Burns External Anatomy

  1. Cranial Nerve exist
    • 3, 4: midbrain
    • 5,6,7,8: Pons, pontomedullary junction
    • 9,10,11,12: Medulla
  2. Flocculus
    • tufts of tissue
    • primitive eye movt, balance
  3. Foramen of Monro
    hole, drains LV-->3rd
  4. Anterior Commisure
    allows temp lobes to X talk
  5. Diencephalon
    • 1. thalamus
    • 2. Hipothal
    • 3. Epithal (pineal gland)
    • 4. 3rd V
    • (optic chiasm seen here, not part of dienceph tho)
  6. Foramen of Magendie
    • Medulla
    • drains into SC? Medial side
  7. Facts
    • IC is continuous with CP
    • Fornix goes to mammillary body
    • Lateral geniculate (part of thal) near hippocampus
  8. Hippocampus
    episodic memories
  9. Brain Stem:Midbrain blood supply
    • Posterior cerebral a & Superior cerebellar a (lateral)
    • Basilar (medial)
  10. Brain Stem:Pons blood supply
    • Superior cerebellar a & AICA (lateral)
    • basilar (medial)
  11. Brain Stem: Medulla blood supply
    • PICA & vertebral a (lateral)
    • Anterior spinal (medial)
    • Psoterior spinal a (more caudal segment)
  12. Terms
    • Tectum- "roof"
    • DORSAL to aqueduct
    • Tegmentum- "covering"
    • VENTRAL to aqueduct
    • Basal (ventral) region
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Burns External Anatomy
Burns External Anatomy