Biology Test

  1. Linnaeus's two-word system for naming organisms is called binomial nomenclature.
  2. Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying organisms
  3. All scientific names must have two Latin words
  4. The basic biological unit in the Linnaean system of calssification is the species
  5. An advantage of our scientific naming system is that biologists can communicate regardless of their native languages
  6. Under the Linnaean system of classification, plants and animasl are sorted into groups based on form and structure
  7. The largest division that a group of organisms can belong to is a domain.
  8. Protista is an example of a kingdom
  9. Similar genera are grouped into an family
  10. A species is a narrowly defined group of organisms
  11. Each level of classification is based on shared characteristics
  12. A biological species is isolated reproductively from other species
  13. A hybrid is produced from interbreeding between closely related species
  14. Dogs and wolves are members of the same family, the same genus, but different species
  15. The biological species concept is difficult to apply to asexually reproducing organisms
  16. Similar features evolved through convergent evolution are called analogous characters
  17. Analogous structures perform the samde function in organisms
  18. A protist may be unicellular and heterotrphic, unicellular and autotrophic, and multicellular and autotrophic
  19. The kingdom Protista includes most of the single-celled eukaryotes, slime and water molds and multicellular seaweed.
  20. Protists are found almost everywhere there is water
  21. Proteists: damp soil or sand as protists: oceans
  22. Eukaryotes that lack the features of animals, plants, or fungi are placed in the kingdom Portista
  23. You have been given an unknown organism to identify. You find that it is unicellular and has a cell wall. Which of the following must it also have? Asexual Reporduction
  24. When Chlamydomonas reproduces asexually, it divides by mitosis, and producing haploid gametes
  25. Zoospores are produced as a result of mitosis
  26. The haplod, gemete-producting phase in the life cycle of some portists is knwon as the gametophyte generation
  27. The marine green alga Ulva reproduceds sexually by alternation of generations
  28. Pseudopodia are used for movement by amoebas
  29. Amoebas capture food by engulfing it
  30. When an individual diatom gets too small because of repeated division, it slips out of its shell, grows to full size, and regenerates a new shell.
  31. Algae are found in both fresh water and salt water.
  32. Kinetoplastids reproduce sexually and asexually, are unicellular, cand cause diseases in humans.
  33. Euglena is an example of a protist that is both autotrophic and heterotrophic
  34. Dino flagellates: flagella as ::amoebas : pseudopodia
  35. The process in which two Paramecia coame together after meiosis to exchange parts of their genetic material is called conjugation
  36. RTTIA. Exvess water in the body of the Paramecium is forced back out by the structure labeled E
  37. RTTIA. The stucture that contains the cell's chromosomes is labeled B
  38. RTTIA. Structure E is the contractile vacuole
  39. RTTIA. The sturcture that contains fragmented chromosmes used in routine cellulat functions is labeled A
  40. Pseudopodia and cilia : locomatoin structures as ::food and contractile: : vacuoles in Paramecia
  41. In addition to causing diseased, protists also affect humans through their role in the nitrogen cycle, the diseases they transmit to plants, and the diseases they cause in livestock
  42. Giardiasis is a diease that is spread through contaminated food and water
  43. African sleeping sickness is spread by tsetse flies
  44. Which of the following are human diseases caused by protists? amebic dysentery, toxoplasmosids, malaria
  45. giardiasis: contaminated water :: malaria : mosquito
  46. The protozoan that causes malaria reproduces in the red blood cells of a human
  47. Malaria is caused by several species of Plasmodium
  48. The stage in the life cycle of Plasmodium in which it lives in mosquitos and is injected into humans is called the sporozoite, and follow a cycle.
  49. The symptomas of malaria include delirium, sweating and, include severe chills and fever
  50. Quinine can be used to relieve the sympotoms of malaria
  51. Chitin is found in fungi and in the outer shells of insects
  52. The individual filaments that make up the body of a fungus ae called hyphae
  53. Reproductive structures in which spores from are known as sporangia
  54. Mycorrhizae aid in the transfer of minerals from the soil to a plant
  55. A lichen consists of a fungus and an alga in a symbiotic relationship.
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Biology Test
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