Latin Ch.1 Vocab

  1. pronoun, me, myself
  2. quid
    pronoun, what (quid pro quo)
  3. níhil
    noun, nothing (nihilism, annihilate)
  4. nōn
    adverb, not
  5. saépe
    adverb, often
  6. conjunction, if
  7. ámō, amāre, amāvi, amātum
    to love, like (amatory, Amanda)
  8. amābō tē
    • idiom, please
    • (lit., I will love you)
  9. cógitō, cōgitāre, cōgitávi, cōgitátum
    to think, ponder, consider, plan (cogitate)
  10. débeō, dēbére, débuī, débitum
    to owe; ought, must (debt, debit, due, duty)
  11. dō, dáre, dédī, dátum
    to give, offer (date, data)
  12. érrō, errāre, errávī, errátum
    • to wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
    • (erratic, errant, erroneous, error, aberration)
  13. laúdō, laudāre, laudávī, laudātum
    to praise (laud, laudable, laudatory)
  14. móneō, monēre, mónuī, mónitum
    • to remind, advise, warn
    • (admonish, monitor, monument, monster, premonition)
  15. sálveō, salvēre
    to be well, be in good health (salvation, saler, salvage)
  16. sálvē, salvēte
    hello, greetings
  17. sérvō, servāre, servávī, servātum
    • to preserve, save, keep, guard
    • (observe, preserve, reserve, resevoir)
  18. cōnsérvō, cōnserváre, cōnservávī, cōnservátum (con-servō)
    • to preserve, conserve, maintain
    • (a stronger form of servō)
    • (conservative, conservation)
  19. térreō, terrēre, térruī, térritum
    • to frighten, terrify
    • (terrible, terrific, terrify, terror, terrorist, deter)
  20. váleō, valére, váluī, valitūrum
    • to be strong, have power, be well
    • (valid, invalidate, prevail, prevalent, valedictory)
  21. válē (valēte)
    good-bye, farewell
  22. vídeō, vidēre, vídī, vīsum
    • to see; observe, understand
    • (provide, evident, view, review, revise, revision, television)
  23. vócō, vocāre, vocávī, vocātum
    • to call, summon
    • (vocation, advocate, vocabulary, convoke, evoke, invoke, provoke, revoke)
  24. Present Active Indicative for first and second conjugation of verbs
    • -ō, or -m
    • -s
    • -t
    • -mus
    • -tis
    • -nt
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Latin Ch.1 Vocab
Wheelock's Latin Chapter 1 Vocabulary