scuba test

  1. Nose Pockets built into masks are used for?
    Equalizing pressure in the ears and sinuses
  2. Water absords body heat how many times faster?
    25 times *
  3. The amount of lead weight you will need will vary based on a number of things including?
    Type, Size and thickness of suit
  4. Most recreational diving is done in temperatures betweenÉ
    10 C-27 C
  5. Full wet suits should be worn when?
    Water 65 F-85 F
  6. When buying fins, suits and gear it is?
    have a good fit and comfort
  7. Dry suits should be worn in waters of?
    65 F
  8. S.C.U.B.A stands for?
    Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
  9. Whihch will affect your buoyancy more:

    Alumium or steel Cylinders?
  10. equipment used to monitor your air supply?
    Submersible pressure Gauge. *
  11. Using a computer provides the diver with many?
    Advantages over conventional analog gauges and dive tables
  12. When using the manual control button you should?
    Extend the inflator hose to the hiest point in order to get the greatest effciency in deflation.
  13. One of the most important piece of equipment when comes to protection is?
    Divers Language-for total diving system
  14. Two kinds of flags used are?
    Recreational and Alpha

    or international diver down flag.
  15. dive boats and dive boat operators require each diver to have?
    Inflatable service Warker

    so they can be seen above water.
  16. When travel it recommeneded to carry extra?
    Mask and high&low pressure hoses
  17. Cylinder must be Hydrostatically tested every? *
    5 YEAR and visually inspected every YEAR *
  18. With fins on it is easier to walk?
  19. Most common kick udes in Diving is?
    Swimmers Flatter kick
  20. When ascending you should?
    Extend one arm above your head
  21. When snorkling with a buddy its a safety plan to follow the ?
    One up-One down system
  22. Scuba Unit assembly order is?
    • -Attach Buoyancy compensator to the cylinder
    • -Check the regulator
    • -Attach the regulator to the Cyclinder
    • -Ataach the low-pressure inflator
    • -Slowly pressurize the system
    • -Inflate and deflate the BC
    • -Lay down the scuba Unit
  23. Method for breathing through the secons stage is a?
    slow, stedy inhalation followed be a relaxed exhalation
  24. If you can not locate your primary second-stage another option is?
    Breath off your alternate air source unitl your primary van be located
  25. Safety stop is at how many feet?
    15 Feet
  26. Proper rate you suppose to ASCENT is?
    30 feet per min and should take 60 seconds to complete
  27. When exiting the water you should?
    Leave your equipment in place abd your BC Inflated.
  28. Sound in water travels? *
    4 X faster *
  29. Images in water look how much bigger?
    33 % bigger
  30. Common reaction to anxiety or fear is?
    rapid shallow breathing pattern
  31. To prvent carbon dioxide excess avoid?
    • Overexertion
    • dive with well maintained equipment
  32. Hypothermia will se in at what body temperature?
    95 F
  33. You can make as many Dives a day as you would like as long as you?
    Remain within the No-Decompression Limits
  34. The total amount of elapsed time from the start of your descent until you reach the surface is called?
    Bottom Time (BT)
  35. The Surface Interval (SI) is defines as?
    The amount of time the diver stays out of the WATER or on the SURFACE between dives
  36. Any dive statred more than 10 minutes and less than 12 hours after a previous scuba dive is called?
    Repetitive dive
  37. Dive computers plan and monitor your data when used properly can?
    add mintues to a dive and remain in the no-decompression limits
  38. Your nitrogen absorption rate is differnt than at SEA LEVEL when?
    At altitude 1000-feet due to lower atmopheric pressure, diving at altitude usually done in fresh water
  39. How many hours do you have to wait for decompression problems when wanting to drive or fly?
    • 24 hours
    • drive above 8000 FT
  40. Where in your dive logdoes it help you record your parameters and plan a repetitive dive?
    Dive profile
  41. water on earth is made up of?
  42. production in water is
    10% more than that on land
  43. how much Oxygen is produced by marine plants?
  44. the force that originally acts on the water to creat tides is?
    gravity of the moon and Sun
  45. near shore the best time for diving would probably be during periods of?
    Minimal exchange of water between tides
  46. the boundaries bewtween water layers is called?
  47. Returning water to sea is called?
    back current or rip current
  48. in a rip current you should ?
  49. Sea star, brittle staers sea urichins ect? all belong to what group of animal?
  50. The most visible life form in water is the fish and mammals they are called?
  51. Residual time RT is?
    Excessive nitrogen pressure still residual in the diver at the beginning of a repetitive dive.
  52. Surface interval SI is?
    the amount of time the diver stays out of the water pr on surface between dives
  53. No-decompression dive is?
    any dive that can be made to certain depth for a maximum amount of time so that a direct ascent can be made to the surface.
Card Set
scuba test
scuba test one