Phenom 100 Oral/ops specs

  1. When should the autopilot be off?
    • Twice allowable alt. loss 108'
    • or
    • 50' below MDA
    • or
    • 195' whichever is higher
  2. When do TKO Vspeeds turn off?
    > 160KIAS
  3. When is departure LFE Auto reset?
    • < 6,000'
    • < 5 min.
    • Descend 1000'
  4. What bus is fire protection on?
    • Hot batt. bus 1- Extinguishing
    • Emergency Bus- Detection
  5. What does FADEC do to auto relight engines?
    FADEC fires both ignitors and requests fuel flow to increase
  6. Where does hydraulic system get it's power?
    Central bus... it is the only thing on the central bus
  7. What is the primary input to the air/ground system?
    W.O.W. Proximety Switch
  8. How many pitch trim motors do we have and what do they do?
    2, Left trim motor is normal and right trim motor is backup
  9. How do flaps prevent split?
    Flap control unit monitors comand to allow flapa mvmt to prevent split... lever moves FCU makes sure signal is rcvd by both sides and once rcvs signal back from both sides flaps move to commanded postion
  10. How do we get pressurization system to go to auto?
    Input LFE
  11. What happens when we push the dump button?
    • Outflow valve opens
    • recirc fans are disabled
    • In manual CAB ALT goes to 14,500'
    • In AUTO CAB ALT goes to 12,000'
  12. What controls bleed air to the wing boots?
    Wing ejector flow control valve
  13. MEL Cat. :
    NEF Cat. :
    • MEL
    • A - Specified in remarks
    • B - 3 Consecutive Cal. Days excluding day recorded
    • C - 10 Consecutive Cal. Days excluding day recorded
    • D - 120 Consecutive Cal. Days excluding day recorded

    • NEF
    • All Cat. D - 120 Days- including date of discovery
  14. Derived Alt Wx Mins.
    • Add:
    • 400-1 to MDA(H)/DA(H) as applicable
    • 200-1/2 to the higher DA(H)/MDA(H) of the two approaches used

    • 400-1 need 1 ops nav facility providing a straight in non-prec. app proceed. or CAT 1 prec. appch or Circle f/ IAP
    • 200-1/2 need @ least 2 ops nav facilities each providing st-in app proceed. to different suitable rwys
  15. RVSM Equip Rqrmts.
    • 1- 2 ind. alt measure sys:
    • 2- one secondary surveilance radar alt. report txpdr
    • 3- one alt. alert sys
    • 4- one auto alt control sys. capable of auto control to a specifiic pressure alt.
  16. What are the RVSM In-flight limits?
    • FL290-FL410
    • 2 altimeters w/in 200' prior to entry and checked every 1 hr
    • A/P engaged prior to entry
    • Max Overshoot/undershoot 150'
    • Notify ATC when encountering > then mod. turb.
  17. Pre-Takeoff contamination check?
    • Step 1 - complete walkaround/tactile check
    • Step 2 - w/in 5 min of tko roll both pilots look @ respective wing and state " L/R wing appears clear of contamination"
    • Step 3 - If either doubt go back to pax cabin for a look... if still doubts
    • Step 4 - Go outside for another check
  18. De-ice checklist with engines running
    • Bleed rotary switch to off/vent
    • Set engines to idle
    • A/C mode switch to off


    • Wait @ least 1 min. after de-ice to turn bleed to both
    • Wait @ least 3 min. after de-ice to turn a/c mode to auto
  19. Minimum distances to execute a landing?
    • Dry - dry + 1000'
    • Wet Non-RFSC/AFSC - Dry + 25%+ 1000'
    • Wet RFSC/AFSC - 6500'
    • Contaminated - Applicable cont. value + 1000'
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Phenom 100 Oral/ops specs
Phenom 100 Oral/ops specs