Metabolic Training

  1. What are the 3 energy systems?
    • 1. ATP/CP (Phosphagen System)
    • 2. Anaerobic Glycolysis (Lactic Acid System)
    • 3. Aerobic System (Oxidative System)
  2. What do the energy systems do during exercise?
    Provide skeletal muscle with fuel or energy substrate (called ATP)
  3. Simple target HR calc...
    • 220-age(21) = 199
    • Mult by a % ( .6 and .85 )
    • Zone = (119.4 - 169.15)
  4. Karvonen THR calc...
    • Max HR (199) - Rest HR (51) = 148
    • 148 x a % ( .4 and .85 ) + RHR
    • 59.2 + 51= 110.2 and 125.8 + 51= 176.8
    • HR Zone = 110.2 to 176.8
  5. Two components of metabolism are...
    • 1. Catabolism - Breakdown (Yields ATP)
    • 2. Anabolism - Build up (Requires ATP)
  6. Cardiovascular factors...
    • Mode - what your doing
    • Frequency - how often
    • Intensity - % HR Max
    • Duration - how long per session
  7. Times for 3 energy systems are...
    • ATP/CP- ~20 secs
    • Anaerobic Glycolysis- up to 3 mins
    • Aerobic- 3 mins to Hours
  8. ATP/CP replenishes...
    • 50% in 30 secs
    • 75% in 60 secs
    • 90% in 2 mins
  9. VO2 MAX is...
    The highest rate of oxygen consumption during maximal exercise measured in ml/kg/min.
  10. Borg Scale...
    • Typical for CR training is 12-16
    • 6 nothing
    • 7 very, very light
    • 8
    • 9 very light
    • 10
    • 11 fairly light
    • 12
    • 13 somewhat hard
    • 14
    • 15 hard
    • 16
    • 17 very hard
    • 18
    • 19 very, very hard
    • 20 (maximal)
  11. Fick Equation is...
    • ((( VO2 Max = Max Cardiac Output (Q) x Max (a-v) difference )))
    • Q= HR x SV
    • SV= EDV - ESV
    • Ejection Fraction(EF) = SV/EDV
  12. 3 muscle fiber types are...
    • Slow Twitch
    • Fast Twitch A
    • Fast Twitch B
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Metabolic Training
Metabolic Training class at BSC