Sociology 105

  1. Sucess
    • Defined as: Wealth, respect, a good job & family, a house in suburbs...
  2. The strain of the American Dream
    Not everyone has equal access to education & job
  3. Social stratification
    Opportunities are differentially distributed throughout society
  4. Social stratification is a system whcih ranks ppl in a hierarcy
    • * Not individual ineptitude or effort.
    • * Social mobility - changing positions in hierarch
    • * Involves not just inequality abut beliefs
  5. U.S. Class Distribution:
    • Capitalis (1%) $500K & up
    • Lowr rich (4%) 250K
    • Upper- Mid Class (11%) 90-150K
    • Lower Middle class (32%) 35-75K
    • Working class (32%) 16-30K
    • Working poor (13%) 10-20K
    • Underclass (7%) under 10K
    • ** 2009 median annual household income was $50,832
  6. Social class in the United States:
    • US has largest gap btwn the rich & poor
    • A family of 4 making $36,800 does not have enough to provide for basic necessities
    • Federal poverty rate is $18,400 for 4 ppl
    • Burdens of poverty falls most heavily on children (35% of poor in US are children)
  7. Walmart
    • Worlds largest retailer, food seller, and pharmacy
    • Worlds largest public Corporation
    • Worlds largest private employer
    • 38% have health insurance
    • Avrg hr wage: $8.23 vs union wage: $11.35
    • 65% of workforce are women
    • 67% of Management are men
  8. Walmart & Communities:
    For a 200 employee store, the federal gov't is spending:
    • $108K a yr for children healthcare
    • $125K a yr in tax credit ded
    • $42K a yr in housing assistance
    • On avrg gov't adds upto $420K a yr for Federal Tax payers per store.
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Sociology 105
chap 8-16