Language Disorders Aspect quiz 4

  1. The rules which govern the sequences of words and phrases in the sentences of a language are what comprise the component of _____________.
  2. In a sentence the noun phrase(s) and the verb phrase are the major ________________.
  3. Those aspects of nouns (as well as other words) which constrain their co-occurrence with other words are referred to as _________ _________.
    semantic features
  4. A noun such as milk would be noted as _________ (+ or - count)
    - count
  5. Words or phrases which serve to quantify, qualify, modify, rank or specify a noun are referred to as __________.
  6. The words a, an, and some represent __________ which are marked __________ (+ definite) or (-definite)
    articles, - definite
  7. The distinction in applying a, an, or some versus the is that the former forms are used to refer to ______ information whereas the latter form is used to encode ______ information.
    new, old
  8. Determiners which are used to denote singularity vs. plurality a well as relative proximity or distance from the speakers perspective are called ___________.
  9. Words that indicate the number or relative quantity in a set are _________ whereas words that indicate position or order are _____________.
    Cardinals, ordinals
  10. Words and forms that indicate relative quantities or degrees of a quality in comparing two things are called ___________. Words and forms that do this in comparing three or more things are _______________.
    comparatives, superlatives
  11. Write the syntactic formula for each of the following noun phrases:

    The three stars
    art [+def] + card + N[+plural]
  12. Write the syntactic formula for each of the following noun phrases:

    Some bigger boxes
    art[-def] + comp adj + N[+plural]
  13. Write the syntactic formula for each of the following noun phrases:

    Those first two children
    dem + ord + card + N [+irr.plural]
  14. Write the syntactic formula for each of the following noun phrases:

    Our last house
    gen + ord + N
  15. Write the syntactic formula for each of the following noun phrases:

    The most money
    art [+def] + super adj + N
  16. A modifier that preceds and modifies a noun is an __________; a noun that preceds and modifies a noun is a __________ _________; a word or phrase which serves to modify a verb is an ____________.
    Adjective, noun adjunct, adverbial
  17. Because each adjective embeds additional semantic information about the noun, adjectives are sometimes referred to as semantic __________.
  18. The three degress of an adjectival form are the base form, the -er or __________ form, and the -est or the ___________ form.
    comparative, superlative
  19. Adjectives may be formed from nouns and verbs through the use of _____________ inflections.
  20. A word that expresses action or makes a statement regarding a process or the state of some entity is a ________.
  21. In traditional grammar the
    NP in S----NP + VP
    was referred to as the subject and the VP was called the _____________.
  22. Classify the verbs in the following sentences as action, process or state verbs.
    a. The boy pulled the wagon.
    b. The girl was friendly.
    c. The dog became angry.
    • a. pulled (action)
    • b. was (state)
    • c. became (process)
  23. The uninflected form of a verb is also its __________ form.
  24. The verb form which implies a general characteristic activity or a regularly recurring activitiy is the _______ ________ _______ ________.
    third person singular present
  25. Past verbs take two forms ________ and ____________.
    regular and irregular
  26. The different phonetic forms used to indicated third person singualr present (/-s/, /-z/, /-ez/) and regular past tense (/-t/, /-d/, /-ed/) are referred to as ___________.
  27. Finite forms of verbs include the simple _________, simple ________, and the __________ _______ ________ _______.
    base, past, third person singular present
  28. Nonfinite forms would include the _________ participle and ________ participle forms.
    perfect, progressive
  29. Since auxiliaries are by definition "helping" verbs, they must occur with a _______ verb.
  30. Auxiliary forms which can convey various "moods" (such as permission, necessity, obligation, etc) are referred to as __________.
  31. Be- auxiliaries used with progressive and perfect verb forms vary according to person, number and ___________.
  32. When the Have- auxiliary is present the _________ verb form is required.
  33. Analyze the following verb phrases as in the example

    The boy was running.
    past progressive
  34. Analyze the following verb phrases as in the example:

    The duck is quacking.
    is quacking - present progresssive (singular)
  35. Analyze the following verb phrases as in the example:

    The man has washed.
    has washed - present perfect (third person)
  36. Analyze the following verb phrases as in the example:

    I have eaten now.
    have eaten - present perfect (first person)
  37. Analyze the following verb phrases as in the example:

    They are playing.
    are playing - present progressive (plural)
  38. Analyze the following verb phrases as in the example:

    She had fallen.
    had fallen - past perfect (third person)
  39. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    She should be playing now.
    modal auxiliary
  40. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    He is kicking the ball.
    Be- auxiliary
  41. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    They may have been singing.
    multiple auxiliary
  42. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    They will watch a movie.
    modal auxiliary
  43. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    She had taken her pills.
    Have - auxiliary
  44. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    The dog was barking.
    Be- auxiliary
  45. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    It could fall on you.
    modal auxiliary
  46. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    Bill is fixing the car.
    Be - auxiliary
  47. In the following sentences indicate the name of the underlined constituent as in the examples:

    He has entered the race.
    Have - auxiliary
  48. Verb forms which must occur alone are called ___________ while those that require an auxiliary are_________.
    finite, nonfinite
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Language Disorders Aspect quiz 4
Language Disorders Aspect quiz 4