Health Assessment

  1. Gender most likely to suffer TMJ and age?
    Females between puberty and menopause
  2. Mechanical factors of TMJ
    • Malocclusion
    • Bruxism
    • Abnormal bite
    • Faulty dentures
  3. Gender most likely to suffer Gout
  4. Risk factors for Gout
    • Family history
    • Alcohol
    • Obesity
    • Hypertension
    • Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Arteriosclerosis
    • Thiazide Diurectics
    • Low dose aspirin
  5. Gender most likely affected by Osteoarthritis
    • Females >45
    • Males <45
  6. O.A. risk factors
    • Overweight
    • Repeated cartiage damage
    • Joint injury
    • Physical inactivity
  7. Age and gender most likely affected by Osteoporosis
    Women beginning at 35
  8. Race most likely affected by osteoporosis
    Whites and Asians
  9. Small boned and thin women weighing less than 127lb are most likely to suffer from what?
  10. Risk factors for Osteoporosis
    • Family History
    • Smoking
    • Alcohol
    • Inadequate calcium intake
    • Inadequate weight bearing activities
    • Estrogen deficiency
    • Removal of ovaries
  11. Use of glucocorticoids, methotrexate, thyroid hormone, antacids containing aluminum, cyclosporin A, and heparin can lead to the development of what?
  12. This pain is typically described at deep, dull, boring, or intense
    Bone pain
  13. Normally, the only time bone pain is associated with movement is when?
  14. What pain is usually described as "crampy"
    muscle pain
  15. What does sudden onset of pain and erythema in the great toe, ankle, and lower leg suggest?
  16. Clients with these conditions may awaken from pain and often have morning stiffness for 1-2 hours.
    R.A. and Tendonitis
  17. When do clients with osteoarthritis experience pain?
    Typically during weight bearing activities and then relieved by rest
  18. What is migratory arthritis?
    When pain moves among joints
  19. Name some examples of conditions that cause migratory arthritis.
    • Acute rheumatic fever
    • Leukemia
    • Juvenile arthritis
  20. Change in barometric pressure can cause which condition to worsen?
  21. Which condition pain is worsened by movement and which pain is helped with movement?
    • Arthritis gets worse
    • RA can get better
  22. Acute inflammation such as arthritis or gout produces what?
    • erythema
    • warmth
    • edema
  23. Joint pain that occurs 10-14 days after a sore throat may be associated with what?
    Rheumatic fever
  24. Proximal muscle weakness is typically categorized as...
  25. Distal muscle weakness is typically categorized as...
  26. Defined as bone mineral density more than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean of a young healthy adult woman.
  27. Healthy People 2010 objectives for osteoporosis.
    • Reduce the proportion of adults with osteoporosis
    • Reduce proportion of adults hospitalized for vertebral fractures associated with osteoporosis
  28. Primary prevention for Osteoporosis
    • Balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
    • Ca intake should be between 1000 and 1300mg per day
    • Vitamin D between 400 and 800 IU per day
  29. When should routine screening begin for women for osteoporosis?
  30. Women with increased risk of osteoporosis such as those weighing less than 70kg and no use of estrogen therapy should begin screening at what age?
  31. What is the minimal amount of years to detect a change in BMD?
    2 years
  32. Although back pain is equally common in men and women, which gender is most likely impaired from back and spine conditions?
  33. Which gender is more at risk for CVA, and which gender accounts for more than half the death related to CVAs?
    • Men at more risk
    • More women die
  34. Which race is most affected by CVAs?
    African American
  35. Risk factors for CVA
    • Family history
    • High blood pressure
    • Smoking
    • Diabetes
    • High cholesterol
    • Obesity
    • Alcohol
    • Transient ischemia attacks
    • A Fibrillation
    • Cocaine use
  36. Risk factors in women for CVA
    • Women who are pregnant
    • Use of birth control pills and smoking
    • Hypertension
  37. Injury to which lobe could cause changes in memory or cognition.
    Frontal lobe
  38. Common after a lumbar puncture.
    Transient headache
  39. What causes a headache after a LP?
    When a patient sits upright, loss of CSF causes tension on the meninges.
  40. Inability to coordinate movements or a staggering gait caused by a cerebral disorder.
  41. A neurological dysfuntion or a problem with the vestibule that makes it feel like the room is spinning.
  42. Inner ear infection
  43. Usually precedes a seizure and can have auditory, gustatory, olfactory, visual, or motor sensations.
  44. Why may someone who just had a seizure feel weak, confused, or sleepy after.
    Brain's glucose was used during the seizure and needs time to replenish
  45. What is the difference between tremors from Parkinson's and temors from a cerebellar disorder?
    • Parkinson's- Causes tremors at rest
    • Cerebellar Disorder- Cause tremors with intentional movement.
  46. What should be considered the problem when balance is impaired?
    • Cerebellum dysfunction
    • Inner ear dysfunction
  47. If client complains of falling to the right, this may indicate that muscle weakness is due to impaired nerve function on which side of the brain?
  48. Reduced sense of touch sensation
  49. Sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness to skin with no apparent long term effect
  50. Paresthesia may be caused by what?
    • Anemia
    • May fluctuate with posture, activity, rest, edema, or underlying disease
  51. What causes hypoesthesia?
    Could be caused by impaired circulation or nerve compression
  52. These diseases may cause excessive salivation that may increase need to swallow
    • Parkinson's
    • Myasthenia gravis
  53. Defective or absent language function.
  54. Impairment in speech.
  55. Inability to comprehend speech of others and of oneself.
    Receptive or Fluent Aphasia
  56. Associated with lesions in the Wernicke's area in the temperol lobe.
    Receptive or Fluent Aphasia
  57. Inability to communicate or translate ideas into meaningful speech or writing.
    Expressive or Nonfluent Aphasia
  58. Associated with lesions in Broca's area in the frontal lobe.
    Expressive or Nonfluent Aphasia
  59. People with Parkinson's may have trouble forming words because of what?
    Bradykinesia of facial muscles
  60. Healthy People 2010 goal for injury and violence prevention.
    Reduce injuries, disabilities, and death caused by unintentional injuries and violence.
Card Set
Health Assessment
Ch 15 & 16