History Final

  1. Rapid demobilization occurred after World War II because
    within 2 years more than 12 million members had returned, in 1947 1.5 million army members and 700,000 navy members had returned
  2. In order to maintain 2 million people in the armed services after World War II Congress:
    passed a peacetime Selective Service Act
  3. The Employment Act of 1946 was significant because it committed the federal government to:
    assume responsibility for promoting maximum employment, production, and purchasing power
  4. What were the provsions of The servicemen's Readjustment Act (G.I.'s Bill of Rights)?
    • unemployment compensation to veterans who could not find jobs
    • loans for purchasing homes, farms, and businesses
    • free tuition, books, and subsistence pay for job training and 4 years of college/university training
  5. During Truman's presidency the Republican Congress proposed the 22nd Amendment to the constitution which stipulated:
    limit president to 2 terms or 10 years
  6. What were the terms of the National Labor Relations act (Teft-Hartley Act) of 1947?
    • condemned unfair union methods
    • forbade the closed shop
    • allowed right-to-work laws
    • president got the power to get a court injunction against a strike
    • required unions to report to the Department of Labor the names and compensation of officers, amount of initiation fees, dues, receipts and disbursements, and details of insurance benefits
  7. Which Truman proposals did congress accept?
    • raising min. wage from 40 cents to 70 cents
    • Housing Act of 1949
    • Social Security Act of 1950
  8. The presidential election of 1948 is known for being:
    one of the greatest upsets in American political history
  9. What Fair Deal proposals by Truman did congress reject?
    • repeal of Taft-Hartley Act
    • creation of valley authorities for the Columbia and Miss. River valleys
    • approval of St. Lawrence Seaway Project
    • admit Alaska and Hawaii
    • federal aid to education
    • universal military training
    • improved farm support program
    • a national health insurance program
    • a federal anti-poll tax bill
    • fair employment practice act
  10. According to Karl Marx private ownership of capital goods and the use of those goods for private gain were the basic causes of:
    • war
    • crime
    • greed
  11. According to Karl Marx a class war would occur between owners of capital goods, called bourgeoisie, and workers who were called the:
  12. Supporters of communist causes but not joiners of the party were called:
    fellow travelers
  13. Name the leaders of the Soviet Union up to the 1960s
    • Lenin
    • Stalin
    • Nikita Krushchev
  14. Within two years after the Loyalty review Board started checking the loyality of employees of the federal government about ___ resigned while under investigation.
  15. The second "Red Scare" in the United States was prompted by:
    Joseph McCarthy
  16. Who was the state department employee found guilty in 1950 of perjury after denying under oath that he passed US secrets to Soviet agents?
    Alger Hiss
  17. Why did Eisenhower and the Republicans win in the 1952 elections?
    • Eisenhower was popular as a military commander
    • scandels during Truman's admin. were widely publicized
    • Republicans capitalized on "Red Scare"
    • Stevenson's speeched were dull
  18. Richard Nixon was chosen as Eisenhower's vice presidential running mate because of his:
    strong anti-communist stand during "Red Scare"
  19. What was President Eisenhower position on wage and price controls, offshore oil deposits, anti-pollution bills?
    • lifted wage and price controls and allowed rent control only in specified areas
    • turned over nationally owned offshore oil deposits to adjacent states
    • vetoed antipollution bill
  20. What was President Eisenhower's position about federal power, TVA, and public housing?
    • vetoed housing
    • low income housing continued to be supported but at a reduced rate
    • reduced economic controls to check federal governments growing power
    • checked expansion of TVA
  21. What New Deal measures were continued during the Eisenhower administration, especially with a Democratic Congress?
    • Social Security program
    • min. wage
    • federal government assisted farmers
  22. The joint US-Canadian construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway, opened in 1959, linked bodies of water to the Atlantic ocean.
    Great Lakes with Atlantic by the way of St. Lawrence River
  23. What were the emphases of the National Defense Education Act of 1958?
    American education needed improvement after Russia lauched the Sputnik space satellite.
  24. What did the Federal Highway Act of 1956 entail?
    • provided 25 billion over a 10 year period for construction of 42,500 miles of interstate highway linking all major urban areas.
    • government paid 90% and the states 10%
  25. Know about the independence of the following: Philippines, Netherland East Indies, Indochina, Indian subcontinent.
    • Philippines-July 4, 1946
    • Indian subcontinent- 4 independent states in 1947-1948, India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma
    • Indochina-4 small states- 1954, Laos, Cambodia, North and South Vietnam
    • Netherland East Indies-1949
  26. The Eisenhower administration pursued the "New Look" in foreign policy which stressed:
    massive retaliation
  27. Mao's Chinese communist government ended its assault on Quemoy and Matsu after secretary of State John Foster Dulles warned about:
    China would not be appeased.
  28. In the 1950s and 1960s many British, French, Italian, and Belgium colonies in (what area) won independence.
    Central and Southern Africa.
  29. What Egyptian ruler came to power in 1954 and desired to lead an Arab nationalist movement?
    Gamal Abdel Nasser
  30. Britain and France got involved in military actions in the Middle East in 1956 because of their concern over?
    The canal
  31. The US State Department cancelled a loan offer to Egypt for building the Aswan Darn after learning that Egypt was mortgaging its cotton to
    Iron Curtain countries for arms.
  32. The US got Britain and France to withdraw its military forces from the Middle East by threatening to
    cut oil shipments to them and withhold loans to Britain from International Monetary Fund.
  33. In 1957 Congress approved the Eisenhower Doctrine which authorized the president to send troops to any nation in the Middle East that asked for help when threatened by:
    international communism
  34. Secretary Dulles had talked about liberating captive peoples but the US took no actions to help __ in their 1956 revolt
    Hungary or poland
  35. The Eisenhower Doctrine was applied by the president in 1958 when he sent troops to
  36. Eisenhower sent troops to Lebanon because of a threat to it by
    United Arab Republic
  37. In the U-2 Incident what was the U-2, its pilot, its mission, and the results of it being shot down by Russia?
    • photographic plane
    • Francis Gary Powell
    • taking pictures of soviet military installations
    • insisted on an apology but didn't get one, believed using to avoid negotiating and to embarrass US
  38. Eisenhower and Khrushchev made plans to hold a summit meeting after the Soviet leaser demanded that the US, Britain, and France do what
    withdraw from West Berlin and to negotiate directly with East Germany over access to West Berlin
  39. In what country was the CIA responsible for the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954?
  40. US intervention in Nicaragua in 1954 led too
    jacabo arbenz being overthrown
  41. Who made Cuba the first American satellite of the Soviet Union?
    • Fidel Castro
    • Che Guevara
  42. In what Latin American country was the dictator overthrown in 1959, a communist government established, the churches forced to close, and banks and major industries taken over by the government?
  43. The 1960 presidential race between Kennedy and NIxon was notable because they
    • 1st televised presidential debate in American history
    • neither won on issues
  44. The name of Kennedy's program was the
    New Frontier
  45. In Kennedy's inaugural address he said "...ask not what your country can do for you - ask what
    you can do for your country
  46. The Kennedy administration was successful in getting Congress to
    • aid to depressed areas
    • a temporary boost in unemployment benefits
    • increased social security payments
    • a comprehensive housing and community development program
    • Area Redevelopment Act
    • Trade Expansion Act
    • Apollo Space Program
    • Peace corps
  47. The Kennedy administration failed to get congress to
    • medicare
    • federal aid to education and school building
    • slashed 500 million for foreign aid
    • mass transportation bill
    • Department of Urban and Housing Affairs
    • Youth Conservation corps
  48. The most controversial act adopted by congress was the Area Redevelopment Act whish provided for loans and grants to
    urban and rural areas where unemployment was high
  49. The Trade Expansion Act of 1962 authorized the president to
    reduce tariffs by up to 50% for nations that reciprocated
  50. Kennedy got congress to launch the Apollo space program in order to
    land a man on the moon by the end of the decade
  51. Kennedy established the ___ corps which was responsible within 2 years of sending 5000 volunteers to help developing nation improve their education, irrigation, agriculture, health, and sanitation.
  52. President Kennedy reacted in 1962 to the decision by steel companies to raise their prices by
  53. Kennedy approved of the invasion of (what country), in part because during the presidential campaign he had been so critical of the Eisenhower administration for being weak in dealing with the communists.
  54. What were the results of the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
    • Castro regime was strengthened in cuba
    • drew closer to the soviet union
    • US suffered internationally from condemnation and from the spread of anti-yankee sentiments in latin america
    • kennedy placed economic blockade on cuba
  55. Responding to JFK's firm stand over West Berlin the Soviet Union:
    built a wall between eastern and western zones of berlin
  56. Kennedy responded to Khrushchev's attempt to establish communist control over West Berlin by:
    preparing for war.
  57. Kennedy responded to the construction of missile bases in cuba by:
    • convened an informal meeting of the executive committee of the national security council
    • imposed a quarantine
    • consider missile attack
  58. the cuban missile crisis ended when
    khrushchev told US to withdraw so kennedy agreed and the crisis was over
  59. internal divisions in the form belgium colony of __ and the involvement there of the US, the UN, and the Soviet Union illustrated the way that the cold war could spread
  60. the 1963 test ban treaty signed by the US and the soviet union
    • 1963
    • nuclear testing
    • only underground testing was permitted
    • led to the fall of khrushchev
    • kennedy took the initiative speech
  61. in order to stimulate the economy Johnson for congress to pass the revenue act of 1964 which
    11 billion dollar tax cut
  62. the urban mass transportation act of 1964 was a landmark because it involved the federal government in mass transit to deal with the increasing tendency of urbanized areas to
    cut across the jurisdictional lines of cities and even states
  63. what programs were associated with johnson's war on poverty
    • economic opportunity act of 1964
    • job corps
    • work-study
    • volunteers in service to america
    • community action program
    • head start
  64. what was the purpose of each of the following: job corps, VISTA, CAP, and head start?
    • Job corps-train young people who lacked marketable skills
    • VISTA-group of workerss trained to assist state and local programs in providing community services
    • CAP-community programs to improve employment opportunities
    • head start-disadvantaged pre-school children
  65. what were the provisions of the civil rights act of 1964
    • prohibited public accommodations
    • authorized the executive branch to withhold federal grants or contracts from any institution
    • attorney general to initiate desegregation suits 6 grade education
    • community relations service
  66. which of the following did the civil rights act not prohibit
    private clubs from denying equal rights to african americans
  67. was the civil rights act far-reaching
  68. what historical measure occurred regarding the civil rights bill and debate in the senate
    senate voted cloture on a civil rights bill
  69. concerning the 1964 presidential campaign why did goldwater lose, who was george wallace, what were the votes of the southern states, and what was the margin on LBJ's victory
    • public thought he would be too willing to use nuclear weapons
    • governor of alabama
    • voted for goldwater
    • 61.3%
  70. the republican presidential nominee in 1964 who opposed johnson was
  71. johnson's domestic program was called the
    great society
  72. one goal of LBJ's great society was that everyone must
    have equal opportunities and the quality of life must be improved
  73. johnson got congress to provide $1.1 billion for highway construction, health centers, and resource development for
  74. johnson got congress to establish medicare which is a federally sponsored compulsory medical insurance program of medical aid for
    those over 65 under the social security system
  75. what were the provisions of the housing act of 1965
    • expanded urban renewal programs
    • funds for municipalities
    • supplied rent supplement
    • department of housing and urban development
  76. the first african american cabinet member was
    robert c weaver
  77. johnson brought major change in immigration policy in the immigration and nationality act of 1965 which
    eliminating the racist basis for american immigration that had dominated laws since the early 1920s
  78. the voting rights act of 1965 stipulated that __ could register voters in states and political subdivisions where less than 50% of the population had been registered to vote in the 1964 presidential election.
    federal examiners
  79. what was the purpose and provisions of the "model cities" act?
    • emphasis of the great society on the poor and the urban areas
    • coverd up 80% of cost to cities in slum clearance and rehabilitation
    • encouraged comprehensive metropolitan planning
  80. whose book, unsafe at any speed, inspired the traffic safety act of 1966
    ralph nader
  81. probably the main reason for the slow down of great society programs after 1966 was the
    • congressional resentment mounted
    • republicans gained 47 seats in the house
    • 3 in senate
    • business community became resentful of administration
    • escalation of war in vietnam
  82. the north atlantic alliance experienced strained relations because
    • US senators urged reduction of american forces in europe
    • de gualle sympathized with the french speaking separatist movement in quebec
    • france continued refusing britain's bid to join the common market
  83. charles degaulle of france contributed to the decline of NATO by
    • blocked britain's attempt to join common market
    • france withdrew
    • nato headquarters to brussels
  84. in 1964 a roit occurred in __ where native students demanded that their national flag be flown alongside the US flag at balboa high school
  85. president johnson sent troops to ___ in 1965 to restore peace and promote a free elections in a place where he feared communist subversion
    dominican republic
  86. which nations were involved in waging war on israel in the 1967 six day war
    • israel
    • egypt
    • syria
  87. in 1967 israel launched air strikes first on __ after terrorists raided israel from the golan heights
  88. one result of the 1967 six day war is that
    • israel proved her superior capability
    • retained possession of the occupied territory for protection or for bargaining pieces
    • nasser retained support
    • egyptians got soviet aid
    • problems with peace made by UN
  89. what nation achieved one of the most outstanding military successes in modern history in the 1967 six day war
  90. soviet leader leonid brezhnev: policy or actions regarding nuclear weapons, direct air service to NY, US societ relations, and cold war
    • nuclear weapons: both countries agreed not to use or deply nuclear weapons in outer space
    • direct air service to NY: and moscow
    • US soviet relations: the US still criticized soviet action but continued trying to improve relations
    • Cold war: people suggest it had ended
  91. in spite of the soviet union invading __ and replacing alexander dubeck, the US continued trying to improve relations with the soviet union
  92. what party was organized by southern delegates after the democratic convention of 1948 nominated truman on a pro-civil rights platform
  93. in its report, to secure these rights, the committee on civil rights appointed by truman denounced
    all government and some private race discrimination or segregation
  94. what alabama governor was an unrestrained critic of the supreme court's decisions on civil rights
    john patterson
  95. truman failed in his legislative efforts in 1949 to promote the pro-civil rights agenda because
    southern filibusters
  96. the oliver brown et al. bs board of education of topeka, kansas (1954) is perhaps the most momentous judicial decision of the century because the supreme court ruled
    "separate but equal" was unconstitutional
  97. resistance in the south to the civil rights movement began to grow after the supreme court issued instructions to federal district courts to implement desegregation
    "with all deliberate speed"
  98. the most notorious action in resisting integration occurred in __ where the county board of supervisors eliminated funds from the schools which were closed for 4 years
    prince edward county
  99. in resisting integration, virginia implemented massive resistance which included providing __ for parents of children who attended private schools as a result of the closure of public schools
    • repealed the state's compulsory achool attendance law
    • required withholding of state funds from any school district
  100. the arrest of __ who refused to give up her seat on a city bus in montgomery alabama in december 1955 led to an effective black boycott of the city transit system
    rosa parks
  101. in his civil rights efforts martin luther king organized what organization in 1957 which worked primarily through churched
    southern christian leadership conference
  102. martin luther king incorporated the "sit-in" into his tactics to achieve civil rights. he got the idea from black college students who staged a "sit-in" at a dime store lunch counter in
    greensboro, NC
  103. by the end of 1961 the public schools of all of the following states except remained completely segregated
    • alabama
    • miss
    • SC
  104. who did the university of mississippi board of trustees authorize to accept or reject the application of james meredith to a state univeristy
  105. who sponsored the "freedom riders" to test segregation laws in the south in 1961?
    congress of racial equality
  106. where was the lead bus of the freedom riders fire bombed on mother's day, 1961?
  107. after the arrest of the freedom riders and other civil rights participants in jackson, miss in 1961, who petitioned the ICC to ban segregation in interstate travel
    robert kennedy
  108. what commissioner of public safety met demonstrators in birmingham with clubs, guns. fire hoses, and police dogs
    eugene bull connor
  109. the main organizer of the 1963 march on washington was
    bayard rustin
  110. what state was the focus of freedom summer in 1964
  111. in 1963 martin luther king, jr. and __ staged a demonstration of blacks to protest birmingham's segregation practices
    reverend fred shuttlesworth
  112. martin luther king jr. planned a march throughtout alabama and decided to start from selma because blacks there had been denied
    being registered to vote
  113. what was the outcome of the civil rights demostrations in birmingham in 1963
    • 3000 were jailed
    • civil rights bill
  114. in early april 1968 martin luther kind jr was assassinated in memphis tenn. where he had gone to lead a
    demonstration of city garbage workers
  115. during the 1963 march on washington martin luther king jr gave a memorable speech entitled
    i have a dream
  116. martin luther king jr and marchers went across what bridge at selma on their way to montgomery and were forced by state troopers using tear gas and night sticks to turn around
    edmund pettis bridge
  117. what were the objectives of the participants in freedom summer
    • establish schools for illiterates
    • establish community centers for blacks and assisting african americans in registering to vote
  118. the first major race roit since the end of WWII occurred in the loa angeles suburb of watts after a police officer made a routine traffic arrest and then
    struck a black protesting bystander with a club
  119. the black panthers demanded all of the follwing except
    • guaranteed income for all citizens
    • exemptions of blacks from military service
    • government funds for cooperative housing facilities
    • reparation payments as retribution for slave labor
    • release of all black prisoners
    • the use of all black juries to try black defendants
  120. blacks muslims preached all of the following ideas except
    superiority of black people and institutions and predicted the eventual collapse of the decadent white society, including the corrupt christian religion
  121. black nationalists promoted black pride because they felt
    that white saw black as inferior
  122. the long hot summer of 1967 saw outbreaks of violence in how many communities
  123. what were the recommendations and conclusion of the kerner commission
    • vastly increase government expenditures to help african americans
    • concluded that white americans must change their attitude toward blacks.
Card Set
History Final
History 202 Final