Lit Jargon

  1. Metaphysical Conceit
    in which complex startling, intellectual analogies are mad. Used by the metaphysical poets of the 17 th century.
  2. Apostrophe
    • The sign (') used to indicate ommission of a one or more letters in a word.
    • Example: O'er (Over)
  3. Oxymoron
    • A figure of Speech by which a loultion produces an incongrous seemlingly contridictory effect.
    • Example: Cruel Kindness
  4. Antithesis
    • the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which
    • it is opposed to form a balanced contrast of ideas
    • Example: Give me Liberty or give me Death!
  5. Paradox
    • a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
    • Example: "War is peace."
    • "Freedom is slavery."
    • "Ignorance is strength."
    • (George Orwell, 1984)
  6. Pun
    • the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its
    • different meanings or applications, or the use of wordsthat are alike
    • or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.
    • Example: I decided that becoming a vegetarian was a missed steak.
  7. Malapropism
    • an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, esp. by the confusion of words that are similar in sound.
    • Example: Lead the Way and we'll precede
  8. Double Entendre
    a double meaning.
  9. Hyperbole
    • obvious and intentional exaggeration.
    • Example: To wait an eternity
  10. Understatement
    • to state or represent less strongly or strikingly than the facts would
    • bear out; set forth in restrained, moderate, or weakterms: The casualty lists understate the extent of the disaster.
  11. Litotes
    understatement, esp. that in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary, as in “not bad at all.”
  12. Euphonious
    pleasant in sound; agreeable to the ear; characterized by euphony: a sweet, euphonious voice.
  13. Cacophonous
    having a harsh or discordant sound.
  14. Alliteration
    the commencement of two or more stressed syllables of a word group either with the same consonant sound or sound group (consonantal alliteration), as in from stem to stern, or with a vowel sound that may differ from syllable to syllable (vocalic alliteration), as in each to all.Compare consonance (def. 4a).
  15. Assonance
    Resemblance of sounds. Also called vowel rhyme. Prosody. rhyme in which the same vowel sounds are used with different consonants in the stressed syllables of the rhyming words, asin penitent and reticence.
  16. Consonance
    Prosody. a.the correspondence of consonants, esp. those at the end of a word, in a passage of prose or verse. Compare alliteration (def. 1).b.the use of the repetition of consonants or consonant patterns as a rhyming device.
  17. Onomatopoeia
    • A blending of consonant and vowel sounds designed to imitate or suggest the
    • activity being described.
  18. Feminine Rhyme
  19. Masculine Rhyme
    ( / )
  20. Internal Rhyme
    Rhyme within a line of poetry
  21. Eye-Rhyme
    • Words which seem to rhyme because parts of them are spelled identically but
    • pronounced differently.
  22. Exact Rhyme
    • Rhyming words in which both
    • the vowel and consonant sounds rhyme. Important that it rhymes with the sound
    • and not the spelling.
  23. Falling Rhyme
    Trochaic rhymes, such as dying and crying.
  24. Rising Rhyme
    Rhymes produced with one syllable words, like sky and fly
  25. Identitical Rhyme
  26. Identitical Rhyme
    use of the same words in rhyming positions, such as veil and veil.
  27. Sight Rhyme
    See Eye Rhyme
  28. Slant Rhyme
    • A
    • near rhyme in which the concluding consonant sounds are identical, but not the
    • vowels, such as “should” and “food”
  29. Silibants Rhyme
    Hissing Sound
  30. Liquids
    mooth; agreeable; flowing freely: the liquid voice of a trained orator.
  31. Plosives
    (of a stop consonant or occlusive) characterized by release in a plosion; explosive.
  32. Iambic Rhythm
    • A two syllable foot consisting of a light stress
    • followed by a heavy stress.
  33. Trochaic
    • A two syllable foot consisting of a heavy
    • followed by a light stress.
  34. Dactylic
    • - A three syllable foot
    • consisting of heavy stress followed by two lights such as “Notable Parables”
  35. Anapestic
    • a foot of three syllables, two short followed by one long in
    • quantitative meter, and two unstressed followed by one stressedin
    • accentual meter, as in for the nonce.
  36. Virgule
    • a short oblique stroke (/) between two words indicating that whichever
    • is appropriate may be chosen to complete the senseof the text in which
    • they occur: The defendant and/or his/her attorney must appear in court.
  37. Breve
    a mark (˘) over a vowel to show that it is short, or to indicate a specific pronunciation, as ŭ in (kŭt) cut.
  38. Spondee
    • - A two syllable font
    • consisting of successive, equally heavy accents.
  39. Monometer
    a line consisting of one metrical foot
  40. Dimeter
    A line consisting of two metrical feet
  41. Trimeter
    A line consisting of three metrical feet
  42. Tetrameter
    A line consisting of four metrical feet
  43. Pentameter
    A line consisting of five metrical feet
  44. Hexameter
    A line consisting of 6 metrical feet
  45. Heptameter
    A line consisting of 7 metrical feet
  46. Octameter
    A line consisting of 8 metrical feet
  47. Allegory
    • a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete
    • or material forms; figurative treatment of one subjectunder the guise
    • of another.
  48. Parable
    a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. 2.a statement or comment that conveys a meaning indirectly by the use of comparison, analogy, or the like.
  49. Fable
    a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters; apologue: the fable of the tortoise and the hare; Aesop's fables.
  50. Organic Plot
    The wording, coloring, and placement get people. Natural
  51. Mechanical Plot
    non organic
  52. Circular Plot
    Story begins at the end, and describes how the plot came to be
  53. Chiasmus
    a reversal in the order of words in two otherwise parallel phrases, as in “He went to the country, to the town went she.”
  54. Stock Characters
    • A
    • stock character is a stereotype. Stock characters rely heavily on
    • cultural types or names for their personality, manner of speech, and
    • other characteristics. In their most general form, stock characters are
    • related to literary archetypes, but they are often more narrowly
    • defined.
  55. Raisonneur Character
    a character in a play, novel, or the like who voices the central theme, philosophy, or point of view of the work.
  56. Confidante
    a woman to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed
  57. Epitaph
    brief poem or other writing in praise of a deceased person
  58. Characterization
    portrayal; description: the actor's characterization of a politician. The creation and convincing representation of ficitious characters
  59. Free Verse
    Verse that doesnt follow a fixed metrical pattern
  60. Blank Verse
    unrhymed verse, esp. the unrhymed iambic pentameter most frequently used in English dramatic, epic, and reflective verse.
  61. Fixed Verse
    follows a strict metrical pattern
  62. Open Verse
    • Poems
    • that avoid traditional structural patterns, such as rhyme or meter, in favor of
    • other methods of organization.
  63. Closed Verse
    • Poetry
    • written in specific and traditional patterns produced through rhyme, meter,
    • line-length and line groupings.
  64. Ode
    • A
    • stanzaic poetic from with varying line lengths and sometimes intricate rhyme
    • schemes.
  65. Concrete
    • Poetry depicting visual shapes in addition to
    • ideas and emotions.
  66. Villanelle
    • A
    • closed poetic form of nineteen lines, composed of five triplets and a
    • concluding quatrain. The form requires that whole lines be repeated in a
    • specific order and that only two rhyming sounds occur throughout.
  67. Clerihew
    • - A humorous closed form
    • poem in four lines, rhyming A-A-B-B usually about a real or literary person.
  68. Haiku
    • A
    • poetic form derived from Japanese, traditionally containing three lines of 5,7
    • and five syllables.
  69. Couplet
    Two Successive Rhyming lines.
  70. Heroic Couplet
    • Also
    • called Neoclassic couplet, Two successive rhyming lines of aimbic pentameter;
    • the second line is usually end-stopped. Couplets written between 1660 and 1800
    • are usually called heroic regardless of their
    • topic matter.
  71. Triplet
    • - A three line unit or stanza
    • of poetry, often rhyming A-A-A or A-B-A.
  72. Tercet
    • - A three line unit or stanza
    • of poetry, often rhyming A-A-A or A-B-A.
  73. Terza Rima
    • A
    • three line stanza from with the pattern A-B-A, B-C-B, etc.
  74. Quatrain
    A group of four lines united by rhyme
  75. Quintain
    five line poem
  76. Sestet
    • A
    • six line stanza or unit of poetry, the last 6 lines of an Italian sonnet.
  77. Septet
    • A
    • seven line stanza or unit of poetry
  78. Octave
    • first eight lines of an Italian sonnet, unifed
    • by rhythm, rhyme and topic.
  79. English Sonnet
    • A
    • fourteen line poem, in iambic pentameter, composed of three quatrains and a
    • couplet, rhyming A-B-A-B, C-D-C-D, E-F-E-F, G-G.
  80. Italian Sonnet
    • An
    • iambic pentameter poem of fourteen lines divided between the first 8 lines and
    • the last 6.
  81. Carpe Diem Poem
    poem that expresses making the most of time
  82. Enjambment
    he running on of the thought from one line, couplet, or stanza to the next without a syntactical break.
  83. Ballad
    a simple narrative poem of folk origin, composed in short stanzas and adapted for singing.
  84. Lyric
    • A
    • lyric poem with a number of repeating stanzas, written to be set in music.
  85. Pastoral Poem
    • a poem, play, or the like, dealing with the life of shepherds, commonly
    • in a conventional or artificial manner, or with simplerural life
    • generally; a bucolic.
  86. Satire
    a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
  87. Parody
    he use in the 16th century of borrowed material in a musical setting of the Mass
  88. Social Drama
    Post modern theatrics, that discusses the issues among society and how people deal
  89. Blocking Agent
  90. Farce
    • light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully
    • exploited situation rather than upon the development ofcharacter.
  91. Romantic Comedy
    Funny play but involves romance
  92. Comic Complications
    ubjected the classic to minute scrutiny.
  93. Slapstick
    • .broad
    • comedy characterized by boisterous action, as the throwing of pies in
    • actors' faces, mugging, and obvious farcical situationsand jokes.
  94. High vs Low Comedy
    Farce is low, Slapstick is High
  95. Tone
    (Emotional feel of the language) Examples: Angry, aggressive, bitter, candid, condescending, contemptous, direct, satiric, indigant, irreverant, mocking, proud, poignant, sarcastic, sharp, ironic, vengeful, afraid, apologetic, bored, cold, confused, detached, didactic, doubtful, morose, repentatn, resigned, restrained, sad, shocked, tired, ugrent, benevolent, compliomentary, consoling, dreamy, empathetic, fanciful, giddy, humorous, joyful, nostaligic, objective, peaceful, provocative, sentimental, sympathetic, vibrant, zealous.
  96. Voice
    • Persona: Prejudice, Education, Region, Sensible to, Outraged by, Nemesis, Age.
    • Attitude: DITS. Purpose: Describe, Persuade, Inform. Audience: Use Persona factors to analyze the reader.
  97. Stops
    Comma, dash, period, parantheses, ellipses, brackets, colon, semi colon, exclamation, question mark, etc.
  98. Syntax
    • Sentence Structure.
    • Examples; Construction Types: simple, compound, complex, compound/complex.
    • Statement Types: Declarative, interrogative, imparative, exclamatory.
    • Varying Sentence Lengths: Telegraphic, short, medium, long, labyrinthian.
  99. Attitude
Card Set
Lit Jargon
Second Tri Exam