Explain TCP/IP attacks.txt

  1. SYN Flood
    Randomly opens TCP ports, tying up the network equipment or computer with a large amount of false requests, causing sessions to be denied to others
  2. DoS (Denial of Service)
    Sends abnormally large amounts of requests to a system preventing access to the services
  3. DDoS (Distrubited Denial of Service)
    Uses "zombies" to make tracing the origin of the DoS attack difficult to locate
  4. Spoofing
    Gains access to resources on devices by pretending to be a trusted computer
  5. Man-in-the-Middle
    Intercepts or inserts false information in traffic between two hosts
  6. Replay
    Uses network sniffers to extract usernames and passwords to be used at a later date to gain access
  7. DNS Poisoning (Domain Name System)
    Changes the DNS records on a system to point to false servers where the data is recorded
Card Set
Explain TCP/IP attacks.txt
Explain TCP/IP attacks