1. 3 primary sites for arterial blood sampling
    • radial
    • brachial
    • femoral
  2. what other sites can be used to obrain a blood gas sample from an infant
    • capillary samples
    • heel sticks
    • umblical arterial lines
  3. capillary gases should not be used to monitor
    o2 therapy
  4. po2 values do not correlate very well with
    actual arterial blood
  5. advantages of umbilical artery catheter UAC
    • allows cont monitoring of blood pressure
    • arterial samples for ABG and other lab analysis
    • blood replacement
  6. what test should be performed prior to obtaining a sample from the radial artery
    modified allens test-- is used to assess the collateral circulation in the hand prior to drawing a radial ABG
  7. in a mod allents test the hand should pink up within ____ seconds after releasing the ____ artery
    • 1-2 seconds
    • ulnar artery
  8. for detecting a machine that is out of control, the + standard deviation SD range is used
    levey- jennings charts
  9. values on a levey - jenning chart should remain within
    2 standard deviations + SD of the mean
  10. situation-- all the values are within 2 standard deviations of the mean
    in control
  11. situation- one 1 point falls outside the + 2 standard deviation range
    random error
  12. point of care testing refers to any type of monitoring done at the
  13. PAo2
    alveolar air equation
  14. formula: PA02
    (7 x fio2) - (paco2 + 10)

    don't got to put decimal on fio2
  15. A-aDO2
    A-a gradient// measures the difference btwn alveolar and arterial po2
  16. formula: A-aDO2
    PAO2 - PaO2
  17. normal value
    25-65 mm hg on 100%
  18. v/q mismatch
    66-300 mm Hg
  19. shunting
    > 300 mm hg
  20. CaO2
    arterial oxygen content
  21. formula: CaO2
    (hb x 1.34 . Sa02)
  22. Ca02 normal value:
  23. Cvo2
    mixed venous o2 content
  24. the blood is drawn from the _______ artery via the _________, flow directed _____ catheter
    • pulmonary artery
    • balloon tip
    • swanz
  25. Cv02 normal value:
  26. Sv02 and Cv02 value will decrease when
    CO decrease
  27. C(a-v)02
    arterial venous o2 content difference
  28. C(a-v)02 formula:
    CaO2 - CvO2
  29. C(a-v)O2 normal value
  30. ratio of the partial pressure of arterial o2 to the inspired factional concentration of 02
  31. pao2/fio2 ratio is used in determination of
    • ALI acute lung injury
    • ARDS
  32. normal value
    380 torr or greater
  33. ratio less than 300 signifies
  34. ratio less than 380 signifies
  35. Qt
    cardiac output
  36. formula Qt:
    VO2/ C(a-v)O2 (10)
  37. Qt normal value
    4-8 l/min
  38. Qs/Qt
    shunt equation
  39. Qs/Qt normal value
  40. Sao2
    arterial o2 saturation
  41. normal value of Vd/Vt
  42. paco2 less than 35, is pt ventilating?
  43. abnormal pco2, with normal ph, don't change
    ventilation (chronic pt, copd)
  44. pao2 below 80
    • v/q mismatch
    • shunting
    • venous admixture
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