Botany CH7 control of growth and development

  1. hormone
    [G: "to excite"] an organic substance produced in small amounts and transported to sites where it controls growth and development processes
  2. etiolation
    the condition of a plant when grown in darkness; its stem is pale and elongated, the leaves are undeveloped
  3. tropism
    [G: tropos, "turn"] a growth curvature of a plant part caused by some external stimulus such as light or gravity
  4. phototropism
    curvature of a plant organ in response to light
  5. auxin
    [G: "to increase"] a plant hormone that principally controls cell elongation
  6. gibberellin
    a plant hormone regulating several processes including internode elongation and cell enlargement
  7. geotropism (gravitropism)
    growth of a plant organ in response to gravity; most roots = positive geotropism, most stems = negative geotropism
  8. diageotropism
    [G: dia, "across"] horizontal growth of a plant part
  9. plagiotropic
    [G: plagios, "oblique"] growth of a plant at an angle
  10. thigmotropism
    [G: thigma, "touch"] a growth response to touch
  11. nastic movements
    [G: nastos, "pressed close"] a movement of a plant part (such as a leaf) not caused by an external stimulus
  12. abscission
    [L: "to cut off"] the controlled separation of leaves, flowers and fruit in plants
  13. cytokinin
    [G: kytos, "container," "a cell"; kinesis, "movement"] a plant hormone primarily stimulating cell division

    Benzyl Adenine - keeps plants green
  14. abscission zone
    a layer of cells at the base of a leaf petiole, flower, or fruit stalk, the weakening of which causes the organ to separate from the plant
  15. adventitious root
    a root arising in an unexpected position, such as from a leaf
  16. layering
    a method of plant propagation in which adventitious roots are developed on an intact plant before the rooted section is removed
  17. defoliant
    a synthetic chemical causing leaves to prematurely shed
  18. disbudder
    a synthetic chemical causing the shedding of immature flower buds
  19. growth retardant
    a chemical substance slowing or inhibiting plant growth
  20. herbicide
    any chemical that, when applied to a plant, inhibits growth or kills
  21. vernalization
    [L: "belonging to spring"] a low temperature treatment promoting flowering
  22. bolting
    the rapid growth of a stem prior to flowering
  23. photoperiodism
    the initiation of flowering in response to relative lengths of day and night
  24. day-neutral plant
    a plant in which flower formation is not controlled by photoperiodism
  25. critical photoperiod
    the maximum day length a short-day plant and a minimum day length a long-day plant require to initiate flowering
  26. ripeness-to-flower
    the minimum vegetative size a plant must achieve before it is capable of flowering
  27. photoinduce
    to initiate a physiological process as a result of being subjected to a particular photoperiod
  28. CAM plants
    Crassulacean Acid Metabolism; plants in which stomates open at night, storing oxygen and CO2
  29. tunic
    papery cover; tunicate bulbs
  30. climateric
    peak of respiration
  31. abscisic acid
    a growth-inhibiting hormone
  32. florigen
    hypothetical name for a flowering hormone
  33. ethylene
    a gaseous plant hormone produced in abundance by ripening fruits and damaged tissues
  34. DNA
    deoxyribonucleic acid; the substance of which genes are made; the carrier of genetic information in cells
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Botany CH7 control of growth and development
Botany CH7 control of growth and development