Quiz Unit 4.1

  1. Does data increase or decrease?
    The amount of data increases ezponentially with time.
  2. What is Clickstream data?
    Data collected about user behavior and browsing patterns by monitoring users activities when they visit a web site.
  3. What is unstructured data?
    Their content cannot be represented in a computer record like digital pictures, video, voice packets and musical notes.
  4. Is data static?
    No, data decays overtime.
  5. Is data safe?
    No, data security, quality , and integrity are easily jeopardized.
  6. What is a data warehouse?
    A repository of subject oriented historical data that are organized to be accessible in a form readily acceptable for analytical processing.
  7. What is the data life cycle?
    • collection of data
    • storage of data
    • data warehouse or mart
    • data analysis
    • results from the data
    • solutions from the data
  8. Collection of data?
    • internal data
    • external data
    • personal data
  9. Storage of data?
    Data is stored in a data warehouse or data mart.
  10. What is data analysis?
    • Online queries
    • executive dashboards
    • decision support system
    • data mining
  11. What is data mining?
    Process of extracting patterns from large sets of data.
  12. What is a data mart?
    A small data warehouse designed for a strategic business unit or department.
  13. What is presented to users?
    Both the data and knowledgeare presented to the users.
  14. What is the database management system?
    It porvides all users with access to all the data.
  15. What is data redundancy?
    the same data is stured in many places.
  16. What is data isolation?
    When applications can't access data associated with other applications.
  17. What is data inconsistency?
    When various copies of the data don't agree.
  18. What is data integrity?
    Data meet certain constraints, such as on letters in a social security number field.
  19. What is data independence?
    When applications and data are independent of one another, or when all applications are able to access the same data.
  20. What is a bit?
    A binary digit; that is a 0 or a 1.
  21. What is binary?
    Binary means that a bit can consist only of a 0 or a 1.
  22. What is a byte?
    A group of eight bits that represents a single character.
  23. What does a byte consist of?
    A byte can be a letter, number or a symbol.
  24. What is a field?
    A grouping of logically related characters into a small group of words, or a complete number.
  25. What is a record?
    A grouping of logically related fields.
  26. What is a file or a table? Are they the same?
    Yes, a file or table are the same. They are a grouping of logically related records.
  27. What is a database?
    A database is a group of logically related files that stores data and the associations among them.
  28. What is a data model?
    A definition of the way data in a DBMS are conceptually structured.
  29. What is DBSM?
    • Database Management System
    • The software that provides access to a database.
  30. What is an entity?
    A person, place, thing, or event about which information is maintained in a record.
  31. What is an attribute?
    Each characteristic or quality describing a particular entity.
  32. What is a primary key?
    The identifier field or attribute that uniquely identifies a record.
  33. What are secondary keys?
    An identifier field or attribute that has some identifying information, but typically doesn't identify the file with complete accuracy.
  34. What is an ER diagram?
    • Entity Relationahip diagram
    • A document that shows data entities and attributes and relationships among them.
  35. What is an ER modeling?
    • Entity Relationahip modeling
    • The process of designing a database by organizing data entities to be used and identifying the relationships among them.
  36. What are entity classes?
    A grouping of entities of a given type.
  37. What is an instance of a entity class?
    A particular entity within an entity class.
  38. What is an identifier?
    An attribute that identifies an entity instance.
  39. What do entities have?
    Entities have attributes, or properties, that describe the entitys characteristics.
  40. What is a binary relationship?
    Relationships between two items.
  41. What are three types of binary relationships?
    • one to one
    • one to many
    • many to many
  42. What is 1:1?
    In a one to one, a single entity instance of one type is related to a single entity instance of another type.
  43. What is 1:M?
    In a one to many example, a professor can have many courses, but each course can have only one professor.
  44. What is M:M?
    In a many to many example, a student can have many courses, and a course can have many sturdents.
  45. Why is entity relationship modeling valuable?
    It's valuable because it allows database designers to talk with users throughout the organization.
  46. Why are DBSM's valuable?
    A DBSM maintains the integrity of store data, manages security, user access, and recovers information in case of system failure.
  47. What is a relational database model?
    Data model based on the simple concept of tables in order to capitalize on characteristics of rows and columns of data.
  48. What is a flat file?
    One big table that contains all of the records and attributes.
  49. What is SQL?
    Structured Query Language
  50. What is QBE?
    Query By Example
  51. What is OLTP?
    • Online Transaction Processing
    • Online processing of business transactions as soon as they occur.
  52. What is OLAP?
    • Online Analytical Processing
    • The analysis of accumulated data by end users.
  53. What is multidimensional structure?
    The manner in which data are structured in a data warehouse so that they can be analyzed by different views or perspectives, which are called dimensions.
  54. What is explicit knowledge?
    The more objective, rational, and technical types of knowledge.
  55. What is tacit knowledge?
    The cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning; highly personal and hard to formalize knowledge. For example: skill sets, trade secrets, know how, expertise, expierences, insights, understanding, learning.
  56. Tacit Knowledge
    This knowledge is typically not recorded.
  57. What is KMS?
    • Knowledge Management Systems
    • Information technologies used to systematize, enhance and expedite intra and interfirm knowledge management.
  58. What are best practices?
    The most effective and efficient ways to do things.
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Quiz Unit 4.1
Quiz for Unit 4.1