AP Psychology

  1. behavior genetics
    study of relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior
  2. environment
    every nongenetic or external influence on our traits and behaviors
  3. chromosomes
    threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain genes
  4. DNA
    complex molecule containing genetic info. that makes up chromosomes
  5. genes
    • biochemical units of heredity that make up chromosomes
    • segments og DNA molecules capable of synthesizing a protein
  6. genome
    the complete genetic instructors for making an organism
  7. identical twins
    develope from single fertilized egg that splits in two and are genetically identical
  8. fraternal twins
    from two seperate eggs fertilized by different sperm and are no more genetically similar than ordinary siblings
  9. temperament
    refers to a person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intenisty
  10. heritablilty
    refers to the proportion of variation among individual that can be attributed to genes
  11. interaction
    the effects of one factor depend on another factor
  12. molecular genetics
    study of the molecular structure and function of specific genes
  13. evolutionary psychology
    study of the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of natural selection
  14. natural selection
    traits lead to increased reproduction and survival are the most likely to be passed on to succeeding generations
  15. mutations
    random errors in gene replication that are the source f genetic diversity within a species
  16. gender
    refers to the biological and social characteristics by which people define male and female
  17. culture
    enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values and traditions shared by a group of people and transitted from one gereation to the next
  18. norms
    are understood rules fro acceptance and expected behavior
  19. personal space
    refers tot he buffer zone that people like to maintain around their bodies
  20. individualism
    giving priority to personal goals over group goals and defining one;s identity in terms of personal attributes rather than groiup identification
  21. collectivism
    giving priority to the goals of one;s group and defining one's idenity accordingly
  22. aggression
    physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone
  23. x chromosome
    • the sex chromosome found in both men and women
    • females inherit an x chromosome from each parent
  24. y chromosome
    sex chromosome found only in men
  25. testosterone
    • principle male sex hormone
    • stimulates development of ecternal male sex organs
  26. role
    cluster of prescribed behaviors expected of those who occupy a particular social position
  27. gender role
    set of expected behaviors for males and females
  28. gender identity
    one's sense of being male or female
  29. gender typing
    acquisition of a traditional feminine or masculine role
  30. social learning theory
    people learn social behavior by observing and intimidating and by being rewarded or punished
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AP Psychology