandenburg v Ohio
    it is permissible to advocate the violent overthrow of the govt but not incite anyone to lawless action
  5. Brown v Board of Education
    established that school segregation was unconsitutional
  6. Buckley v Valeo
    struck down campain reform that limits the amount of money individuals can give to campaigns
  7. Clinton v City of New York
    strike down of law granting the president authority to propose rescinding funds in appropriations bills and tax provisions that only apply to a few people
  8. Engle v Vitale
    established that the state has a firm position of neutrality on religion
  9. Escovedo v Illinois
    criminal suspects have a right to counsel during police interrogations
  10. Gibbons v Ogden
    gave Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce
  11. Giedeon v Wainwright
    right to counsel in felony cases
  12. Gitlow v New York
    upheld freedom of speech
  13. Griswald v Connecticut
    right to privacy
  14. Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier
    school officials can impose some limits on what appears in school sponsored student publications
  15. Heart of Atlanta Motel v U.S.
    Congress can use the Constitution's commerce clause power to fight discimination
  16. INS v Chadha
    one house legislative veto violates the separation of powers
  17. Korematsu v U.S.
    upheld Japanese internment during WWII as Constitutional
  18. Lau v Nichols
    established that language based discrimination is the same as national origin discrimination
  19. Lemon v Kurtzman
    aid to church related schools must have secular legislative purpose, does not advance/inhibit religion, no entanglement with religion
  20. Mapp v Ohio
    exclusionary rule
  21. Marbury v Madison
    judicial review
  22. McCulloch v Maryland
    established supremacy of national govt
  23. McCleskey v Kemp
    upheld the Constitutionality of the death penalty
  24. Miranda v Arizona
    established guidelines for police questioning
  25. Miller v California
    avoided defining whether material is obscene
  26. Miller v Johnson
    rejected the efforts of the Dept of Justice to achieve the max possible number of minority districts
  27. Near v Minnesota
    freedom of the press
  28. New York Times v Sullivan
    statements about public figures are libelous only if made with no regard to the truth
  29. New York Times Co. v U.S.
    allows newspapers to public classified documents without risk of govt censure
  30. Plessy v Ferguson
    Constitutional justification for segregation
  31. Roe v Wade
    right to abortion
  32. Roth v U.S.
    obscenity is not withint the area of constitutionally protected speech or press
  33. San Antonio Independent School District v Rodriguez
    school financing system based on local property taxes is not in violation of the 14th amendment
  34. Shaw v Reno
    decried the creation of districts based solely on racial composition
  35. Schenk v U.S.
    the govt can limit free speech if it provokes a "clear and present" danger
  36. Snyder v Phelps
    speech in public about a public issue cannot be liable for a tort of emotional distress even if speech is outrageous
  37. Texas v Johnson
    protected flag burning under the First Amendment
  38. The Miami Herald Publishing Company v Tornillo
    voided a law that required newspapers to have a space where candidates could reply to criticisms
  39. Tinker v Des Moines
    protects the rights of students to wear what they want as long as it doens't interfere with school
  40. U.S. v Nixon
    Supreme Court has final voice in determining Constitutional questions; president is not above the law; President cannot use executive privilege as a means of withholding evidence
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Court Cases