1. The Windows XP line of operating systems is based on what architecture?
    Windows NT Kernel
  2. This layer of code is designed to interface specific hardware with the more generic operating system.
    • HAL
    • Hardware Abstraction Layer
  3. What name does XP give to it's user interface?
    Intelligent User Interface
  4. What are the three sections of XP's Intelligent User Interface?
    • Desktop
    • Taskbar
    • Start Menu
  5. What two items are on the left side of the Start Menu?
    • Pinned Items
    • Frequently Used Programs
  6. What three items are on the right side of the Start Menu?
    • Special Purpose Folders (My Documents, My Pictures, etc...)
    • Configuration Tools (Control Panel, Connect to..., Printers and Faxes, etc...)
    • Help and Support (Run, Search, Help and Support)
  7. The far right of the Taskbar, (the Notification Area)which displays active programs, alerts, and time, was known as what in previous versions of Windows?
    System Tray
  8. What is the only icon that is placed on the desktop (by default) upon installation?
    The Recycle Bin
  9. What two important features were added for driver support with XP?
    • Driver Signing
    • Device Rollback Support
  10. What four major catagories are provided in the Help and Support Center screen?
    • Search
    • Pick a Help Topic
    • Ask for Assistance
    • Pick a Task
  11. On the Help and Support Center Screen, what is unique about the search function?
    It provides a Full-Text search, that searches for all occurences of a word or phrase across all Windows-Compiled HTML help files, internet included.
  12. On the Help and Support Center screen, what are some functions under the Pick a Help Topic portion?
    • system features
    • setting up system components
    • wizards
  13. On the Help and Support Center screen, what are some functions under the Ask For Assistance portion?
    • Remote Assistance
    • Microsoft Product Support Service
  14. On the Help and Support Center screen, what are some functions under the Pick a Task portion?
    • Windows Updates
    • Compatible Hardware
    • System Recovery
    • System Support Tools
  15. On the Help and Support Center screen, where would you go to find Accessability options to support people with disabilities?
    Pick A Help Topic
  16. Windows Firewall was introduced, and enabled by deafult with which version of XP?
    Service Pack 2 (SP2)
  17. Prior to SP2, what was the Windows Firewall named?
    the Internet Connection Firewall
  18. True/False. EFS also allows a file to be compressed.
    False. Encryption and Compression are mutually exclusive.
  19. What are the maximum number of computers allowed in a Workgroup?
  20. What are the requirements for setting up a Workgroup?
    the Workgroup Name
  21. A logical collection of computers that share resources with eachother, also known as a peer-to-peer.
  22. A logical grouping of network computers that share a central directory database.
  23. This screen, which is used by default in Windows XP, allows a user to quickly log onto another user on the system, by using Fast Switching.
    The Welcome Screen
  24. How doe you change the way that a user logs in?
    Control Panel, User Accounts, Change The Way Users Log On Or Off.
  25. What are the minimum hardware requirements to install XP?
    • 233 MHz processor
    • 64 MB memory (RAM)
    • 650 MB free hard drive space on a 2 Gig drive
    • VGA resolution
    • Network Adapter
    • Keyboard and Mouse (or other pointing device)
  26. What type of file systems are supported with Windows XP?
    • NTFS
    • FAT
    • FAT32
  27. During an installation of Windows XP on an existing partition, what might you be required to do to the partition?
    Format the partition to create sufficient clean space.
  28. Is it possible to convert from an NTFS file structure to a FAT or FAT32?
  29. What versions of Windows operating system can be upgraded to XP?
    • 2000
    • NT 4.0
    • 98
    • ME
  30. What are the requirements to join a computer to a domain?
    • Domain Name
    • A valid computer account in the domain
    • An available Domain Controller
    • A DNS server
  31. What are the requirements for a network installation of XP?
    • A Distrobution Server
    • A FAT partition on the target computer
    • A Network Client
  32. What folder on the Windows XP installation CD holds the installation files?
  33. What does the command [drive]:\i386\winnt32 /checkupgradeonly do?
    Checks the computer for upgrade compatibility, and generated a text file report.
  34. What does the command [drive]:\i386\winnt32 /cmdcons do?
    Lods the files for the command line interface and the Recovery console.
  35. What are the three options available when using the Files And Settings Transfer Wizard?
    • Settings Only
    • Files Only
    • Both Files And Settings
  36. What are the four benefits of using RIS (Remote Installation Services)?
    • Enables Remote Install of Windows XP
    • Simplifies system image management
    • Supports operating system recovery after failure
    • Reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  37. What are the three ways a user can access Windows Update?
    • Start Menu, All Programs, Windows Update
    • Internet Explorer, Tools Menu, Windows Update
    • URL www.windowsupdate.com or windowsupdate.microsoft.com
  38. What are the three types of Windows Updates?
    • High Priority
    • Optional Software
    • Optional Hardware
  39. What are the four Automatic Update Options?
    • Automatic (reccomended)
    • Download but let me choose when to install
    • Notify me but don't download or install
    • Turn off Automatic Updates
  40. How many days after installation do you have to activate Windows XP?
    30 days
  41. What two methods can be used to access the Display Properties dialog box?
    • Start Menu, Control Panel, Apperance And Themes, Display
    • Right-click the Desktop, select Properties
  42. What 5 Tabs are available on the Display Properties dialog box?
    • Themes
    • Desktop
    • Screen Saver
    • Apperance
    • Settings
  43. Which Tab in the Display Properties allow a user to select a Windows Classic theme?
  44. What are the maximum number of supported monitors for Windows XP?
    10 monitors
  45. The Desktop Cleanup Wizard runs by default every 60 days, how can you navigate to this wizard to use it immediatly?
    Right Click the Desktop, Display Properties, Desktop Tab, select Customize Desktop, Select Clean Desktop Now.
  46. How do you add or remove the default icons from the desktop?
    Right Click the Desktop, Display Properties, Desktop Tab, select Customize Desktop.
  47. In the Display Properties dialog box, what Tab allows you to adjust the Power Schemes?
    Screen Saver
  48. In pre-XP versions of Windows, Power Schemes was named what?
    Advanced Power Management
  49. What are the benefits of configuring an UPS?
    • Send Alerts
    • Battery Status
    • Safely shut-down the computer
  50. What file path would you use to place a program on the desktop for every user?
    [drive]:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Desktop
  51. Which Accessability Tool is used to read information aloud to a person with a sight disability?
  52. What executable is called upon by both the system and the user to install files?
  53. What does a self-healing application mean?
    Using the Add/Remove Programs feature allows an application to examine it's files, and replace any corrupt files.
  54. The Windows Logo Program specifies three levels of application compatibility, what are they?
    • Compatible with XP - will function
    • Designed for XP - supports fast-user switching, and listed in the Windows Catalog
    • Optimized for XP - Takes full advantage of XP
  55. What is Shim Technology?
    XP inserts code between the application and the operating system to fool the application into thinking that it is an older version of Windows.
  56. What are the three Compatibility Modes?
    • End-User
    • System (System Administrator Only)
    • Custom
  57. What are the two Advanced Compatibility Tools, and what do they do?
    • Compatibility Analyzer - only analyzes the computer
    • Compatibility Administrator - allows for customized fixes
  58. What five things should an administrator do when troubleshooting incompatibilities?
    • Check the vendor's web site
    • Install the application using an admin role
    • Log other users off
    • Use the Compatibility Analyzer
    • Use the Compatibility Administrator
  59. How do you launch the New Connection Wizard?
    Internet Explorer, Tools menu, Internet Options, Connections Tab, click Setup.
  60. What are the two basic types of network connections?
    • Dial-up
    • Broadband
  61. What is the purpose of a Proxy Server?
    Allows a server, or group of servers to serve as an interface to the internet. Also allows for internet content filtering.
  62. What are the five Web Content Zones, and which two are controled through Group Policy?
    • Internet
    • Local Intranet
    • Trusted Sites
    • Restricted Sites
    • Locked-Down Local Machine zone - GP
    • Local Machine zone - GP
  63. In the Internet Options dialog box, under the Security Tab, what are the four levels of Zone Security?
    • Low
    • Medium-Low
    • Medium
    • High
  64. What are the four types of cookies?
    • Session
    • Persistent
    • First-Party
    • Third-Party
  65. In the Internet Options dialog box, under the Privacy Tab what are the six settings to manage cookies?
    • Block All Cookies
    • High
    • Medium High
    • Medium
    • Low
    • Accept All Cookies
  66. This Cookie Management Setting prohibits saving any cookies to the computer.
    Block All Cookies
    Medium High
    Accept All Cookies
    Block All Cookies
  67. This Cookie Management Setting blocks cookies from any web site that does not have a computer-readable privacy act statement, known as a compact policy.
    Block All Cookies
    Medium High
  68. This Cookie Management Setting blocks cookies from third-party web sites that do not have a compact policy, but allows first-party cookies that ask your permission.
    Block All Cookies
    Medium High
    Medium High
  69. This Cookie Management Setting blocks third party cookies without a compact policy, or that act without your permission, and deletes first-party cookies when internet explorer closes
    Block All Cookies
    Medium High
  70. This Cookie Management Setting Blocks Third party cookies that do not have a compact policy, and deletes cookies that use your personal information without your consent when you close internet explorer.
    Block All Cookies
    Medium High
  71. What version of XP introduced the Pop-up Blocker function?
    Windows XP SP2
  72. True/False. Cookies must be deleted seperately from temporary internet files.
  73. This feature stores usernames and passwords in a cache for future use when logging into web sites.
    Auto-Complete Feature
  74. This program, which was added in XP SP2, is used to manage Browser Helper Objects, Shockwave Flash Objects, and other applications used to "enhance" the browsing experience.
    Add-On Manager
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