one of the many tiny thin walled pockets in the lungs through which oxygen moves into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed
air sac
the process in which the body takes in fresh air containing oxygen and forced out used air, containing carbon dioxide
the number of times a person inhales in one minute
breathing rate
one of the two tubes into which the windpipe branches, one tube goes to each lung
bronchial tube
a tough flexible body material
the basic unit that makes up all living things
a large dome-shaped muscle separating the chest from the stomach area
One of a pair of spongy, bag-like organs of the body that expand when filled with air
the process in which cells use oxygen to release energy and give off carbon dioxide
the system by which oxygen is taken into the body and carbon dioxide is removed
respiratory system
the air passage that connects the throat to the lungs
a thick-walled blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
either of the two upper chambers of the heart
a tissue made up of a liquid called plasma and several types of cells
a tiny thin-walled blood vessel that connects an artery and a vein
the movement if blood to the heart through the network of blood vessels throughout the body and back to the heart
the heart and the network of blood vessels which work together to carry blood throughout the body
circulatory system
the body system that gets rid of harmful wastes produced by the cells
excretory system
the muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels of the body
one of a pair of organs that clean and filter blood
the number of times the heart beats in one minute; it is felt as a throbbing caused by blood rushing into the arteries each time the ventricles contract
the vessels that carry blood into the heart
either of the two lower chambers of the heart
a substance produced in the blood that destroys or weakens germs, helping the body fight diseases
certain one-celled organism that can be seen only with a microscope
a change or condition in the body having a particular cause and signs that keeps the blood from working normally
a chemical that affects or changes the way of the body or mind works
a tiny organism that causes disease and can be seen only with a microscope
a dangerous drug that is unlawful for people to have or to use
illegal drug
the body system that defends against germs by attacking and destroying germs as they enter the body
immune system
the smoke given off by another person's burning tabacco
secondhand smoke
a colorless, odorless gas
carbon dioxide
the colorless, ordoless, tasteless gas that makes up about 1/5 of the air