General Small Animal Endoparasite

  1. Nematode
  2. Cestode
  3. Trematode
  4. Protozoa
    SIngle-cell parasite
  5. Definitive Host (DH)
    The host the adult parasite is found.
  6. Intermediate Host (IH)
    Host that harbors the larval or asexual stage of the parasite, needed to complete life cycle.
  7. Diagnostic Stage
    The stage that can can be used to detect the parasite.
  8. Points used to describe a Gross Fecal Exam.
    • Consistency
    • Color
    • Blood
    • Mucus
    • Parasites
  9. Advantages/Disadvantage of Direct Fecal Smear.
    Advantage: quick, small sample, useful for Giardia

    Disadvantage: May miss other parasites due to small sample size.
  10. Advantages/Disadvantage of sugar in fecal flotations.
    Adv: inexpensive, does not distort

    Dis: sticky, too dense for simple flotation
  11. Advantages/Disadvantage of zinc sulfate in fecal flotations.
    Adv: best for Giradia cysts/trophozoites, floats eggs w/ little distortion

    Dis: expensive
  12. Advantages/Disadvantage of sodium nitrate (fecalsol) in fecal flotations.
    Adv: inexpensive

    Dis: can destroy or obscure eggs after 15-20 mins and form crystals
  13. Advantages/Disadvantage of sodium chloride in fecal flotations.
    Adv: inexpensive

    Dis: distorts eggs, forms crystals
  14. Sample size for fecal flotations
    • 1g solid
    • 6g liquid
  15. Purpose of sedimentation.
    To detect fluke eggs that don't float well because of the specific gravity.
  16. Purpose of Baermann Technique
    Used to detect lungworms and other larvae in feces.
Card Set
General Small Animal Endoparasite
General questions for endoparasites.